8 research outputs found

    Уровень знаний населения по основным вопросам радиационной безопасности

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    The goal of research was to determine the level of knowledge among the population on issues like sources of ionising radiation, methods of ionising radiation measurement, measures of self-protection in case of threating or actual radioactive pollution in the district, and to study self-estimation by the population of their knowledge of radiation safety issues. Research was carried out using the method of questioning of population groups in three regions close to the places of previous peaceful nuclear explosions (Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Tyumen regions), and in five Far East regions of the Russian Federation (Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Magadan and South-Sakhalin regions) after radiation accident in Japan at "Fukushima-1" NPP. This research included processing of 243 questionnaires from the regions close to places of previous peaceful nuclear explosions and 216 questionnaires from the Far East regions.The analysis of obtained questioning results enabled to make the following conclusions: the level of knowledge among the population about the basic concepts of radiation safety appeared to be generally low among respondents of all eight territories. Considerable number of respondents in seven groups correctly mentioned the x-ray device as a source of ionising radiation (from 71 to 88 % of answers). In Murmansk region – only 52 % of the answers. Respondents of the same seven groups often correctly answered the question on how to detect ionising radiation (only with devices) – from 68 to 98 % in different groups. The smallest number of correct answers to this question (42 %) is also noted among respondents from the Murmansk region.Level of knowledge on self-protection measures at threating or actual radioactive pollution of the places of residence appeared a little higher among the Far East region population, who had actual concerns regarding the threat of radioactive pollution at the present time. However, in all eight investigated groups many respondents did not know the right answers on self-protection measures, even the simplest ones – like “to close the windows”, “to search for additional information”, etc. Obtained data analysis enables to recommend organizations responsible for population protection against excessive radiation impact to use all methods of passive and active population informing on their optimum behavior in case of threating or actual radioactive pollution of the district, and to improve their knowledge of radiation safety basic issues. Цель исследований состояла в определении знаний населения, какие приборы и устройства являются источниками ионизирующего излучения, способов обнаружения ионизирующего излучения, мер самозащиты в случае угрозы или реального радиоактивного загрязнения местности, а также в изучении самооценки населением знаний вопросов радиационной безопасности. Исследование проводилось методом анкетирования групп населения в трех районах, близких к местам проведенных ранее мирных ядерных взрывов (Архангельская, Мурманская и Тюменская области), и в пяти субъектах Дальневосточного федерального округа Российской Федерации (Камчатский,Хабаровский, Приморский края, Магаданская и Южно-Сахалинская области) после радиационной аварии в Японии на АЭС «Фукусима-1». В рамках проведенного исследования были получены и обработаны 243 анкеты в районах, близких к местам проведенных ранее мирных ядерных взрывов, и 216 анкет в субъектах Дальневосточного федерального округа Российской Федерации. Было выделено восемь групп респондентов, количество респондентов в каждой группе составляло от 45 до 100 человек.Анализ полученных результатов проведенного анкетирования позволил сделать следующие выводы: уровень знаний населения о базовых понятиях в радиационной безопасности оказался в целом невысоким у респондентов всех восьми территорий. Значительное число респондентов в семи группах правильно выбирали в качестве источника ионизирующих излучений рентгеновский аппарат (от 71 до 88% ответов). В Мурманской области их оказалось всего 52%. Часто правильно отвечали респонденты тех же семи групп и на вопрос, как можно обнаружить ионизирующее излучение (только с помощью приборов) – от 68 до 98% в отдельных группах. Наименьшее количество правильных ответов (42%) на данный вопрос также отмечено у респондентов из Мурманской области.Уровень знаний о мерах самозащиты при угрозе или реальном радиоактивном загрязнении мест проживания оказался несколько выше у жителей Дальневосточного федерального округа, которые пережили реальные опасения по поводу угрозы радиоактивного загрязнения в настоящем времени. Однако практически во всех восьми исследованных группах многие респонденты не знали правильных ответов о мерах самозащиты, даже самых простых – таких как «закрыть окна», «искать дополнительную информацию» и т.п. Анализ полученных данных позволяет рекомендовать организациям, ответственным за радиационную защиту населения, использовать все методы не только пассивного, но и активного информирования населения об оптимальном его поведении в случае угрозы или реального радиоактивного загрязнения местности, а также повышение уровня их знаний по основным вопросам радиационной безопасности


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    The purpose of research was to assess the dynamics of the changes during the five-year period (from 2008 to 2013) of the radiation situation in the territory adjacent to the places of the peaceful nuclear explosions of the “Dnepr” series in the Murmansk region, the analysis of information environment of the subject in the Internet and the study of the population public opinion.Gamma-radiation dose rate registered in the investigated territory in 2013 (140 – 180 nSv/h) corresponded to the natural radiation background, characteristic for the Khibiny. The average content of 137Cs in soil is comparable to the level of the global fallout contamination. Levels of the artificial radionuclides concentration in the samples of natural foodstuffs (mushrooms and berries) were found in 2013 to be much lower than corresponded permissible levels. Values of the 3H specific activity for the water samples from the surface and underground sources sampled in 2013 decreased more than in 1,5 times in comparing with 2008 and have not exceeded the interventional level – 7600 Bq/kg. Exposure doses estimated for the critical group of population Exposure doses estimated in 2013 for the critical groups of population have not exceeded the dose limit adopted in RSS-99/2009. The interest of population to the mentioned problem has not been pointed out on the basic of the analysis of publications electronic versions in mass media for 2013. The comparative analysis of the results of the survey showed that level of public concern over the radiation environment in their places of residence has been low in 2008 and even lower in 2013. With a low level of the knowledge concerning radiation respondents found their significant interest for the issues relating radiation, its effects on the health and radiation protection measures.Along with the radiation-hygienic monitoring, it is necessary to conduct regular activities aimed on the population informing about the radiation situation on the basic of the significant data obtained from the responsible agencies specialists.Цель исследований состояла в оценке динамики изменений за пятилетний период (с 2008 по2013 г.) радиационной обстановки на территории, прилегающей к местам проведения мирных ядерных взрывов серии «Днепр» в Мурманской области, анализе информационной среды по данной проблеме в Интернете и изучении общественного мнения населения.Регистрируемые в 2013 г. мощности дозы гамма-излучения на обследуемой территории (140–180 нЗв/ч) соответствовали естественному радиационному фону, характерному для Хибин. Средний запас 137Cs в почве сопоставим с уровнем глобальных выпадений. Уровни загрязнения техногенными радионуклидами проб природных пищевых продуктов (грибов и ягод) в2013 г. оказались намного ниже допустимых уровней. Значения удельной активности 3H в пробах воды поверхностных и подземных источников в2013 г. снизились более чем в 1,5 раза по сравнению с2008 г. и не превышали уровень вмешательства – 7600 Бк/кг. Оцениваемые дозы облучения критических групп населения в2013 г. не превышали предела доз для населения, определенных НРБ-99/2009. На основании анализа электронных версий публикаций за2013 г. в средствах массовой информации не отмечено интереса населения к данной проблеме. Сравнительный анализ результатов анкетирования показал, что уровень беспокойства населения по поводу радиационной обстановки в местах их проживания был низким в2008 г. и еще ниже в2013 г. При низком уровне знаний о радиации респондентов обнаружен их значительный интерес к вопросам, касающимся радиации, влияния ее на здоровье и мер защиты от нее.Наряду с радиационно-гигиеническим мониторингом, необходимо проведение мероприятий, направленных на регулярное информирование населения о радиационной обстановке на основании достоверных сведений, полученных от специалистов ответственных ведомств

    Level of knowledge among the population of radiation safety basic issues

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    The goal of research was to determine the level of knowledge among the population on issues like sources of ionising radiation, methods of ionising radiation measurement, measures of self-protection in case of threating or actual radioactive pollution in the district, and to study self-estimation by the population of their knowledge of radiation safety issues. Research was carried out using the method of questioning of population groups in three regions close to the places of previous peaceful nuclear explosions (Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Tyumen regions), and in five Far East regions of the Russian Federation (Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Magadan and South-Sakhalin regions) after radiation accident in Japan at "Fukushima-1" NPP. This research included processing of 243 questionnaires from the regions close to places of previous peaceful nuclear explosions and 216 questionnaires from the Far East regions.The analysis of obtained questioning results enabled to make the following conclusions: the level of knowledge among the population about the basic concepts of radiation safety appeared to be generally low among respondents of all eight territories. Considerable number of respondents in seven groups correctly mentioned the x-ray device as a source of ionising radiation (from 71 to 88 % of answers). In Murmansk region – only 52 % of the answers. Respondents of the same seven groups often correctly answered the question on how to detect ionising radiation (only with devices) – from 68 to 98 % in different groups. The smallest number of correct answers to this question (42 %) is also noted among respondents from the Murmansk region.Level of knowledge on self-protection measures at threating or actual radioactive pollution of the places of residence appeared a little higher among the Far East region population, who had actual concerns regarding the threat of radioactive pollution at the present time. However, in all eight investigated groups many respondents did not know the right answers on self-protection measures, even the simplest ones – like “to close the windows”, “to search for additional information”, etc. Obtained data analysis enables to recommend organizations responsible for population protection against excessive radiation impact to use all methods of passive and active population informing on their optimum behavior in case of threating or actual radioactive pollution of the district, and to improve their knowledge of radiation safety basic issues


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    The purpose of research was to assess the dynamics of the changes during the five-year period (from 2008 to 2013) of the radiation situation in the territory adjacent to the places of the peaceful nuclear explosions of the “Dnepr” series in the Murmansk region, the analysis of information environment of the subject in the Internet and the study of the population public opinion.Gamma-radiation dose rate registered in the investigated territory in 2013 (140 – 180 nSv/h) corresponded to the natural radiation background, characteristic for the Khibiny. The average content of 137Cs in soil is comparable to the level of the global fallout contamination. Levels of the artificial radionuclides concentration in the samples of natural foodstuffs (mushrooms and berries) were found in 2013 to be much lower than corresponded permissible levels. Values of the 3H specific activity for the water samples from the surface and underground sources sampled in 2013 decreased more than in 1,5 times in comparing with 2008 and have not exceeded the interventional level – 7600 Bq/kg. Exposure doses estimated for the critical group of population Exposure doses estimated in 2013 for the critical groups of population have not exceeded the dose limit adopted in RSS-99/2009. The interest of population to the mentioned problem has not been pointed out on the basic of the analysis of publications electronic versions in mass media for 2013. The comparative analysis of the results of the survey showed that level of public concern over the radiation environment in their places of residence has been low in 2008 and even lower in 2013. With a low level of the knowledge concerning radiation respondents found their significant interest for the issues relating radiation, its effects on the health and radiation protection measures.Along with the radiation-hygienic monitoring, it is necessary to conduct regular activities aimed on the population informing about the radiation situation on the basic of the significant data obtained from the responsible agencies specialists

    Aromatic sulphonamides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid derivatives as novel PDIA1 and PDIA3 inhibitors

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    AbstractIn this study, we report a series of newly synthesised sulphonamides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid (Az-COOH) ester and amide analogues as potent protein disulphide isomerase (PDI, EC inhibitors. The inhibitory activity on PDI was determined against recombinant human PDIA1 and PDIA3 proteins using an insulin reduction assay. These compounds in low micromolar to low nanomolar concentrations showed the effective in vitro inhibitory properties of PDIA1 with weaker effects on PDIA3. Complexes of 15N- and 15N,13C- uniformly labelled recombinant human PDIA1a with two PDIA1 inhibitors were produced and investigated by a protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was found that both C53 and C56 of the PDIA1 enzyme were involved in covalent binding. Finally, in a range of pharmacological studies, we demonstrated that investigated compounds displayed anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic activity. These findings demonstrate that sulphonamides of Az-COOH derivatives are promising candidates for the development of novel anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic agents

    Aromatic sulphonamides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid derivatives as novel PDIA1 and PDIA3 inhibitors

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    In this study, we report a series of newly synthesised sulphonamides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid (Az-COOH) ester and amide analogues as potent protein disulphide isomerase (PDI, EC inhibitors. The inhibitory activity on PDI was determined against recombinant human PDIA1 and PDIA3 proteins using an insulin reduction assay. These compounds in low micromolar to low nanomolar concentrations showed the effective in vitro inhibitory properties of PDIA1 with weaker effects on PDIA3. Complexes of 15N- and 15N,13C- uniformly labelled recombinant human PDIA1a with two PDIA1 inhibitors were produced and investigated by a protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was found that both C53 and C56 of the PDIA1 enzyme were involved in covalent binding. Finally, in a range of pharmacological studies, we demonstrated that investigated compounds displayed anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic activity. These findings demonstrate that sulphonamides of Az-COOH derivatives are promising candidates for the development of novel anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic agents.</p