963 research outputs found

    Effects of foliar application of melatonin on gas exchange and certain biochemical characteristics broccoli cv. Palam Samridhi

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    Considering the rich nutritional status and possibility of broccoli in improving the profitable yield, and wide role of Mel in regulating the plant physiological process, an investigation was carried out at the division of Basic Sciences and Humanities during 2017 to investigate the effect of foliar application of Mel on leaf photosynthetic and biochemical attributes broccoli. Thirty days old and uniform seedlings of broccoli cv. Palam Samridhi were transplanted in the field at a spacing of 45 × 45cm. Different concentrations of Mel, viz. 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 ppm were sprayed on the plant foliage at 15 days after transplanting (DAT) replicating each treatment four times. Leaf gas exchange and biochemical attributes were tested following the standard procedures. The Results showed the lowest stipulated rate of photosynthesis (10.87 µmole.m-2.sec-1), stomatal conductance (301.44 mole H2O.m-2ses-1) and leaf transpiration (1. 14 mole H2O.m-2ses-1) in untreated plants.  Different doses of Mel significantly increased the values of these attributes and the highest values of photosynthesis (18.63 µmole.m-2.sec-1), stomatal conductance (324.37 mmole.m-2.ses-1) and leaf transpiration (3.23 mmole.m-2.ses-1) with Mel 60 ppm were recorded. The alterations in different biochemical attributes were also evident due to foliar application of Mel and maximum leaf sugar (77.0 and 85.9µg/g), protein (56.9 and 77.3 µg/g), total phenols (260.1 and 339.9 mg/100g), antioxidants (142.8 and 159.9 mg GAE /100g DW) and MSI (94.89 and 97.43 percent) values with Mel 60ppm at 30 and 60DAT, respectively. Therefore, the present study signifies the useful effects of Mel in regulating the physio-biochemical properties of broccoli

    Partial level density of the n-quasiparticle excitations in the nuclei of the 39< A <201 region

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    Level density and radiative strength functions are obtained from the analysis of two-step cascades intensities following the thermal neutrons capture. The data on level density are approximated by the sum of the partial level densities corresponding to n quasiparticles excitation. The most probable values of the collective enhancement factor of the level density are found together with the thresholds of the next Cooper nucleons pair breaking. These data allow one to calculate the level density of practically any nucleus in given spin window in the framework of model concepts, taking into account all known nuclear excitation types. The presence of an approximation results discrepancy with theoretical statements specifies the necessity of rather essentially developing the level density models. It also indicates the possibilities to obtain the essentially new information on nucleon correlation functions of the excited nucleus from the experiment.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Synthesis and bioactivity of analogues of the marine antibiotic tropodithietic acid

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    Tropodithietic acid (TDA) is a structurally unique sulfur-containing antibiotic from the Roseobacter clade bacterium Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395 and a few other related species. We have synthesised several structural analogues of TDA and used them in bioactivity tests against Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio anguillarum for a structure–activity relationship (SAR) study, revealing that the sulfur-free analogue of TDA, tropone-2-carboxylic acid, has an antibiotic activity that is even stronger than the bioactivity of the natural product. The synthesis of this compound and of several analogues is presented and the bioactivity of the synthetic compounds is discussed

    Pathogenic variability in Exserohilum turcicum and identification of resistant sources to turcicum leaf blight of maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Turcicum leaf blight of maize incited by Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) Leonard and Suggs is the major limiting factor of maize production in temperate agro-ecologies. Disease management through host plant resistance is the most effective strategy. In the present study among 26 maize genotypes which were initially screened for resistance against E. turcicum under field conditions, 8 genotypes viz., PS 39, CML 451, CML 470, CML 472, VL 1030, VL 1018140, VL1018527 and SMI178-1 were found resistant when screened against twelve isolates of E. turcicum under artificial epiphytotic conditions. Eight genotypes viz., PS45, CML165, CML459, VL1249, VL0536, SMC-5, SMC-3 and KDL 211 were found moderately resistant with disease grade ranged from 2.1-2.5. These maize genotypes possess resistance to turcicum leaf blight can be used successfully in developing high yielding early maturing varieties for high altitude temperate agro-ecologies. The fungus E. turcicum is highly variable in nature. Variability studies on pathogenicity were conducted on twelve isolates of E. turcicum on eleven putative differential maize lines. During the present study a wide pathogenic variation was observed among the twelve isolates of E. turcicum. Cluster analysis on the basis of similarity or dissimilarity in reaction types exhibited by the differential hosts, clustered the isolates into 6 pathogenic groups. The isolates belonged to higher altitudes (Kti 10, Kti11, Kti5) were found to be more aggressive as compared to the isolates of low altitude areas

    Medical conditions mimicking the acute surgical abdomen in children

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    Background: We present our experience with children landing up in our pediatric surgery emergency with potentially confounding medical conditions that evade diagnosis. It is imperative to apply sound clinical judgement in the evaluation of these patients so that an unnecessary laparotomy can be avoided but, at the same time, a lifesaving intervention is not denied.Patients and methods: This is a retrospective descriptive analysis pertaining to all patients who were admitted in our department from 1 January 2014 to 31 July 2017. A total of 27 867 patients presented to our out-patient department of these, 3034 were admitted to our ward. A total of 1531 surgeries were performed, of which 288 were for various abdominal surgical conditions. A total of 16 patients, representing 0.5 % of the admissions, were eventually found to have an acute abdomen secondary to a medical cause.Results: Out of the above 16 patients, 10 had to undergo exploratory laparotomy (62.5%). Eight patients of the 10 operated had a negative laparotomy. Two of the 10 operated were found to have a surgically correctable cause, one with ovarian torsion and one with severe colonic edema secondary to Kawasaki’s disease causing intestinal obstruction.Conclusion: Although eight patients with negative laparotomy result constitute only 0.5% of all the surgeries and 2.7% of all the laparotomies, it still forms the bulk (i.e. 8/16=50%) of the patients with underlying medical cause of the surgical abdomen. There were two deaths, representing a mortality of 12.5% (2/16=12.5%), with one in the operated group and one in the nonoperated group. This is why we want to stress the importance of caution and sound clinical judgement in evaluating this subset of patients.Keywords: acute abdomen, medical conditions mimicking, surgical abdomen in childre
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