115 research outputs found

    Chemical shift imaging from simultaneous acquisition of a primary and a stimulated echo

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    An imaging method is presented for obtaining chemical shift images from only one acquisition. Images are acquired with the same spatial resolution as in regular spin-echo imaging. The sequence is based on the simultaneous acquisition of a spin echo and a stimulated echo in a single pass. The use of 90 degrees radiofrequency pulse flip angles results in the same proton density, T2 and T1 weighting for the two echoes. Application of this sequence to chemical shift imaging is discussed for three fat suppression techniques (chopper, CHESS, and hybrid). Imaging was performed on phatoms and volunteers. The image quality was the same as those obtained by the chopper and the hybrid methods and the acquisition time was reduced by a factor of two

    Diffusion imaging with a multi-echo MISSTEC sequence

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    An imaging method is presented to measure the water-diffusion coefficient. The sequence (MISSTEC) uses the simultaneous acquisition of a spin echo and several stimulated echoes with the same intensity except for diffusion weighting. The optimal number of stimulated echoes was calculated to minimize the diffusion coefficient error (D). D values obtained in vitro and in vivo were in good agreement with those from the spin-echo sequence (IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion [IVIM] method). The total acquisition time is half that of the classic IVIM method

    Quantitative MR renography using a calibrated internal signal (ERETIC)

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    To measure MR renograms, cortical and medullary kidney signal intensity evolution is followed after contrast agent injection. To obtain an accurate quantitative signal measurement, the use of a reference signal is necessary to correct the potential MRI system variations in time. The ERETIC method (Electronic Reference To access In vivo Concentrations) provides an electronic reference signal. It is synthesized as an amplitude modulated RF pulse applied during the acquisition. The ERETIC method was as precise as the external tube reference method but presents major advantages like its free adjustability (shape, location and magnitude) to the characteristics of the organ studied as well as its not taking room inside the magnet. Even though ERETIC showed a very good intrinsic stability, systems’ variations still affect its signal in the same way as real NMR signals are affected. This method can be easily implemented on any imaging system with two RF channels

    Three-point Dixon method with a MISSTEC sequence

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    We propose an adaptation of the MISSTEC sequence (simultaneous acquisition of a spin echo and several stimulated echoes) for performing fat suppression with a three-point Dixon method. In vivo measurements were performed on healthy volunteers using a sequence of three echoes (one spin echo and two stimulated echoes) within a third of the acquisition time taken by the regular three-point method, with the same spatial resolution and with half the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Homogeneity of fat suppression was greatly increased in comparison with the two-point method

    Use of a stimulated echo sequence in the MRI study of the brain and spine

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    We describe in this paper how the STEAM sequence can be an efficient tool to obtain images free of flow artifacts in anatomical situation where the spin echo failed. The simplest way to eliminate flow artifacts is to exploit the dephasing induced by motion in magnetic field gradients and to reduce to zero the signal from moving tissues. This can be achieve by increasing the time elapsed between the spin excitation and the signal observed. Because of T2 relaxation, such an increase results in a signal decrease when the spin echo sequence is used. The STEAM sequence has the unique property that the time elapsed between observation and excitation can be increased without change in T2 value and so allows a good suppression of signals from the moving spins with short TE. Our results demonstrate that, although the stimulated echo intensity is only half that of a spin echo taken at the same read out time, the advantages of STEAM imaging can compensate for this partial loss in signal to noise in some particular clinical situations. The influence of mixing time on contrast has been evaluated using thoracic spine imaging and it has been shown that contrast between spine and CSF can be significantly improved (+ 60%) when TM is increased (from 17 ms to 50 ms). In the same time, the contrast between spine and fat issue decreases (40%). This last effect facilitates the adjustment of contrast window. Suppression of motion artifacts has first been evaluated with thoracic spine imaging, using a whole body coil. Suppression of artifacts was better than that obtained with a flow compensated spin echo sequence, especially in the case of kyphotic patients when a presaturation band was inefficient. In a second step suppression of motion artifacts has been evaluated from posterior fossa examination after injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent. The images obtained with the stimulated echo sequence show a dramatic reduction of signal from blood in the lateral sinus, and therefore an increase of quality by elimination of motion artifacts

    Cerebral MRI on fetuses submitted to repeated cocaine administration during the gestation: an ovine model

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    The aim of this study was to determine the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in investigating fetal cerebral lesions induced by long term exposure to cocaine during sheep pregnancy. Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Imaging was performed on two groups of fetuses at 125 days of gestation (normal gestation: 145 days). The control group consisted of eight fetuses of four pregnant ewes. The study group consisted of eight fetuses of four pregnant ewes receiving daily 140 mg/kg injection of cocaine from day 60 until delivery. The following MR sequences were applied: T1-weighted FLASH, and T2-weighted Fast-Spin-Echo. Cerebral images were evaluated semi quantitatively using the following criteria: Heterogenicity, contrast between grey and white matter, contours irregularity, hyposignal, lateral ventricle sizes. The brightness distribution and homogenicity of the images were analysed by means of edge pair distributions using a new computerized method originally designed for ultrasound images analysis developed by Ultrasight inc (USA). (1) Flash T1: Heterogenic areas and irregular contours were more frequent in cocaine exposed fetuses. The contrast between grey and white matter was more important in the cocaine group. Hyposignal was found only in the cocaine group. Enlarged lateral ventricle occurred more frequently in the cocaine group. (2) Spin echo T2: The contrast between grey and white matter was higher and the contours of the brain more irregular in the cocaine group. Heterogenicity and hyposignal were also more frequent in this group but the difference with the control group was not significant. The computerized analysis of the contrast density on the cerebral images showed that 88% of the areas exceeding the reference level concerned the cocaine group, while only 14% of the areas exceeding the reference level concerned the control group. Long term exposure to cocaine induces cerebral tissue modifications, in favor of an advanced maturation and the development of hypoxic lesions. The histology of the brains confirmed in the cocaine group, the existence of hypoxic lesions with gliosis, perivascular edema and hemorrhages, and neuronal death

    Radiofrequency map of an NMR coil by imaging

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    We propose a new imaging method to obtain a map of the radiofrequency (RF) field amplitude over a sample. The sequence contains three RF pulses (alpha, 2 alpha, and alpha) and produces two images by a classical spin echo and a stimulated echo. A third image is computed and gives the distribution of the flip angle alpha, and so the RF amplitude, over the sample. The accuracy of the flip angle determination is verified on an homogeneous sample and results show a good correlation between experimental and theoretical flip angles in the range of 50 degrees to 130 degrees. Experiments with a surface coil and a resonator show the method is available in an inhomogeneous RF field. Images obtained on the calf of a volunteer confirms the independence of the computed RF distribution from proton density, T1, or T2 contrast

    T1 mapping from spin echo and stimulated echoes

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    We present an imaging method to obtain a map of the spin-lattice relaxation time. Images were acquired with the same spatial resolution and in the same time as for a regular spin-echo acquisition. The sequence was based on the simultaneous acquisition of a spin echo and several stimulated echoes with the same intensity except for T1 weighting which increases with the interval between the excitation pulse and the readout pulse. T1 values obtained on phantoms were compared to those from the inversion-recovery method and show the accuracy (2%) and the precision (5%) of the method. T1 images of the brain of a healthy volunteer are presented and demonstrate the ability of the method to obtain T1 mapping in vivo in 12 min and without susceptibility artifacts. In vivo and in vitro results were compared to those obtained by a TOMROP sequence in the same acquisition time

    Acquisition of spin echo and stimulated echo by a single sequence: application to MRI of diffusion

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    A new method is described to measure the restricted diffusion coefficient with magnetic resonance imaging. The two images necessary to calculate the diffusion image are obtained with a simultaneous acquisition of a spin-echo and a stimulated echo, and so, in half the time needed by usual spin-echo or stimulated echo method. A different diffusion contrast is created on each echo. A map of an estimate of the diffusion coefficient and an estimation of T1 value are obtained with only one experiment. The accuracy of the method has been evaluated on phantom and results are in agreement with values found in previous papers and with measurements performed with a usual spin-echo method. Furthermore, in vivo measurements have shown that this method can be used without electrocardiogram triggering

    Comparison of three fat suppression sequences for the detection of vertebral detection. Turbo STIR, phase contrast gradient-echo, and MISTEC-Chopper after gadolinium injection

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    OBJECTIVES: Assess three fat suppression sequences used to search for spinal metastases: TurboSTIR, phase contrast gradient-echo, and MISTEC-Chopper after gadolinium injection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective study was conducted in 10 patients with primary neoplasia. MIR sequences acquired (1 Tesla) were TurboSTIR, T1 spin-echo with and without gadolinium injection, phase contrast gradient-echo and M-Chop after gadolinium injection. Signal intensity in normal bone marrow, metastatic tissue, and subcutaneous fat as well as background noise was measured. Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was determined. Lesion borders, artefacts, and extent of detected lesions were determined quantitatively. Bone marrow signal intensity was also recorded. RESULTS: S/N ratio was best with gradient-echo which identified well the borders of lesions within the hemopoietic marrow. For lesions located in high-fat marrow (as in post-radiation marrow), the high intensity signal of the lesion confounded with the fat signal. TurboSTIR gave effective fat signal suppression and was particularly useful for yellow marrow, less so for red marrow. This technique confounded cell proliferation with perilesional edema (enlarging lesion extention). In one case, this sequence did not detect a small lesion visible with the two other sequences. This sequence was sensitive to artefacts (especially vascular artefacts) which can produce false nodular images. M-Chop gave good suppression of vertebral fat tissue (better for yellow marrow) but subjective detection of lesions was more difficult. CONCLUSION: The phase contrast gradient-echo sequence after gadlinium injection appeared to be the best sequence excepting cases of post-trauma (radiotherapy or chemotherapy) fat transformation of the marrow where the TurboSTIR sequence could be preferred