5 research outputs found

    Unveiling Vulnerabilities in Interpretable Deep Learning Systems with Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks

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    Deep learning has been rapidly employed in many applications revolutionizing many industries, but it is known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Such attacks pose a serious threat to deep learning-based systems compromising their integrity, reliability, and trust. Interpretable Deep Learning Systems (IDLSes) are designed to make the system more transparent and explainable, but they are also shown to be susceptible to attacks. In this work, we propose a novel microbial genetic algorithm-based black-box attack against IDLSes that requires no prior knowledge of the target model and its interpretation model. The proposed attack is a query-efficient approach that combines transfer-based and score-based methods, making it a powerful tool to unveil IDLS vulnerabilities. Our experiments of the attack show high attack success rates using adversarial examples with attribution maps that are highly similar to those of benign samples which makes it difficult to detect even by human analysts. Our results highlight the need for improved IDLS security to ensure their practical reliability.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.0649

    To determine the role and importance of marketing research in the development of tourist routes

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    The article examines the role and importance of marketing research in the development of tourist routes in our country

    Technologies for the Development of Artistic Aesthetic Thinking of Students Through Art Works

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    Improving the content of education throught the effective use of modern information technology, especially throught the organithation of classes with the use of national works of art with a rich history created by the Uzbek people, and to describle their image in practical lessons It is effective to teach and educate future teachers more deeply the history of our national art, to teach students Uzbek national art in a spiritually harmonious way, with a high level of knowledge of national art.If the ways are scientificall substantiated and applied in practice, a lot of work will be solved in the development of innovative technologies for the formation of artistic and aesthetic thinking of students of generl secondary education

    Three-dimensional Visualization of Tourist Facilities as an Element to Provide Information to Tourist Firms

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    If we look at the features of modern tourism, virtual reality models such as spherical panoramas, 3D, etc. play an important role in providing information to the tourism industry. Such technologies allow tourism companies to attract potential customers and go on a virtual journey

    Microbial Genetic Algorithm-based Black-box Attack against Interpretable Deep Learning Systems

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    Deep learning models are susceptible to adversarial samples in white and black-box environments. Although previous studies have shown high attack success rates, coupling DNN models with interpretation models could offer a sense of security when a human expert is involved, who can identify whether a given sample is benign or malicious. However, in white-box environments, interpretable deep learning systems (IDLSes) have been shown to be vulnerable to malicious manipulations. In black-box settings, as access to the components of IDLSes is limited, it becomes more challenging for the adversary to fool the system. In this work, we propose a Query-efficient Score-based black-box attack against IDLSes, QuScore, which requires no knowledge of the target model and its coupled interpretation model. QuScore is based on transfer-based and score-based methods by employing an effective microbial genetic algorithm. Our method is designed to reduce the number of queries necessary to carry out successful attacks, resulting in a more efficient process. By continuously refining the adversarial samples created based on feedback scores from the IDLS, our approach effectively navigates the search space to identify perturbations that can fool the system. We evaluate the attack's effectiveness on four CNN models (Inception, ResNet, VGG, DenseNet) and two interpretation models (CAM, Grad), using both ImageNet and CIFAR datasets. Our results show that the proposed approach is query-efficient with a high attack success rate that can reach between 95% and 100% and transferability with an average success rate of 69% in the ImageNet and CIFAR datasets. Our attack method generates adversarial examples with attribution maps that resemble benign samples. We have also demonstrated that our attack is resilient against various preprocessing defense techniques and can easily be transferred to different DNN models