289 research outputs found

    Strain Induced Vortex Core Switching in Planar Magnetostrictive Nanostructures

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    The dynamics of magnetic vortex cores is of great interest because the gyrotropic mode has applications in spin torque driven magnetic microwave oscillators, and also provides a means to flip the direction of the core for use in magnetic storage devices. Here, we propose a new means of stimulating magnetization reversal of the vortex core by applying a time-varying strain gradient to planar structures of the magnetostrictive material Fe81Ga19 (Galfenol), coupled to an underlying piezoelectric layer. Using micromagnetic simulations we have shown that the vortex core state can be deterministically reversed by electric field control of the time-dependent strain-induced anisotropy

    Ultrafast changes of magnetic anisotropy driven by laser-generated coherent and noncoherent phonons in metallic films

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    Ultrafast optical excitation of a metal ferromagnetic film results in a modification of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and induces the magnetization precession. We consider two main contributions to these processes: an effect of noncoherent phonons, which modifies the temperature dependent parameters of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and coherent phonons in the form of a strain contributing via inverse magnetostriction. Contrary to earlier experiments with high-symmetry ferromagnetic structures, where these mechanisms could not be separated, we study the magnetization response to femtosecond optical pulses in the low-symmetry magnetostrictive galfenol film so that it is possible to separate the coherent and noncoherent phonon contributions. By choosing certain experimental geometry and external magnetic fields, we can distinguish the contribution from a specific mechanism. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculations are used to support the experimental observations and proposed model

    Confined magnon dispersion in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic thin films in a second quantization approach: the case of Fe and NiO

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    We present a methodology based on the calculation of the inelastic scattering from magnons via the spin scattering function in confined geometries such as thin films using a second quantization formalism, for both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. The case studies are chosen with an aim to demonstrate the effects of film thickness and crystal orientation on magnon modes, using bcc Fe(100) and NiO with (100) and (111) crystallographic orientations as prototypical systems. Due to the quantization of the quasi-momentum we observe a granularity in the inelastic spectra in the reciprocal space path reflecting the orientation of the thin film. This approach also allows to capture softer modes that appear due to the partial interaction of magnetic moments close to the surface in a thin film geometry, in addition to bulk modes. The softer modes are also affected by crystallographic orientations as illustrated by the different surface-related peaks of NiO magnon density of states at approximately ~ 65 meV for (100) and ~ 42 meV for (111). Additionally, we explore the role of anisotropy on magnon modes, revealing that introducing anisotropy to both Fe and NiO films increases the overall hardness of the magnon modes. The introduction of a surface anisotropy produces a shift of the surface-related magnon DOS peak to higher energies with increased surface anisotropy, and in some cases leading to surface confined mode

    Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in M-type hexaferrites by Co substitution into trigonal bi-pyramidal sites

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    The magnetoelectric effect in M-type Ti-Co doped strontium hexaferrite has been studied using a combination of magnetometry and element specific soft X-ray spectroscopies. A large increase (>×30) in the magnetoelectric coefficient is found when Co2+ enters the trigonal bi-pyramidal site. The 5-fold trigonal bi-pyramidal site has been shown to provide an unusual mechanism for electric polarization based on the displacement of magnetic transition metal (TM) ions. For Co entering this site, an off-centre displacement of the cation may induce a large local electric dipole as well as providing an increased magnetostriction enhancing the magnetoelectric effect

    Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in M-type hexaferrites by Co substitution into trigonal bi-pyramidal sites

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    The magnetoelectric effect in M-type Ti-Co doped strontium hexaferrite has been studied using a combination of magnetometry and element specific soft X-ray spectroscopies. A large increase (>×30) in the magnetoelectric coefficient is found when Co2+ enters the trigonal bi-pyramidal site. The 5-fold trigonal bi-pyramidal site has been shown to provide an unusual mechanism for electric polarization based on the displacement of magnetic transition metal (TM) ions. For Co entering this site, an off-centre displacement of the cation may induce a large local electric dipole as well as providing an increased magnetostriction enhancing the magnetoelectric effect

    Theory of momentum-resolved magnon electron energy loss spectra: The case of Yttrium Iron Garnet

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    We explore the inelastic spectra of electrons impinging in a magnetic system. The methodology here presented is intended to highlight the charge-dependent interaction of the electron beam in a STEM-EELS experiment, and the local vector potential generated by the magnetic lattice. This interaction shows an intensity 10−210^{-2} smaller than the purely spin interaction, which is taken to be functionally the same as in the inelastic neutron experiment. On the other hand, it shows a strong scattering vector dependence (κ−4\kappa^{-4}) and a dependence with the relative orientation between the probe wavevector and the local magnetic moments of the solid. We present YIG as a case study due to its high interest by the community
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