1,596 research outputs found

    Flight and tunnel test results of the MDC mechanical jet noise suppressor nozzle

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    The flight and wind tunnel tests to determine the acoustic and performance effects of a mechanical jet noise suppressor nozzle mounted on a Viper engine of an HS-125 airplane are discussed. Flyover noise measurements were made with microphones mounted on top of a 137.5 m bridge tower. Seven nozzle configurations including two references nozzles, two suppressors, and three ejector inlets were tested. The suppressor nozzle of interest for an advanced supersonic transport, the suppressor/treated ejector, achieved a measured noise reduction of 14 EPNdB relative to a conventional conical reference nozzle at the highest pressure ratio tested (approximately 2.5). The unique engine nacelle, flight hardware, and nacelles from the HS-125 flight test program, combined with a simulated HS-125 fuselage were windtunnel tested. Both propulsion and acoustic data were recorded. Preliminary thrust data results from the wind tunnel tests are summarized and compared to other mechanical suppressor test results. The test results indicate that a noise reduction of at least 16 EPNdB would be possible for the suppressor/ejector nozzle scaled to typical AST engine size with a 5% thrust loss at a typical takeoff climb speed

    Magnetically asymmetric interfaces in a (LaMnO3_3)/(SrMnO3_3) superlattice due to structural asymmetries

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    Polarized neutron reflectivity measurements of a ferromagnetic [(LaMnO3_3)11.8_{11.8}/(SrMnO3_3)4.4_{4.4}]6_6 superlattice reveal a modulated magnetic structure with an enhanced magnetization at the interfaces where LaMnO3_3 was deposited on SrMnO3_3 (LMO/SMO). However, the opposite interfaces (SMO/LMO) are found to have a reduced ferromagnetic moment. The magnetic asymmetry arises from the difference in lateral structural roughness of the two interfaces observed via electron microscopy, with strong ferromagnetism present at the interfaces that are atomically smooth over tens of nanometers. This result demonstrates that atomic-scale roughness can destabilize interfacial phases in complex oxide heterostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Physical and dynamical characterisation of low Delta-V NEA (190491) 2000 FJ10

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    We investigated the physical properties and dynamical evolution of Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) (190491) 2000 FJ10 in order to assess the suitability of this accessible NEA as a space mission target. Photometry and colour determination were carried out with the 1.54 m Kuiper Telescope and the 10 m Southern African Large Telescope during the object's recent favourable apparition in 2011-12. During the earlier 2008 apparition, a spectrum of the object in the 6000-9000 Angstrom region was obtained with the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope. Interpretation of the observational results was aided by numerical simulations of 1000 dynamical clones of 2000 FJ10 up to 10^6 yr in the past and in the future. The asteroid's spectrum and colours determined by our observations suggest a taxonomic classification within the S-complex although other classifications (V, D, E, M, P) cannot be ruled out. On this evidence, it is unlikely to be a primitive, relatively unaltered remnant from the early history of the solar system and thus a low priority target for robotic sample return. Our photometry placed a lower bound of 2 hrs to the asteroid's rotation period. Its absolute magnitude was estimated to be 21.54+-0.1 which, for a typical S-complex albedo, translates into a diameter of 130+-20 m. Our dynamical simulations show that it has likely been an Amor for the past 10^5 yr. Although currently not Earth-crossing, it will likely become so during the period 50 - 100 kyr in the future. It may have arrived from the inner or central Main Belt > 1 Myr ago as a former member of a low-inclination S-class asteroid family. Its relatively slow rotation and large size make it a suitable destination for a human mission. We show that ballistic Earth-190491-Earth transfer trajectories with Delta-V < 2 km s^-1 at the asteroid exist between 2052 and 2061.Comment: 2 Tables, 11 Figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Ground-based monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko gas activity throughout the <i>Rosetta</i> mission

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    Simultaneously to the ESA Rosetta mission, a world-wide ground-based campaign provided measurements of the large scale activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through measurement of optically active gas species and imaging of the overall dust coma. We present more than two years of observations performed with the FORS2 low resolution spectrograph at the VLT, TRAPPIST, and ACAM at the WHT. We focus on the evolution of the CN production, as a tracer of the comet activity. We find that it is asymmetric with respect to perihelion and different from that of the dust. The CN emission is detected for the first time at 1.34 au pre-perihelion and production rates then increase steeply to peak about two weeks after perihelion at (1.00±0.10) ×1025 molecules s−1, while the post-perihelion decrease is more shallow. The evolution of the comet activity is strongly influenced by seasonal effects, with enhanced CN production when the Southern hemisphere is illuminated

    Magnetic Structure in Fe/Sm-Co Exchange Spring Bilayers with Intermixed Interfaces

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    The depth profile of the intrinsic magnetic properties in an Fe/Sm-Co bilayer fabricated under nearly optimal spring-magnet conditions was determined by complementary studies of polarized neutron reflectometry and micromagnetic simulations. We found that at the Fe/Sm-Co interface the magnetic properties change gradually at the length scale of 8 nm. In this intermixed interfacial region, the saturation magnetization and magnetic anisotropy are lower and the exchange stiffness is higher than values estimated from the model based on a mixture of Fe and Sm-Co phases. Therefore, the intermixed interface yields superior exchange coupling between the Fe and Sm-Co layers, but at the cost of average magnetization.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Population and Size Distribution of Small Jovian Trojan Asteroids

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    We present a study of Jovian Trojan objects detected serendipitously during the course of a sky survey conducted at the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope. We used a 8192 x 8192 pixel charge-coupled device (CCD) mosaic to observe 20 deg^2 at locations spread over the L4 Lagrangian swarm and reached a limiting magnitude V = 22.5 mag (50% of maximum detection efficiency). Ninety-three Jovian Trojans were detected with radii 2 - 20 km (assumed albedo 0.04). Their differential magnitude distribution has a slope of 0.40 +/- 0.05 corresponding to a power law size distribution index 3.0 +/- 0.3 (1-sigma). The total number of L4 Trojans with radii > 1 km is of order 1.6 x 10^5 and their combined mass (dominated by the largest objects) is ~ 10^{-4} M_{Earth}. The bias-corrected mean inclination is 13.7 +/- 0.5 deg. We also discuss the size and spatial distribution of the L4 swarm.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. AJ, in pres

    “I just want to be skinny.”: A content analysis of tweets expressing eating disorder symptoms

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    There is increasing concern about online communities that promote eating disorder (ED) behaviors through messages and/or images that encourage a “thin ideal” (i.e., promotion of thinness as attractive) and harmful weight loss/weight control practices. The purpose of this paper is to assess the content of body image and ED-related content on Twitter and provide a deeper understanding of EDs that may be used for future studies and online-based interventions. Tweets containing ED or body image-related keywords were collected from January 1-January 31, 2015 (N = 28,642). A random sample (n = 3000) was assessed for expressions of behaviors that align with subscales of the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) 16.0. Demographic characteristics were inferred using a social media analytics company. The comprehensive research that we conducted indicated that 2,584 of the 3,000 tweets were ED-related; 65% expressed a preoccupation with body shape, 13% displayed issues related to food/eating/calories, and 4% expressed placing a high level of importance on body weight. Most tweets were sent by girls (90%) who were ≤19 years old (77%). Our findings stress a need to better understand if and how ED-related content on social media can be used for targeting prevention and intervention messages towards those who are in-need and could potentially benefit from these efforts.</div

    Suppressed magnetization in La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3/YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} superlattices

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    We studied the magnetic properties of La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 / YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} superlattices. Magnetometry showed that with increasing YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} layer thickness the saturation magnetization per La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 layer decreases. From polarized neutron reflectometry we determined that this magnetization reduction is due to an inhomogenous magnetization depth profile arising from the suppression of magnetization near the La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 / YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} interface. Electron energy loss spectroscopy indicates an increased 3d band occupation of the Mn atoms in the La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 layers at the interface. Thus, the suppression of ferromagnetic order at the La0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 / YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} interface is most likely due to charge transfer between the two materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Delta Doping of Ferromagnetism in Antiferromagnetic Manganite Superlattices

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    We demonstrate that delta-doping can be used to create a dimensionally confined region of metallic ferromagnetism in an antiferromagnetic (AF) manganite host, without introducing any explicit disorder due to dopants or frustration of spins. Delta-doped carriers are inserted into a manganite superlattice (SL) by a digital-synthesis technique. Theoretical consideration of these additional carriers show that they cause a local enhancement of ferromagnetic (F) double-exchange with respect to AF superexchange, resulting in local canting of the AF spins. This leads to a highly modulated magnetization, as measured by polarized neutron reflectometry. The spatial modulation of the canting is related to the spreading of charge from the doped layer, and establishes a fundamental length scale for charge transfer, transformation of orbital occupancy and magnetic order in these manganites. Furthermore, we confirm the existence of the canted, AF state as was predicted by de Gennes [P.-G. de Gennes, Phys. Rev. 118, 141 (1960)], but had remained elusive