196 research outputs found

    Secondary electron emission yield in the limit of low electron energy

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    Secondary electron emission (SEE) from solids plays an important role in many areas of science and technology.1 In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the experimental and theoretical studies of SEE. A recent study proposed that the reflectivity of very low energy electrons from solid surface approaches unity in the limit of zero electron energy2,3,4, If this was indeed the case, this effect would have profound implications on the formation of electron clouds in particle accelerators,2-4 plasma measurements with electrostatic Langmuir probes, and operation of Hall plasma thrusters for spacecraft propulsion5,6. It appears that, the proposed high electron reflectivity at low electron energies contradicts to numerous previous experimental studies of the secondary electron emission7. The goal of this note is to discuss possible causes of these contradictions.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    N-transfer through aspen litter and feather moss layers after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea

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    When fertilizer is broadcast in boreal forest stands, the applied nutrients must pass through a thick layer of either feather moss or leaf litter which covers the forest floor. In a growth chamber experiment we tested the transfer of N through living feather moss or aspen litter when fertilized with urea ((NH2)2CO) or NH4NO3 at a rate of 100 kg ha−1 and under different watering regimes. When these organic substrates were frequently watered to excess they allowed the highest transfer of nutrients through, although 72% of the applied fertilizer was captured in the substrates. In a field experiment we also fertilized moss and aspen litter with urea ((NH2)2CO) or NH4NO3 at a more operationally relevant rate of 330 kg ha−1. We captured the NO3− or NH4+ by ion exchange resin at the substrate–mineral soil interface. In contrast to the growth chamber experiment, this fertilizer rate killed the moss and there was no detectable increase in nutrient levels in the aspen litter or feather moss layers. Instead, the urea was more likely transferred into the mineral soil; mineral soil of the urea treatment had 1.6 times as much extractable N compared to the NH4NO3 treatment. This difference between the growth chamber and field studies was attributed to observed fertilizer- damage to the living moss and possibly damage to the litter microflora due to the higher rate of fertilization in the field. In addition, the early and substantial rainfall after fertilization in the field experiment produced conditions for rapid leaching of N through the organic layers into the mineral soil. In the field, only 8% of the urea-N that was applied was captured by the ion exchange resin, while 34% was captured in for the NH4NO3 fertilization. Thus, the conditions for rapid leaching in the field moved much of the N in the form of urea through the organic layers and into the mineral soil before it was hydrolyzed

    About of organization of student science and research works

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    На примере научной группы профессора Б. В. Шульгина, работающего на кафедре экспериментальной физики, показаны результаты организации НИРС и ВНР студентов в рамках инновационного подхода, осуществляемого путем подключения их к разработке новых объектов интеллектуальной собственности, отвечающих требованиям мировой новизны. В результате такого подхода за последние 40 лет 48 студентов из научной группы профессора Б. В. Шульгина стали соавторами 64 изобретений.The results of student science work organization (including organization of diploma work) on the invention level (creation of new objects of intellectual properties) on the example of science group of professor В. V. Shulgin (experimental physics department) in the frame of innovation way are presented. As a result вгкштп дфые 40 years 48 students from the science group of professor В. V. Shulgin were became co-authors of 64 inventions

    Electromagnetic Weibel instability in intense charged particle beams with large energy anisotropy

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    In plasmas with strongly anisotropic distribution functions, collective instabilities may develop if there is sufficient coupling between the transverse and longitudinal degrees of freedom. Our previous numerical and theoretical studies of intense charged particle beams with large temperature anisotropy [E. A. Startsev, R. C. Davidson and H. Qin, PRSTAB, 6, 084401 (2003); Phys. Plasmas 9, 3138 (2002)] demonstrated that a fast, electrostatic, Harris-like instability develops, and saturates nonlinearly, for sufficiently large temperature anisotropy (T{sub {perpendicular}b}/T{sub {parallel}b} >> 1). The total distribution function after saturation, however, is still far from equipartitioned. In this paper the linearized Vlasov-Maxwell equations are used to investigate detailed properties of the transverse electromagnetic Weibel-type instability for a long charge bunch propagating through a cylindrical pipe of radius r{sub w}. The kinetic stability analysis is carried out for azimuthally symmetric perturbations about a two-temperature thermal equilibrium distribution in the smooth-focusing approximation. The most unstable modes are identified, and their eigenfrequencies, radial mode structure and instability thresholds are determined. The stability analysis shows that, although there is free energy available to drive the electromagnetic Weibel instability, the finite transverse geometry of the charged particle beam introduces a large threshold value for the temperature anisotropy ((T{sub {perpendicular}b}/T{sub {parallel}b}){sup Weibel} >> (T{sub {perpendicular}b}/T{sub {parallel}b}){sup Harris}) below which the instability is absent. Hence, unlike the case of an electrically neutral plasma, the Weibel instability is not expected to play as significant a role in the process of energy isotropization of intense unneutralized charged particle beams as the electrostatic Harris-type instability

    Comparison of quantum mechanical and classical trajectory calculations of cross sections for ion-atom impact ionization of negative - and positive -ions for heavy ion fusion applications

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    Stripping cross sections in nitrogen have been calculated using the classical trajectory approximation and the Born approximation of quantum mechanics for the outer shell electrons of 3.2GeV I^{-} and Cs+^{+} ions. A large difference in cross section, up to a factor of six, calculated in quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, has been obtained. Because at such high velocities the Born approximation is well validated, the classical trajectory approach fails to correctly predict the stripping cross sections at high energies for electron orbitals with low ionization potential.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Proton polarizability and the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen

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    The proton structure and proton polarizability corrections to the Lamb shift of electronic hydrogen and muonic hydrogen were evaluated on the basis of modern experimental data on deep inelastic structure functions. Numerical value of proton polarizability contribution to (2P-2S) Lamb shift is equal to 4.4 GHz.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2.09, 2 figures, uses linedraw.st

    Discrete analogues of the Liouville equation

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    The notion of Laplace invariants is transferred to the lattices and discrete equations which are difference analogs of hyperbolic PDE's with two independent variables. The sequence of Laplace invariants satisfy the discrete analog of twodimensional Toda lattice. The terminating of this sequence by zeroes is proved to be the necessary condition for existence of the integrals of the equation under consideration. The formulae are presented for the higher symmetries of the equations possessing integrals. The general theory is illustrated by examples of difference analogs of Liouville equation.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, submitted to Teor. i Mat. Fi

    Scaling and Formulary cross sections for ion-atom impact ionization

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    The values of ion-atom ionization cross sections are frequently needed for many applications that utilize the propagation of fast ions through matter. When experimental data and theoretical calculations are not available, approximate formulas are frequently used. This paper briefly summarizes the most important theoretical results and approaches to cross section calculations in order to place the discussion in historical perspective and offer a concise introduction to the topic. Based on experimental data and theoretical predictions, a new fit for ionization cross sections is proposed. The range of validity and accuracy of several frequently used approximations (classical trajectory, the Born approximation, and so forth) are discussed using, as examples, the ionization cross sections of hydrogen and helium atoms by various fully stripped ions.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure

    Mobile Safety Zone for Rescue of Physically Disabled People at Emergency or Emergency Situations on Production Objects

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    В статье представлены результаты работы по разработке мобильной зоны безопасности, предназначенной для обеспечения сохранности жизни и здоровья людей с ограниченными возможностями, инвалидов и других маломобильных групп населения, работающих на различных производственных объектах. Дано подробное описание предлагаемой мобильной зоны безопасности и дополнительных систем, направленных на обеспечение жизнедеятельности при нахождении в данной мобильной зоне безопасности до прибытия спасательных подразделений.Results of work on development of the mobile safety zone intended for ensuring safety of life and human health with limited opportunities, disabled people and other handicapped groups of the population working at various production objects are presented in article. The detailed description of the offered mobile safety zone and the additional systems of the saving divisions aimed at providing activity at stay in this mobile safety zone before arrival is given