10 research outputs found

    Echinococcal Cyst Blockade — the Rare Cause of Acute Pancreatitis and Obstructive Jaundice

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    Aim: demonstrate an algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct by daughter echinococcal cyst.Key points. The article presents a clinical case of acute echinococcal obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct in a patient with a complicated course of liver echinococcosis. A 33-year-old man was hospitalized with epigastrium and right hypochondrium pains and jaundice. In 2019 the patient underwent the removal of a cyst in the 7th liver segment and cholecystectomy for liver and gallbladder echinococcal lesions. Laboratory research revealed leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia and an increase in the transaminases level. Transabdominal ultrasound showed signs of dilatation throughout bile ducts. Duodenoscopy revealed a fixed yellowish-white oval formation with transluent capsule, completely blocking bile and pancreatic juice outflow at the major duodenal papilla. After non-annulation endoscopic papillotomy, migration of the substrate (echinococcal cyst) into the duodenum was noted, active flow of bile and pancreatic secretions was restored. Oral transpapillary cholangioscopy was performed for a detailed bile ducts examination. It revealed no echinococcal cysts, residual parasitic structures or biliary tree lesions. The treatment was completed with pancreatic stenting. After complex treatment in the intensive care and surgery unit with complete condition stabilization, the patient was discharged with recommendations for further treatment in a specialized clinic.Conclusion. Migration of a daughter cyst from the echinococcal liver focus can cause acute blockade of the terminal part of the common bile duct and acute obstructive pancreatitis. The combination of clinical, radiological and endoscopic methods allows to diagnose and eliminate this rare complication of liver echinococcosis with subsequent successful treatment

    First Use of Superpulsed Fibre Thulium Laser-Based Contact Stone Ablation in Common Bile and Main Pancreatic Ducts

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    Aim. A clinical demonstration of the feasibility of novel superpulsed thulium fibre laser in contact intraductal lithotripsy in patients with choledocholithiasis and pancreatic lithiasis.Key points. We describe two clinically successful ablations of large biliary and pancreatic calculi using a FiberLase U2 superpulse fibre thulium laser appliance (IRE-Polus, Russia) during oral transpapillary cholangiopancreaticoscopy in patients with technically unfeasible conventional minimally invasive treatment for choledocho- and pancreatic lithiasis. A 72-yo patient was urgently admitted with acute mechanical jaundice, cholangitis and a history of endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) and bilioduodenal stenting with a plastic implant for technically impractical lithotripsy and lithoextraction. An ineffective extracorporeal lithotripsy attempt was followed on day 3 by a second retrograde intervention and endoscopic contact laser lithotripsy controlled in oral transpapillary cholangioscopy with FiberLase U2. A 50-yo patient was admitted with clinical signs of chronic calculous pancreatitis and a history of EPST, pancreatic ductotomy and plastic pancreatic stenting. The first endoscopy stage comprised the encrusted pancreatic stent removal, retrograde pancreaticography, pancreatic ductotomy, narrowed terminal Wirsung’s duct bougienage with mechanical dilators and additional balloon-assisted dilation of the excision area and pancreatic stricture. Mechanical intraductal lithotripsy was unsuccessful. Contact lithotripsy with a novel superpulsed fibre thulium laser has been rendered. The technique presented ensures a complete sanation of the duct at no mucosal damage.Conclusion. We present the fully successful first national and world experience of the superpulsed fibre thulium laser application in contact lithotripsy of large calculi in common bile and main pancreatic ducts

    Clinical Guidelines of the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Gastroenterological Association, the Association of Surgeons-Hepatologists and the Endoscopic Society “REndO” on Diagnostics and Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Aim: to present modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis for gastroenterologists, general practitioners and physicians.Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a long-term inflammatory disease of the pancreas, manifested by irreversible morphological changes in the parenchyma and pancreatic ducts, which cause pain and/or persistent impairment of function. Current concept on the etiology of CP is reflected by the TIGAR-O classification. The criteria for establishing the diagnosis of CP include typical attacks of abdominal pain and/or clinical and laboratory signs of exocrine, endocrine insufficiency with the mandatory detection of characteristic morphological changes (calcifications in the parenchyma and pancreatic ductal stones, dilatation of the main pancreatic duct and its branches). CT, MRCP, and pancreatobiliary endosonography are recommended as the methods of choice to verify the diagnosis of CP. Conservative treatment of patients with CP is provided for symptom relief and prevention of complications. Individual cases with severe non-interactable abdominal pain, as well as a complicated course of the disease (development of ductal hypertension due to main pancreatic duct stones or strictures, obstructive jaundice caused by compression of the common bile duct, symptomatic postnecrotic cysts, portal hypertension due to compression of the portal vein or thrombosis of the splenic vein, persistent duodenal obstruction, pseudoaneurysm of the celiac trunk basin and the superior mesenteric artery) serve as an indication for endoscopic or surgical treatment. The Guidelines set out modern approaches to the diagnosis, conservative, endoscopic and surgical treatment of CP, and the prevention of its complications.Conclusion. The implementation of clinical guidelines can contribute to the timely diagnosis and improve the quality of medical care for patients with chronic pancreatitis

    Клинико-генетическая и микробиологическая характеристика больных муковисцидозом, проживающих в Московском регионе и Республике Беларусь

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    The aim of this study was a comparative analysis of course and treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) in patients living at Moscow Region or at Republic of Belarus’. Methods. This was a comparative analysis of CF patients living at Moscow region (n = 197) or at Republic of Belarus’ (n = 110). The following clinical data were evaluated: sweat chloride test results if available, sputum microflora, nutritional status, complications of CF, and the current treatment. Results. The patient samples did not differ in gender, age, and lung function and had similar rates of F508del and CFTRdele2,3 mutations and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Similar methods were used in both groups to confirm the diagnosis. The groups differed significantly in prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus, Burkholderia cepacia complex, and non-tuberculosis mycobacteria infections. Adult patients living at Moscow Region have lower forced expiratory volume for 1 sec compared to those living at Republic of Belarus’. CF patients younger 18 years of age who lived at Moscow Region had higher body mass index that those living at Republic of Belarus’. CF patients living at Republic of Belarus’ had hepatic cirrhosis and nasal polyps more often that those living at Moscow Region. Conclusion. CF patients living at Moscow Region and at Republic of Belarus’ had similar health status. Children and adolescents from those regions did not differ in key parameters predicting life expectancy and quality of life in CF. The groups differed in the prevalence of hepatic cirrhosis and nasal polyps. Modern ambulatory management using novel inhaled mucolytic and antibacterial agents, and regular follow-up every 3 months allow maintaining the lung functional status and P. aeruginosa infection rate close to that of the patients managed with regular in-hospital intravenous antibacterial and steroid therapy. Муковисцидоз (МВ) характеризуется поражением многих органов, но в большинстве случаев доминирует патология респираторного тракта. Общее число больных МВ в течение последнего десятилетия значительно увеличилось, возросли также доля взрослых пациентов и выживаемость, улучшилось качество жизни больных МВ. Целью исследования явился сравнительный анализ показателей течения МВ больных, проживающих в Московском регионе (МР) (Москва и Московская область) и Республике Беларусь (РБ) (Минск и регионы), а также объема медикаментозного лечения. Материалы и методы. Настоящая работа представляет собой сравнительный анализ данных пациентов с МВ, проживающих в МР (n = 197) и РБ (n = 110). Анамнестически оценивались следующие клинические данные: хлориды пота при проведении потового теста, микробный пейзаж, нутритивный статус, осложнения течения МВ, проводимая терапия. Результаты. Выборки обследованных больных МВ (n = 307), проживающих в МВ и РБ, практически не различались по частоте встречаемости мутации F508del и CFTRdele2,3, синегнойной инфекции в группах детей, показателям функции легких, полу и возрасту (до 18 лет). Применялись единые методы диагностики заболевания (потовые тесты, ДНК-диагностика). Различия отмечены по частоте Staphylococcus aureus, Burkholderia cepacia complex, нетуберкулезных микобактерий. Отмечены более низкие показатели функции легких по объему форсированного выдоха за 1-ю секунду среди взрослых, проживающих в МР. У детей моложе 18 лет, проживающих в МР, отмечено более высокое значение индекса массы тела. Цирроз и полипозный риносинусит чаще регистрировались среди жителей РБ. Заключение. У больных МВ, проживающих в МР и РБ, выявлены сходные характеристики здоровья. Различий по показателям, определяющим качество и продолжительность жизни при МВ, у детей и подростков обоих регионов не установлено. Зарегистрированы различия в отношении цирроза печени, полипоза и остеопороза. Применение амбулаторной тактики ведения больных, динамического наблюдения (1 раз в 3 мес.) с использованием современных ингаляционных муколитических и ингаляционных антибактериальных препаратов дает возможность поддерживать функцию легких и частоту Pseudomonas aeruginosa так же, как и при внутривенной антибактериальной и гормональной терапии в условиях стационара

    Nonlinear analysis of periodic waves in a neural field model

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    Various types of brain activity, including motor, visual, and language, are accompanied by the propagation of periodic waves of electric potential in the cortex, possibly providing the synchronization of the epicenters involved in these activities. One example is cortical electrical activity propagating during sleep and described as traveling waves [Massimini et al., J. Neurosci. 24, 6862-6870 (2004)]. These waves modulate cortical excitability as they progress. Clinically related examples include cortical spreading depression in which a wave of depolarization propagates not only in migraine but also in stroke, hemorrhage, or traumatic brain injury [Whalen et al., Sci. Rep. 8, 1-9 (2018)]. Here, we consider the possible role of epicenters and explore a neural field model with two nonlinear integrodifferential equations for the distributions of activating and inhibiting signals. It is studied with symmetric connectivity functions characterizing signal exchange between two populations of neurons, excitatory and inhibitory. Bifurcation analysis is used to investigate the emergence of periodic traveling waves and of standing oscillations from the stationary, spatially homogeneous solutions, and the stability of these solutions. Both types of solutions can be started by local oscillations indicating a possible role of epicenters in the initiation of wave propagation

    Hymecromone Efficacy in the Treatment of Biliary Pancreatitis

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    Aim. To study the contribution of biliary sludge (BS) to the development of chronic pancreatitis in patients with gallbladder sludge and verified chronic pancreatitis; to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of hymecromone therapy according to clinical and laboratory signs, as well as dynamics of gallbladder size and contractility.Materials and methods. An open single-centre clinical trial included 30 patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP), which was diagnosed according to the Cambridge criteria. All patients received hymocromone (Odeston®) 400 mg tid for 3 weeks. An analysis of the efficacy and safety of the studied drug was performed on the 21st day of treatment based on the results of laboratory tests, abdominal ultrasound, cholecystography and endosonography of the pancreatobiliary zone, quality-of-life assessment according to the SF-36 questionnaire, the frequency and severity of adverse effects (AE).Results. CP signs were found in 6.3 % of patients with gallbladder BS. CP was significantly more frequent in patients with putty-like bile (33.3 %, χ2 = 38.21, p < 0.00001). The area of the major duodenal papilla (MDP) was below normal in 78% of patients. According to factor analysis, monotherapy with hymocromone resulted in a decrease in abdominal pain, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen and bloating. By the end of the therapy, the quality of life according to the “BP” bodily pain scale of the SF-36 questionnaire significantly increased.Conclusions. Biliary sludge (including undiagnosed forms during routine examination) was found to be a factor in the development of CP. The medical correction of biliary disorders in CP should include selective antispasmodics. Hymecromone therapy demonstrates a good level of tolerability and safety, normalizes the motor function of the biliary tract and sphincter tone over a short period of time, and relieves CP symptoms