781 research outputs found

    Design guide for high pressure oxygen systems

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    A repository for critical and important detailed design data and information, hitherto unpublished, along with significant data on oxygen reactivity phenomena with metallic and nonmetallic materials in moderate to very high pressure environments is documented. This data and information provide a ready and easy to use reference for the guidance of designers of propulsion, power, and life support systems for use in space flight. The document is also applicable to designs for industrial and civilian uses of high pressure oxygen systems. The information presented herein are derived from data and design practices involving oxygen usage at pressures ranging from about 20 psia to 8000 psia equal with thermal conditions ranging from room temperatures up to 500 F

    Electrical properties of isotopically enriched neutron-transmutation-doped ^{70} Ge:Ga near the metal-insulator transition

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    We report the low temperature carrier transport properties of a series of nominally uncompensated neutron-transmutation doped (NTD) ^{70} Ge:Ga samples very close to the critical concentration N_c for the metal-insulator transition. The concentration of the sample closest to N_c is 1.0004N_c and it is unambiguously shown that the critical conductivity exponent is 0.5. Properties of insulating samples are discussed in the context of Efros and Shklovskii's variable range hopping conduction.Comment: 8 pages using REVTeX, 8 figures, published versio

    Computational and Experimental Study of Supersonic Nozzle Flow and Aft-Deck Interactions

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    NASA has been conducting research into reducing sonic boom and changing FAA regulations to allow for supersonic commercial transport over land in the United States. This particular study looks at a plume passing through a shock generated from an aft deck on a nacelle; the aft deck is meant to represent the trailing edge of a wing. NASA Langley Research Center USM3D CFD code results are compared to the experimental data taken at the NASA Glenn Research Center 1-foot by 1-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel. This study included examining two turbulence models along with different volume sourcing methods for grid generation. The results show that using the k-epsilon turbulence model within USM3D produced shock signatures that closely follow the experimental data at a variety of nozzle pressure ratio settings

    Localization length and impurity dielectric susceptibility in the critical regime of the metal-insulator transition in homogeneously doped p-type Ge

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    We have determined the localization length \xi and the impurity dielectric susceptibility \chi_{\rm imp} as a function of Ga acceptor concentrations (N) in nominally uncompensated ^{70}Ge:Ga just below the critical concentration (N_c) for the metal-insulator transition. Both \xi and \chi_{\rm imp} diverge at N_c according to the functions \xi\propto(1-N/N_c)^{-\nu} and \chi_{\rm imp}\propto(N_c/N-1)^{-\zeta}, respectively, with \nu=1.2\pm0.3 and \zeta=2.3\pm0.6 for 0.99N_c< N< N_c. Outside of this region (N<0.99N_c), the values of the exponents drop to \nu=0.33\pm0.03 and \zeta=0.62\pm0.05. The effect of the small amount of compensating dopants that are present in our nominally uncompensated samples, may be responsible for the change of the critical exponents at N\approx0.99N_c.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages with 5 embedded figures, final version (minor changes

    X-Band ESR Determination of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction in 2D SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 System

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    X-band ESR measurements on a single crystal of SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 system in a temperature range between 10 K and 580 K are presented. The temperature and angular dependence of unusually broad ESR spectra can be explained by the inclusion of antisymmetric Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction, which yields by far the largest contribution to the linewidth. However, the well-accepted picture of only out-of-plane interdimer DM vectors is not sufficient for explanation of the observed angular dependence. In order to account for the experimental linewidth anisotropy we had to include sizable in-plane components of interdimer as well as intradimer DM interaction in addition to the out-of-plane interdimer one. The nearest-neighbor DM vectors lie perpendicular to crystal anisotropy c-axis due to crystal symmetry. We also emphasize that above the structural phase transition occurring at 395 K dynamical mechanism should be present allowing for instantaneous DM interactions. Moreover, the linewidth at an arbitrary temperature can be divided into two contributions; namely, the first part arising from spin dynamics governed by the spin Hamiltonian of the system and the second part due to significant spin-phonon coupling. The nature of the latter mechanism is attributed to phonon-modulation of the antisymmetric interaction, which is responsible for the observed linear increase of the linewidth at high temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Materials with Colossal Dielectric Constant: Do They Exist?

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    Experimental evidence is provided that colossal dielectric constants, epsilon >= 1000, sometimes reported to exist in a broad temperature range, can often be explained by Maxwell-Wagner type contributions of depletion layers at the interface between sample and contacts, or at grain boundaries. We demonstrate this on a variety of different materials. We speculate that the largest intrinsic dielectric constant observed so far in non-ferroelectric materials is of order 100.Comment: 3 figure

    First-principles calculations of the self-trapped exciton in crystalline NaCl

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    The atomic and electronic structure of the lowest triplet state of the off-center (C2v symmetry) self-trapped exciton (STE) in crystalline NaCl is calculated using the local-spin-density (LSDA) approximation. In addition, the Franck-Condon broadening of the luminescence peak and the a1g -> b3u absorption peak are calculated and compared to experiment. LSDA accurately predicts transition energies if the initial and final states are both localized or delocalized, but 1 eV discrepancies with experiment occur if one state is localized and the other is delocalized.Comment: 4 pages with 4 embeddded figure

    Stability of sub-surface oxygen at Rh(111)

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    Using density-functional theory (DFT) we investigate the incorporation of oxygen directly below the Rh(111) surface. We show that oxygen incorporation will only commence after nearly completion of a dense O adlayer (\theta_tot = 1.0 monolayer) with O in the fcc on-surface sites. The experimentally suggested octahedral sub-surface site occupancy, inducing a site-switch of the on-surface species from fcc to hcp sites, is indeed found to be a rather low energy structure. Our results indicate that at even higher coverages oxygen incorporation is followed by oxygen agglomeration in two-dimensional sub-surface islands directly below the first metal layer. Inside these islands, the metastable hcp/octahedral (on-surface/sub-surface) site combination will undergo a barrierless displacement, introducing a stacking fault of the first metal layer with respect to the underlying substrate and leading to a stable fcc/tetrahedral site occupation. We suggest that these elementary steps, namely, oxygen incorporation, aggregation into sub-surface islands and destabilization of the metal surface may be more general and precede the formation of a surface oxide at close-packed late transition metal surfaces.Comment: 9 pages including 9 figure files. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    Crystal Field and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction in orbitally ordered La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3: An ESR Study

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction and crystal-field parameters using the angular dependence of the paramagnetic resonance shift and linewidth in single crystals of La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3 within the orthorhombic Jahn-Teller distorted phase. The Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (~ 1K) results from the tilting of the MnO_6 octahedra against each other. The crystal-field parameters D and E are found to be of comparable magnitude (~ 1K) with D ~= -E. This indicates a strong mixing of the |3z^2-r^2> and |x^2-y^2> states for the real orbital configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum control of hybrid nuclear-electronic qubits

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    Pulsed magnetic resonance is a wide-reaching technology allowing the quantum state of electronic and nuclear spins to be controlled on the timescale of nanoseconds and microseconds respectively. The time required to flip either dilute electronic or nuclear spins is orders of magnitude shorter than their decoherence times, leading to several schemes for quantum information processing with spin qubits. We investigate instead the novel regime where the eigenstates approximate 50:50 superpositions of the electronic and nuclear spin states forming "hybrid nuclear-electronic" qubits. Here we demonstrate quantum control of these states for the first time, using bismuth-doped silicon, in just 32 ns: this is orders of magnitude faster than previous experiments where pure nuclear states were used. The coherence times of our states are five orders of magnitude longer, reaching 4 ms, and are limited by the naturally-occurring 29Si nuclear spin impurities. There is quantitative agreement between our experiments and no-free-parameter analytical theory for the resonance positions, as well as their relative intensities and relative Rabi oscillation frequencies. In experiments where the slow manipulation of some of the qubits is the rate limiting step, quantum computations would benefit from faster operation in the hybrid regime.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, new data and simulation
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