3,521 research outputs found

    The SEALS Yardsticks for Ontology Management

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    This paper describes the rst SEALS evaluation campaign over ontology engineering tools (i.e., the SEALS Yardsticks for Ontology Management). It presents the dierent evaluation scenarios dened to evaluate the conformance, interoperability and scalability of these tools, and the test data used in these scenarios

    Boosting infrared energy transfer in 3D nanoporous gold antennas

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    The applications of plasmonics to energy transfer from free-space radiation to molecules are currently limited to the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum due to the intrinsic optical properties of bulk noble metals that support strong electromagnetic field confinement only close to their plasma frequency in the visible/ultraviolet range. In this work, we show that nanoporous gold can be exploited as a plasmonic material for the mid-infrared region to obtain strong electromagnetic field confinement, co-localized with target molecules into the nanopores and resonant with their vibrational frequency. The effective optical response of the nanoporous metal enables the penetration of optical fields deep into the nanopores, where molecules can be loaded thus achieving a more efficient light–matter coupling if compared to bulk gold. In order to realize plasmonic resonators made of nanoporous gold, we develop a nanofabrication method based on polymeric templates for metal deposition and we obtain antenna arrays resonating at mid-infrared wavelengths selected by design. We then coat the antennas with a thin (3 nm) silica layer acting as the target dielectric layer for optical energy transfer. We study the strength of the light–matter coupling at the vibrational absorption frequency of silica at 1240 cm−1 through the analysis of the experimental Fano lineshape that is benchmarked against identical structures made of bulk gold. The boost in the optical energy transfer from free-space mid-infrared radiation to molecular vibrations in nanoporous 3D nanoantenna arrays can open new application routes for plasmon-enhanced physical–chemical reactions

    Stacked optical antennas for plasmon propagation in a 5 nm-confined cavity

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    The sub-wavelength concentration and propagation of electromagnetic energy are two complementary aspects of plasmonics that are not necessarily co-present in a single nanosystem. Here we exploit the strong nanofocusing properties of stacked optical antennas in order to highly concentrate the electromagnetic energy into a 5 nm metal-insulator-metal (MIM) cavity and convert free radiation into guided modes. The proposed nano-architecture combines the concentration properties of optical nanoantennas with the propagation capability of MIM systems, paving the way to highly miniaturized on-chip plasmonic waveguiding

    A novel metric for coronal MHD models

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    [1] In the interest of quantitatively assessing the capabilities of coronal MHD models, we have developed a metric that compares the structures of the white light corona observed with SOHO LASCO C2 to model predictions. The MAS model is compared to C2 observations from two Carrington rotations during solar cycle 23, CR1913 and CR1984, which were near the minimum and maximum of solar activity, respectively, for three radial heights, 2.5 R⊙, 3.0 R⊙, and 4.5 R⊙. In addition to simulated polarization brightness images, we create a synthetic image based on the field topology along the line of sight in the model. This open-closed brightness is also compared to LASCO C2 after renormalization. In general, the model\u27s magnetic structure is a closer match to observed coronal structures than the model\u27s density structure. This is expected from the simplified energy equations used in current global corona MHD models

    Open and / or laparoscopic surgical treatment of liver hydatic cysts

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    Hydatid disease is a severe parasitic disease with a widely ranging distribution. In the human being the liver is the most frequent organ affected. 1 The treatment should be individualized to the morphology, size, number and location of the cysts, that is why a variety of surgical operations have been advocated from complete resection like total pericystectomy or partial hepatectomy to laparoscopy to a minimally invasive procedures like percutaneous aspiration of cysts to conservative drug therapy. 3-4 This study compares laparoscopic versus open management of the hydatid cyst of liver the surgical approach to liver echinococcosis is still a controversial issue and shows our results of surgical treatment of liver hydatid cysts during a 3-years period

    Hypopituitarism secondary to unruptured intracavernous carotid aneurysm with sellar extension associated with ipsilateral brain abscess: a case report

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: The prevalence of intracranial aneurysms ranges from 0.4% to 3.6% in autopsy studies and from 3.7% to 6.0% in studies of patients undergoing cerebral angiography. Aneurysm projected into the sellar region account for 1% to 2% of all intracranial aneurysms and the hypopituitarism caused by them are very rare (0.17% cases). Clinical case: A 73-years-old woman was admitted in the department of ophthalmology with headache, fever, painful proptosis of the right eye and visual loss. Her physical examination revealed nonpulsatile exophthalmos of the right eye with conjunctival hyperemia, complete loss of light perception and third nerve palsy. A head computed tomography showed a right-sided heterogeneous intracavernous mass extending to the sella. The patient's condition deteriorated due to hypotension accompanied by episodes of atrial fibrillation. She became comatose and was intubated emergently. Her hormonal investigations revealed hypopituitarism manifested of low serum free thyroxine and TSH, low ACTH and diminished basal cortisol. Multiple sets of blood cultures confirmed Gram-negative bacteremia diagnosis. She was placed on hormonal replacement therapy and empirical antibiotherapy. The digital subtraction angiogram showed an unruptured intracavernous aneurysm (15 x 17 x 11 mm) of right internal carotid artery (ICA) with sellar extension. A repeat CT scan and MRI, discovered a brain abscess in the right temporal lobe (9 x 6 mm) with perifocal edema. Antibiotics were administered intravenously during the hospitalisation (3 weeks) followed by a course of oral antimicrobial therapy (3 weeks) adapted to culture results. After 24 days of hospitalization, the patient status improved and she was discharged home with treatment recommendations.Conclusion: To the best of the authors' knowledge, this represents the first reported case in the literature of hypopituitarism secondary to unruptured intracavernous carotid aneurysm with sellar extension Associated with ipsilateral brain abscess

    The Whole Heliosphere Interval in the Context of a Long and Structured Solar Minimum: An Overview from Sun to Earth

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    Throughout months of extremely low solar activity during the recent extended solar-cycle minimum, structural evolution continued to be observed from the Sun through the solar wind and to the Earth. In 2008, the presence of long-lived and large low-latitude coronal holes meant that geospace was periodically impacted by high-speed streams, even though solar irradiance, activity, and interplanetary magnetic fields had reached levels as low as, or lower than, observed in past minima. This time period, which includes the first Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI 1: Carrington Rotation (CR) 2068), illustrates the effects of fast solar-wind streams on the Earth in an otherwise quiet heliosphere. By the end of 2008, sunspots and solar irradiance had reached their lowest levels for this minimum (e.g., WHI 2: CR 2078), and continued solar magnetic-flux evolution had led to a flattening of the heliospheric current sheet and the decay of the low-latitude coronal holes and associated Earth-intersecting high-speed solar-wind streams. As the new solar cycle slowly began, solar-wind and geospace observables stayed low or continued to decline, reaching very low levels by June – July 2009. At this point (e.g., WHI 3: CR 2085) the Sun–Earth system, taken as a whole, was at its quietest. In this article we present an overview of observations that span the period 2008 – 2009, with highlighted discussion of CRs 2068, 2078, and 2085. We show side-by-side observables from the Sun’s interior through its surface and atmosphere, through the solar wind and heliosphere and to the Earth’s space environment and upper atmosphere, and reference detailed studies of these various regimes within this topical issue and elsewhere

    Surgical treatment of Barrett's esophagus with complications

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    Catedra de Chirurgie Nr 4, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican "Timofei Moșneaga", Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Formele asimptomatice de Esofagul Barret (EB) asociat cu displazie determină în timp un risc anual de până la 60% de dezvoltare a adenocarcinomului esofagian, dar și mai frecvent a complicațiilor acute precum ulcere esofagiene, hemoragii digestive superioare (HDS) sau dezvoltarea în timp a stenozelor cicatriceale. Tratamentul complicațiilor determinate de EB reprezintă intervenții chirurgicale laborioase ce au o mortalitate înaltă și o supraviețuire la 5 ani de până la 15%. Material și metode: Un studiu clinic pe serii de cazuri de 62 de bolnavi care au fost diagnosticați și tratați în clinica de chirurgie nr 4 pentru EB pe parcursul a 20 de ani. Complicații ale EB în lotul de cercetare au fost atestate în 22 cazuri (35,4%). Rezultate: Din lotul complicațiilor în 9 cazuri (56%) a fost atestat un adenocarcinom pe fundalul metaplaziei intestinale, 6 cazuri esofag Barrett cu HGD, stenozele au constituit 4 cazuri (40%), iar HDS pe fundalul ulcerului Barrett 3 cazuri (19%). În 100% cazuri acestea au necesitat intervenții chirurgicale rezective, de substituție a esofagului. În 48% din cazuri am utilizat stomacul, în 27% au fost efectuate esofagoplastii cu intestin subtire și în 25% cu colonul. Complicații postoperatorii au fost apreciate în 34% cazuri (dehiscența de anastomoze, fistule), în 5 cazuri (31%) a fost necesară etapizarea intervenției chirurgicale prin aplicarea primară a unei gastrostome, durata medie de spitalizare a constituit 16 zile, iar mortalitate postoperatorie 25%. Concluzii: Complicatile EB deși nu au o incidență înaltă, acestea reprezintă forme evolutive grave cu un prognostic nefavorabil, necesită frecvent intervenții chirurgicale laborioase și au o mortalitate înaltă.Introduction: The asimptomatic forms of BE associated with dysplasia determine a risk up to 60% of evolution into esophageal adenocarcinoma, even more frequent acute complications such as superior digestive hemorrhage or later cicatricial stenosis. The treatment of complications determined by BE represent laborious surgical interventions with a high mortality rate and a 5 year survival rate of 15%. Material and methods: A study comprised of 62 patients, that were diagnosed and treated in Department Nr.4 of Surgery during the last 20 years. Complications of BE in the surveyed batch were determined in 22 cases (35,4%). Results: From the batch with complications, 9 cases (56%) with adenocarcinoma as a result of intestinal metaplasia, 6 cases of Barrett's esophagus with HGD, stenosis - 4 cases (40%), SDH as a consequence of Barrett ulcer – 3 cases (19%). All of them required surgical treatment of esophageal substitution. In 48% stomach was used, in 27 % esophagoplasty with small intestine, 25 % with colon. Postoperative complications occurred in 34 % (anastomotic dehiscence, fistulae), 5 cases (31%) needed split surgery, first being performed the gastrostomy. The average length of hospital stay was 16 days, postoperative mortality – 25%. Conclusions: Even though the complications of BE are rare, they represent severe forms of evolution with an unfavorable outcome that necessitates complicated surgeries with a high mortality rate

    The OmegaWhite Survey for Short-Period Variable Stars IV: Discovery of the warm DQ white dwarf OW J175358.85-310728.9

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    We present the discovery and follow-up observations of the second known variable warm DQ white dwarf OW J175358.85-310728.9 (OW J1753-3107). OW J1753-3107 is the brightest of any of the currently known warm or hot DQ and was discovered in the OmegaWhite Survey as exhibiting optical variations on a period of 35.5452 (2) mins, with no evidence for other periods in its light curves. This period has remained constant over the last two years and a single-period sinusoidal model provides a good fit for all follow-up light curves. The spectrum consists of a very blue continuum with strong absorption lines of neutral and ionised carbon, a broad He I 4471 A line, and possibly weaker hydrogen lines. The C I lines are Zeeman split, and indicate the presence of a strong magnetic field. Using spectral Paschen-Back model descriptions, we determine that OW J1753-3107 exhibits the following physical parameters: T_eff = 15430 K, log(g) = 9.0, log(N(C)/N(He)) = -1.2, and the mean magnetic field strength is B_z =2.1 MG. This relatively low temperature and carbon abundance (compared to the expected properties of hot DQs) is similar to that seen in the other warm DQ SDSS J1036+6522. Although OW J1753-3107 appears to be a twin of SDSS J1036+6522, it exhibits a modulation on a period slightly longer than the dominant period in SDSS J1036+6522 and has a higher carbon abundance. The source of variations is uncertain, but they are believed to originate from the rotation of the magnetic white dwarf.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication by MNRA