757 research outputs found

    Occurrence of coexisting dendrite morphologies: immiscible fluid displacement in an anisotropic radial hele-shaw cell under a high flow rate regime

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    Viscous fingering morphologies during the displacement of a high viscosity fluid by a low viscosity immiscible fluid in a radial fourfold anisotropic Hele-Shaw cell are examined. By using the kerosene-glycerin system for which the µ/T ratio (µ being the relative viscosity and T the interfacial tension between the fluids) is about ten times higher than that for the commonly used air-glycerin system, we have been able to access the hitherto unexplored Nca 1 regime (capillary number Nca=Uµ/T, U being the advancing fingertip velocity). Within the anisotropy-dominated regime, and when flow rates are significantly high (capillary number well beyond Nca=1), a new phase is seen to evolve wherein the dendrites grow simultaneously along the channels and along the directions making an angle of 45° with the channels, both being kinetically driven. This new phase resembles the one observed in a miscible fluid system at all flow rates of the displacing fluid

    Viscous fingering of miscible fluids in an anisotropic radial hele-shaw cell: coexistence of kinetic and surface-tension dendrite morphology types and an exploration of small-scale influences

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    The evolution of viscous fingering morphology is examined for the case of a system of miscible fluids in an anisotropic radial Hele-Shaw cell. It is shown that dendritic morphologies similar to the kinetic and surface-tension morphology types coexist for this case. The critical role of the means of introducing anisotropy in the Hele-Shaw cell is established, and an explanation of the pattern behavior is offered on the basis of shape discontinuities of the individual elements of the lattice used to induce anisotropy. The ramifications of such an explanation are experimentally verified by demonstrating a clear difference in the morphology evolution in two halves of a single Hele-Shaw cell, one half of which contains square lattice elements, and the other half of which contains circular lattice elements

    Variation in viscous fingering pattern morphology due to surfactant-mediated interfacial recognition events

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    The study of the formation of finger-like patterns during displacement of a viscous fluid by a less viscous one is of technological importance. The morphology of the viscous-finger patterns generated is a function of many parameters such as the flow rate, difference in viscosities of the two fluids and the interfacial tension. We demonstrate herein that the morphology of patterns formed during viscous fingering in a Hele-Shaw cell during displacement of paraffin oil by aqueous solutions of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), is extremely sensitive to interfacial tension variation brought about by complexation of divalent cations with the surfactant SDS. The variation in morphology of the patterns formed has been quantified by measuring the fractal dimensions of structures formed in a radial Hele-Shaw cell as well as the average finger width in a linear Hele-Shaw cell. This technique shows promise for studying other interfacial phenomena in chemistry such as biorecognition as well as dynamic processes occurring at interfaces

    McIDAS-eXplorer: A version of McIDAS for planetary applications

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    McIDAS-eXplorer is a set of software tools developed for analysis of planetary data published by the Planetary Data System on CD-ROM's. It is built upon McIDAS-X, an environment which has been in use nearly two decades now for earth weather satellite data applications in research and routine operations. The environment allows convenient access, navigation, analysis, display, and animation of planetary data by utilizing the full calibration data accompanying the planetary data. Support currently exists for Voyager images of the giant planets and their satellites; Magellan radar images (F-MIDR and C-MIDR's, global map products (GxDR's), and altimetry data (ARCDR's)); Galileo SSI images of the earth, moon, and Venus; Viking Mars images and MDIM's as well as most earth based telescopic images of solar system objects (FITS). The NAIF/JPL SPICE kernels are used for image navigation when available. For data without the SPICE kernels (such as the bulk of the Voyager Jupiter and Saturn imagery and Pioneer Orbiter images of Venus), tools based on NAIF toolkit allow the user to navigate the images interactively. Multiple navigation types can be attached to a given image (e.g., for ring navigation and planet navigation in the same image). Tools are available to perform common image processing tasks such as digital filtering, cartographic mapping, map overlays, and data extraction. It is also possible to have different planetary radii for an object such as Venus which requires a different radius for the surface and for the cloud level. A graphical user interface based on Tel-Tk scripting language is provided (UNIX only at present) for using the environment and also to provide on-line help. It is possible for end users to add applications of their own to the environment at any time

    Deltaic deposits at Aeolis Dorsa: Sedimentary evidence for a standing body of water on the northern plains of Mars

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    A fundamental long-standing question regarding Mars history is whether the flat and low-lying northern plains ever hosted an ocean. The best opportunity to solve this problem is provided by stratigraphic observations of sedimentary deposits onlapping the crustal dichotomy. Here, we use high-resolution imagery and topography to analyze a branching network of inverted channel and channel lobe deposits in the Aeolis Dorsa region, just north of the dichotomy boundary. Observations of stacked, cross-cutting channel bodies and stratal geometries indicate that these landforms represent exhumed distributary channel deposits. Observations of depositional trunk feeder channel bodies, a lack of evidence for past topographic confinement, channel avulsions at similar elevations, and the presence of a strong break in dip slope between topset and foreset beds suggest that this distributary system was most likely a delta, rather than an alluvial fan or submarine fan. Sediment transport calculations using both measured and derived channel geometries indicate a minimum delta deposition time on the order of 400  years. The location of this delta within a thick and widespread clastic wedge abutting the crustal dichotomy boundary, unconfined by any observable craters, suggests a standing body of water potentially 105 km2 in extent or greater and is spatially consistent with hypotheses for a northern ocean

    Venus Express radio occultation observed by PRIDE

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    Context. Radio occultation is a technique used to study planetary atmospheres by means of the refraction and absorption of a spacecraft carrier signal through the atmosphere of the celestial body of interest, as detected from a ground station on Earth. This technique is usually employed by the deep space tracking and communication facilities (e.g., NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), ESA's Estrack). Aims. We want to characterize the capabilities of the Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) technique for radio occultation experiments, using radio telescopes equipped with Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) instrumentation. Methods. We conducted a test with ESA's Venus Express (VEX), to evaluate the performance of the PRIDE technique for this particular application. We explain in detail the data processing pipeline of radio occultation experiments with PRIDE, based on the collection of so-called open-loop Doppler data with VLBI stations, and perform an error propagation analysis of the technique. Results. With the VEX test case and the corresponding error analysis, we have demonstrated that the PRIDE setup and processing pipeline is suited for radio occultation experiments of planetary bodies. The noise budget of the open-loop Doppler data collected with PRIDE indicated that the uncertainties in the derived density and temperature profiles remain within the range of uncertainties reported in previous Venus' studies. Open-loop Doppler data can probe deeper layers of thick atmospheres, such as that of Venus, when compared to closed-loop Doppler data. Furthermore, PRIDE through the VLBI networks around the world, provides a wide coverage and range of large antenna dishes, that can be used for this type of experiments

    Effect of nicotine on serotonin (5-HT) levels in brain of depressed rats

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    Background: Reduction in brain serotonin (5-HT) levels contributes to depression. Nicotine may have antidepressant properties and smokers self-medicate underlying depression. Epidemiological findings suggest that smokers more often demonstrate depressive symptoms than non-smokers and depressed patients are less likely to cease smoking. Therefore, the study was planned to evaluate the effect of nicotine on serotonin levels in brain of depressed rats.Methods: Antidepressant action of study drugs was evaluated using isolation induced hyperactivity model in rats. Rats were divided into five groups with six rats in each group. Study groups: Vehicle in normal rats 1 ml/kg (subcutaneous); vehicle after isolation 1ml/kg (subcutaneous); imipramine 10 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) for 7 consecutive days; single dose of nicotine 0.4 mg/kg (subcutaneous); single dose of nicotine 0.2 mg/kg (inhalational). Brain serotonin assay was carried out. The statistical significance was determined by ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p<0.05).Results: Serotonin levels (55.93ng/g of brain tissue) in rats after isolation were significantly less than in normal rats (335.87ng/g) (p<0.001). In imipramine treated group, serotonin levels (301.4ng/g) after isolation were highly significant as compared to serotonin levels in vehicle treated group after isolation (p<0.001). Nicotine administered by subcutaneous and inhalational route showed significantly higher brain serotonin levels, i.e. 175ng/g and 254.62ng/g respectively as compared to vehicle treated rats after isolation (p<0.001).Conclusions: Single dose nicotine (inhalational) produced significant antidepressant action comparable to that of seven days’ treatment of standard antidepressant drug imipramine in rats. In rats, nicotine by both routes i.e. subcutaneous and inhalational increased serotonergic activity
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