91 research outputs found

    О наступании ледников в условиях вулканической деятельности вулкана Ключевской (Камчатка)

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    New data on continuing advance of the Kamchatka glaciers Erman, Vlodavets, Sopochny, Schmidt, and Bogdanovich were obtained as a result of analysis of aerospace information taken at different times. Glacier Erman advances during the past 70  years (1945–2016). Over the period from 1949 to 2016, its area increased by 4.7 km2 and the length – by 3.3 km (from 18.2 to 21.5 km). The highest speed of advancing had been estimated for the Schmidt glacier, in 2007–2013 it exceeded 100 m/year. We had identified a new isolated glacier between glaciers Erman and Schmidt, named as the Obvalny (the «Avalanche») glacier, since in 1945 this glacier was buried under volcanic-avalanche deposits resulted from the Klyuchevskaya volcano eruption. In 1975–2016, the Obvalny glacier advanced over a distance of about 1700 m. Also, we had found more 30 ice-rock massifs («wandering glaciers») on slopes of the Klyuchevskaya volcano. Their contours looked like drops or tongues, and some of them advanced in the frontal zone. From 2002 to 2016, the «wandering glacier» in the upper reaches of river Glubokaya (eastern sector of the volcano) advanced for 740 m (55 m/year). Advancing of glaciers here is a consequence of lateral and terminal eruptions of the Klyuchevskaya volcano in XX and XXI centuries. Erman Glacier, glacier advance, Klyuchevskaya volcano, lateral eruption, space images, volcanic and rock avalanche deposits, «wandering glaciers».На основе анализа разновременной аэрокосмической информации за период 1949–2016 гг. полу- чены новые данные о современном состоянии и наступании ледников района вулкана Ключев- ской – Эрмана, Влодавца, Сопочного, Шмидта, Богдановича и безымянных «блуждающих ледников». Площадь ледника Эрмана увеличилась на 4,7 км2, а длина достигла 21,5 км. Самые высокие темпы наступания – до 100 м/год – характерны для ледника Шмидта. Наступание ледников есть следствие латеральных и терминальных извержений вулкана Ключевской в XX и XXI вв

    A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya

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    On 7 Feb 2021, a catastrophic mass flow descended the Ronti Gad, Rishiganga, and Dhauliganga valleys in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India, causing widespread devastation and severely damaging two hydropower projects. Over 200 people were killed or are missing. Our analysis of satellite imagery, seismic records, numerical model results, and eyewitness videos reveals that ~27x106 m3 of rock and glacier ice collapsed from the steep north face of Ronti Peak. The rock and ice avalanche rapidly transformed into an extraordinarily large and mobile debris flow that transported boulders >20 m in diameter, and scoured the valley walls up to 220 m above the valley floor. The intersection of the hazard cascade with downvalley infrastructure resulted in a disaster, which highlights key questions about adequate monitoring and sustainable development in the Himalaya as well as other remote, high-mountain environments

    Активизация обвалов на Центральном Кавказе и их влияние на динамику ледников и селевые процессы

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    We analyzed multi-time satellite images of the Central Caucasus glacial zone and interpreted more than thirty rock avalanche events in the 21st century with a total damage area of more than 25 km2 (including the collapse zone of the Kolka Glacier disaster). The highest rock and rock-ice avalanche activity is detected in the section of The Greater Caucasus range (northern and southern slopes) with a length of about 20 km between the Bashkara and Kulaktau peaks (16 rock avalanches) and in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimaray Massif (series of rock avalanches to the surface of Kolka, Suatisi and Devdoraki glaciers). The feature of the rock and ice-rock avalanches is the large runout distance. For 12 events (about 40%) the distance was more than 2000 m. One ice-rock avalanche from the Mount Kazbek (excluding the Kolka Glacier disaster in 2002) reached the runout distance more than 10 km. In some areas, the rock avalanches occurred several times. In particular, a large number of avalanches were in the cirque of the Kolka Glacier; the last of them at the end of 2019. Thrice шт each case, rock avalanches originated from Mount Bashkara, in the cirques of the Murkvam Glacier, the East Shtulu Glacier, and the Devdoraki Glacier. Ice and rock avalanches were the initial stage of the complex process of the Kolka Glacier disaster and following catastrophic glacial debris flow in the Genaldon/Gizeldon River valley in 2002. Also, they were causes of glacier surges, formation of dammed lakes, and debris flows. As a result of the collapse of the hanging glacier and bedrock, the former right tributary of the Kolka Glacier surged to 200 m in 2006. Ice-rock avalanche from Mount Kazbek in 2014 load up the former right tributary of the Devdoraki Glacier and caused its advancing in 2015–2019, at a distance of more than 400 m. The avalanches caused catastrophic debris flows in the Amilishka/Kabakhi River valley in 2014, the Mestiachala River valley in 2019. Rock avalanches can cause outbursts of lakes and debris flows. Two dammed lakes formed as a result of the rock avalanche from the cirque above the Seri Glacier in the Tviberi River valley of the in May 2016. The lakes (total area was more than 0.05 km2) have outburst at the end of August 2017 after heavy rains. Rock avalanches of the 20th century led to an abrupt deceleration in the retreat of the Yusengi, Bartuytsete, East Shtulu and Mosota glaciers. The formation of rock avalanches in the 21st century took place at high altitudes (an average of about 3900 m). Possibly, the reason was associated with an increase of the «0» isotherm and of the high border of the zone of intense frost weathering due to climate warming. Some rock avalanches in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimarai Massif have been caused by endogenous factors (seismicity and volcanism).На основе анализа разновременных космических снимков приведены данные о 32 обвалах в ледниковой зоне Центрального Кавказа в ХХI в. Половина из них сосредоточена на участке северного и южного склонов Главного Кавказского хребта восточнее горы Башкара. Отмечена высокая активность обвалов в 2019 г., показано влияние обвалов на динамику ледников и селевые процессы

    История ледника Донгуз-Орун по биоиндикационным, историческим, картографическим источникам и данным дистанционного зондирования

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    On the basis of dendrochronological, lichenometric and historical data with the use of Earth remote sensing materials, the evolution of the Donguz-Orun Glacier has been reconstructed over the past centuries. In this work we used aerial photographs of 1957, 1965, 1981, 1987, satellite image of 2009, as well as descriptions, photographs, maps and plans of the glacier of the 19th and 20th centuries, data of instrumental measurements of the glacier end position in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries, dendrochronological dating of pine on the front part of the valley, and juniper to date coastal moraines, and the results of lichenometry studies. It has been established that the Donguz-Orun Glacier in the past had several clearly marked advances about 100, 200 and more than 350 years ago, which are expressed in relief in the form of uneven-aged coastal moraines. Despite the fact that the Donguz-Orun Glacier differs from many mountain-valley glaciers of the Caucasus primarily by its predominantly avalanche feeding and a moraine cover, almost entirely covering its surface, the main periods of its advances are consistent with the known large fluctuations of mountain glaciers during the Little Ice Age in the early 20th, early 19th, and, probably, in the middle of the 17th century. However, unlike most other Caucasian glaciers, the Donguz-Orun Glacier advanced in the 1970s–2000s. Te scale of its degradation from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century is also uncharacteristic for the Caucasus: the reduction in the length for longer than a century period is only about 100 m.Проведены исследования изменений долинного ледника Донгуз-Орун за последние три с половиной столетия. Границы положения конца ледника определялись по аэрофото- и космическим снимкам, а также по историческим описаниям, фотографиям, картам и планам ледника, дендрохронологическим датировкам по сосне и можжевельнику и результатам лихенометрических исследований. Установлено, что ледник Донгуз-Орун в прошлом имел несколько чётко выраженных наступаний около 100, 200 и более 350 лет назад, следы которых находят отражение в рельефе в виде разновозрастных береговых морен

    Disadvantages cartographic method of determining the coordinates as the causes of cadastral errors

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    Mismatch the description of land boundaries actual location of land boundaries that in practice becomes the cause of many land disputes. Оften the only solution to such disputes is to appeal to the court

    Formation of Cu–Pt nanocontacts in STM breaking junction simulations: MD simulations and one-dimensional diffusion model

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    In this paper, we propose a new theoretical approach that combines classical MD method and a one-dimensional diffusion model. We have shown that our approach allows to extrapolate the results of MD simulations to the experimental timescale. As an example, the formation of Cu–Pt nanocontacts in the STM-BJ experiments was investigated. STM-BJ simulations with copper STM tips and Cu–Pt surface alloys were performed in a wide range of temperatures (300–900 K), number of Pt atoms in the substrate (1–7) and for different orientations ((100), (110) and (111)) of the STM tip. Using our approach, we predicted that it is possible to use the STM-BJ technique to prepare Cu–Pt nanocontacts. The presented approach should work well in all cases when the diffusion of atoms occurs via interlayer jumps

    Two growth modes of nanostructures near Cu(111) step edges in CoCu and PtCu surface alloys

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    The formation of CoCu and PtCu alloys on the stepped Cu(111) substrate was simulated. Dendritic and finger-like protrusions grow near the edges of the steps. The shape and the internal structure of the protrusions depend on the type of the step edge, temperature and concentrations of impurity atoms. The internal structure and the shape of the protrusions are significantly different in PtCu and CoCu alloys. Pt atoms tend to be surrounded by Cu atoms and Co atoms tend to combine into Co backbones. The dendritic protrusions usually grow at 200 K and the finger-like protrusions usually grow at 300 K. The shape of the protrusions also depends on the type of the step edge and the concentration of impurity atoms. The main differences of PtCu and CoCu protrusions can be explained by the values of the diffusion barriers of the key processes

    On advancing of glaciers due to activity of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano (Kamchatka)

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    New data on continuing advance of the Kamchatka glaciers Erman, Vlodavets, Sopochny, Schmidt, and Bogdanovich were obtained as a result of analysis of aerospace information taken at different times. Glacier Erman advances during the past 70  years (1945–2016). Over the period from 1949 to 2016, its area increased by 4.7 km2 and the length – by 3.3 km (from 18.2 to 21.5 km). The highest speed of advancing had been estimated for the Schmidt glacier, in 2007–2013 it exceeded 100 m/year. We had identified a new isolated glacier between glaciers Erman and Schmidt, named as the Obvalny (the «Avalanche») glacier, since in 1945 this glacier was buried under volcanic-avalanche deposits resulted from the Klyuchevskaya volcano eruption. In 1975–2016, the Obvalny glacier advanced over a distance of about 1700 m. Also, we had found more 30 ice-rock massifs («wandering glaciers») on slopes of the Klyuchevskaya volcano. Their contours looked like drops or tongues, and some of them advanced in the frontal zone. From 2002 to 2016, the «wandering glacier» in the upper reaches of river Glubokaya (eastern sector of the volcano) advanced for 740 m (55 m/year). Advancing of glaciers here is a consequence of lateral and terminal eruptions of the Klyuchevskaya volcano in XX and XXI centuries. Erman Glacier, glacier advance, Klyuchevskaya volcano, lateral eruption, space images, volcanic and rock avalanche deposits, «wandering glaciers»