3,373 research outputs found

    Multi-Stage Complex Notch Filtering for Interference Detection and Mitigation to Improve the Acquisition Performance of GPS

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    Continuous Wave Interferences (CWIs) can degrade the accuracy of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and moreover it can completely deteriorate receiver’s normal operation. In this paper a low-cost anti-jamming system design is presented for the mitigation and detection of CWIs for GPS receivers. The anti-jamming system comprises of parameterizable Complex Adaptive Notch Filter (CANF) module which is able to detect and excise single or multiple CWIs. The CANF module is composed of a first, second and third order infinite-impulse response filter with an Auto-Regressive Moving Averager structure. The proposed CANF detects the existence of the CWI and estimates JNR level of incoming signal by using the statistical value of the adaptive parameter b0. The impact of the CANF module on the acquisition is analyzed. Moreover, a simple and innovative system level model is proposed which can utilize each CANF efficiently with threshold setting of JNR estimation within the adaptation block. Threshold setting parameters provide trade-off between effective excision of CWI, order of the filter and power consumption. This results in a parameterizable CANF module and provide effective solution for the mitigation of interferences with a high-power profile for GPS based applications

    Tinjauan Yuridis Atas Upaya Reformasi Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa dalam Menciptakan Tatanan Negara-negara di Dunia yang Berdaulat, Damai, dan Adil

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    The UN Security Council is one of United Nations organization that has important role among the other organizations because there is a special right given to the five members of the UN Security Council called a ‘veto'. But over time and based on the age development with the complexity of global issue, there are many countries who have opinion that the UN Security Council is not suitable to the present global situation and condition. For a number of years now, there have been calls for the Security Council to be modified, modernized, and reformed. To date there exist multiple proposals on how to reform the Security Council and have been submitted to the UN General Assembly for approval. But the reform of the United Nations Security Council has not yet success because there are obstacles that disturb the reform process of the UN Security Council. This article would like to discuss about the reform of the United Nations Security Council and what the reason of the reform, and what the obstacles to the reform of the United Nations Security Council and what the law provision on reforming the United Nations Security Council. In order to support the discussion and analysis of the aforementioned issue, this research applies normative law approach and descriptive study as research method. The data is collected from library research and analyzed by qualitative study

    Tinjauan Hukum Internasional Terhadap Reklamasi Pulau-pulau Yang Dipersengketakan Di Laut China Selatan Oleh Republik Rakyat Tiongkok

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    Agung Wahyudi Pamungkas* Suhaidi** Arif*** South China Sea if viewed of its geographic location is an area that has economic value, both political and strategic for countries bordering the South China Sea or not.South China Sea has a very important role as a trade and distribution of oil.In addition, the South China Sea also known as the vital shipping lanes and is one of the busiest International shipping lanes in the world.Based on geographical location can also be seen that the South China Sea is an semi enclosed sea because it is surrounded by some countries.Such conditions are frequent causes of disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea.One of the disputes and conflicts are disputes or conflicts related to reclamation actions undertaken by the People's Republic of China on the disputed islands in the South China Sea region. As for the issue is how the status and position of the South China Sea in accordance with International maritime law, how the act of reclaiming the islands disputed South China Sea by the People's Republic of China in accordance with International maritime law, and how efforts to resolve disputes that can be done related to reclamation of disputed islands in the South China Sea by the People's Republic of China. Status of the South China Sea as the sea is bordered by many costal states.While the position of the South China Sea is a semi-enclosed sea. That Status and position of the South China Sea often lead to disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea region.One of the disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea is a dispute or conflicts related to reclamation actions undertaken by the People's Republic of China.Reclamation that undertaken by the People's Republic of China on the disputed islands in the South China Sea region is actually contrary to International maritime law, especially UNCLOS 1982 and DOC 2002. Efforts to do in resolving disputes in the South China Sea, particularly disputes incurred due to actions undertaken by PRC reclamation should be done in ways that are justified by the 1982 UNCLOS and the DOC in 2002, which means peaceful resolution of disputes.And the suggestions in this paper is that in order to prevent disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea need to be done in cooperation between the countries around the South China Sea region and the need to set up a code of conduct in the South China Sea behave more binding.And that efforts for settling disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea is done by peaceful means. Keywords: Sea, China, South China, Reclamation * Mahasiswa Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU **Dosen Pembimbing I, Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU ***Dosen Pembimbing II, Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU *Students of the Department of International Law FH USU **Supervisor I, Department of International Law FH USU ***Supervisor II, Department of International Law FH US

    Efektifitas Cao Terhadap Gas Hasil Campuran Sekam Padi Dan Batubara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pemanfaatan limbah padatan pertanian yaitu sekam padi yang dicampur dengan penambahan batubara dan CaO terhadap peningkatan kualitas gas Hidrogen hasil gasifikasi dengan agen uap. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah sekam padi dan batubara yang mempunyai fix carbon sebesar 46.54 % , carbon sebesar 64.9 % dan kalorinya lebih dari 6000 kalori . Komposisi variasi campuran sekam padi : batubara. Jenis adsorb yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu CaO. Hasil penelitian ini, campuran 50% sekam padi + 50% batubara dengan temperatur uap 500oC menghasilkan gas hasil dengan konsentrasi H2 tinggi dan CO rendah dimana konsentrasi H2 tertinggi yang mampu dicapai yaitu sebesar 38,95% menggunakan CaO sebagai zat adsorb,kadar H2 sebesaar 24,18 % tidak menggunakan zat adsorb CaO. Penggunakan CaO dapat diperoleh peningkatan konsentrasi H2. Peningkatan konsentrasi H2 yang tinggi diperoleh dengan cara adsorp CaO. Mekanisme adsorp CO2 oleh CaO yaitu dengan reaksi heterogen menghasilkan CaCO3. Peningkatan kadar H2 disebabkan oleh perbandingan sekam- batubara, temperatur uap dan adsorben CaO yang digunaka

    Peningkatan Efektifitas pada Proses Pelepasan Piston Rem Depan Fortuner dengan Sst Bpt-fc

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    Proses over houl rem depan fortuner membutuhkan tekanan angin kompresor untuk melepas pistonrem. Proses ini harus dapat melepaskan keempat piston rem secara bersamaan karena keempatpiston rem tersebut dihubungkan dalam satu saluran minyak rem. Apabila ada beberapa piston remyang macet sehingga tidak bisa lepas, hal ini sangat mengganggu,sehingga proses melepas pistonrem dengan tekanan angin kompresor pun sudah tidak efektif lagi, yang mengakibatkan pekerjaanmenjadi terhambat dan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama. Apalagi cara teknisi melepas pistonrem yang macet tersebut hanya dengan menggunakan alat seadanya dan dapat pula mengakibatkanmaterial piston rusak. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dibuatlah alat bantu yaitu BPT-FC, denganmenggunakan prinsip kerja puller untuk mengefektifkan proses pelepasan piston rem. DenganBPTFC ini, proses melepas piston rem dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan cepat serta meningkatkansafety baik bagi teknisi maupun material piston. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, waktu prosesover houl rem fortuner turun sampai dengan 51.8%. Sedangkan dari hasil kuesioner teknisi, tingkatkesulitan berkurang 74% serta tingkat safety (cacat pada material piston) pun berkurang 66%

    Pengaruh Campuran Metanol terhadap Prestasi Mesin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan bahan bakar campuran premium dan metanol. Kadar campuran methanol yang diujikan adalah 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, dan 30% dari volume campuran metanol dan premium. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan motor standar. Penelitian ini menggunakan mesin motor satu silinder 100 cc. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menempatkan sepeda motor pada dynamometer inersia. Pengambilan data daya dan torsi dilakukan pada kisaran putaran 4000 hingga 8500 rpm. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar campuran 15% methanol (M-15) menghasilkan daya keluaran mesin tertinggi. Daya yang dihasilkan sebesar 6,68 hp / 7000 rpm, mengalami peningkatan 12,7% dibandingkan dengan pemakaian premium murni. Sedangkan untuk konsumsi bahan bakar serta sfc-nya semakin meningkat seiring penambahan kadar methanol, dan untuk effisiensi mesinnya semakin menurun seiring penambahan kadar methanol

    Tracking and Mitigation of Chirp-Type Interference in GPS Receivers Using Adaptive Notch Filters

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    A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is extremely prone to intentional and unintentional interference due to weak signal power experienced on the surface of the earth, which severely affects the navigation functionality and occasionally avoids the receivers from acquiring the GPS signal. This work presents a comparative performance analysis of two different types of Adaptive Notch Filtering (ANF) algorithms for GPS specific applications that are (1) Direct form 2nd Order ANF and (2) Lattice-based ANF for tracking and mitigation of Chirp-type Interference. Three classes of chirp-type interference signals, studied in this paper, are linear chirp, quadratic chirp and cubic chirp. Performance of each ANF algorithm is evaluated at the output of the acquisition module in terms of search-grid SNR and Peak metric

    Improving Coherence of the Students' Sentences by Applying Thematic Progression and Personal Blog in the Sentence-Based Writing Class

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    This study was aimed at describing what kinds of thematic progression patterns mostly employed by the students, describing how to apply thematic progression theory and personal blog in the sentence-based writing class, and finding out whether the use of thematic progression theory and personal blog give positive significances to coherence of the students' sentences. This is an action research study employing two cycles. The subject of the study was 24 students of group 2, in a class of sentence-based writing (SBW), and the object of the study was students' sentences created by the students in the teaching and learning process (TLP). The result of the study shows that thematic progression patterns moslty employed by the students are constant theme pattern followed by zig zag and multiple theme patterns. In TLP, the materials were devided and given to the students in two cycles. The first cycle focused on introducing the thematic progression theory and its kinds of patterns. Then, in the next cycle the students focused on sharing ideas with other classmates via individual blogs. Based on the result of the study, teaching SBW using thematic progression theory gives its positive significance by varied patterns used by the students. It can be seen from the analysis of the students' sentences from pretest, paragraf 1, paragraf 2, paragraf 3 and posttest. The students also give positive responses upon its teaching and learning process using thematic progression and personal blogs based on the pre and post test questionnaire data. It is hoped that the result of the study gives positive contribution to the students in preparing them to write in bigger contexts - paragraph-based writing, genre-based writng and academic writing in the next coming semesters

    A Novel Optimization Algorithm for Notch Bandwidth in Lattice Based Adaptive Filter for the Tracking of Interference in GPS

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    The weak signal levels experienced at the reception of the messages transmitted by navigation satellites, makes Global Positioning System (GPS) vulnerable to unintentional and intentional interference. This calls for appropriate modelling of GPS signal sources and jammers to assess the anti-jamming and interference mitigation capabilities of algorithms developed to be implemented for GPS receivers. Using a practical simulation model, this work presents an anti-jamming technique based on a novel algorithm. A fully adaptive lattice based notch filter is presented that provides better performance when compared to existing adaptive notch filter based techniques, chosen from the literature, in terms of convergence speed whilst delivering superior performance in the excision of the interference signal. To justify the superiority of the proposed technique, the noise and interference signal power is varied for in a wide dynamic range assessing jamming-to-noise density versus effective carrier-to-noise density performance at the output of the correlator

    A Fully Adaptive Lattice-based Notch Filter for Mitigation of Interference in GPS

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    Intentional interference presents a major threat to the operation of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Adaptive notch filtering provides an excellent countermeasure and deterrence against narrowband interference. This paper presents a comparative performance analysis of two adaptive notch filtering algorithms for GPS specific applications which are based on Direct form Second Order and Lattice-Based notch filter structures. Performance of each algorithm is evaluated considering the ratio of jamming to noise density against the effective signal to noise ratio at the output of the correlator. A fully adaptive lattice notch filter is proposed, which is able to simultaneously adapt its coefficients to alter the notch frequency along with the bandwidth of the notch filter. The filter demonstrated a superior tracking performance and convergence rate in comparison to an existing algorithm taken from the literature. Moreover, this paper describes the complete GPS modelling platform implemented in Simulink too
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