173,967 research outputs found

    Vertex-Coloring Edge-Weighting of Bipartite Graphs with Two Edge Weights

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    Let GG be a graph and S\mathcal {S} be a subset of ZZ. A vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting of GG is an assignment of weight ss by the elements of S\mathcal {S} to each edge of GG so that adjacent vertices have different sums of incident edges weights. It was proved that every 3-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weighting (Lu, Yu and Zhang, (2011) \cite{LYZ}). In this paper, we show that the following result: if a 3-edge-connected bipartite graph GG with minimum degree δ\delta contains a vertex uV(G)u\in V(G) such that dG(u)=δd_G(u)=\delta and GuG-u is connected, then GG admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. In particular, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. The bound is sharp, since there exists a family of infinite bipartite graphs which are 2-connected and do not admit vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weightings or vertex-coloring {0,1}\{0,1\}-edge-weightings.Comment: In this paper, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S-edge-weighting for S\in {{0,1},{1,2}

    On the nature and order of the deconfining transition in QCD

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    The determination of the parameters of the deconfining transition in N_f=2 QCD is discussed, and its relevance to the understanding of the mechanism of color confinement.Comment: 10 pages. In honour of Yu. A. Simonov on his seventyth birthday; to be published in Yadernaya Fizik

    Становлення Ю.С. Виноградського-краєзнавця

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    На підставі нововиявлених джерел у статті розглянуто чинники, які вплинули на формування життєвої позиції краєзнавця, історика та архівіста Ю.С. Виноградського. Проаналізовано його походження, наведено нові відомості щодо членів родини Виноградських, з’ясовано, які зовнішні фактори зумовили життєвий вибір краєзнавця.На основании вновь обнаруженных источников в статье рассмотрены факторы, которые оказали влияние на формирование жизненной позиции краеведа, историка и архивиста Ю.С. Виноградского. Проанализирован его происхождение, указаны новые сведения о членах семьи Виноградских, выделены внешнее факторы, определившие жизненный выбор краеведа.The article presents the factors that influenced formation of the life position of Yu. S. Vynohradskyi (ethnographer, historian and archivist) on the basis of newly discovered sources. The author analyzes the origin of Yu. S. Vynohradskyi and represents new information about the members of his family. The external factors, that have caused life choice of the ethnographer, have been defined

    Poster Awards Ceremony

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    1st Place: Dongbin Kim, Missouri S&T, A Human-Embodied Drone for Dexterous Aerial Manipulation 2nd Place: Yu Otsuki, Georgia Tech, Autonomous ultrasonic thickness measurement using Martlet wireless sensing system integrated with a steel climbing mobile robot 3rd Place: Pu Jiao, Missouri S&T, INSPIRE UTC Bridge Inspection Field Campaign Update, 202

    Історіографія життєвого шляху та наукового доробку Ю. С. Виноградського

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    У статті схарактеризовано історіографію життєвого шляху та наукового доробку сосницького краєзнавця Ю. С. Виноградського. Визначено основні періоди дослідницької праці історика: радянський та сучасний, указані особливості кожного з них. Наголошено на відсутності комплексного дослідження біографії та наукових студій дослідника.В статье схарактеризована историография жизненного пути и научного наследия сосницкого краеведа Ю. С. Виноградского. Выделены основные периоды исследовательской работы историка: советский и современный, указанные особенности каждого из них. Указано на отсутствие комплексного исследования его биографии и научных исследований.The article characterizes historiography of the lifepath and scientific works of Yu. Vynohrads’kyi – regional ethnographer from Sosnytsia. The basic periods of historiography: soviet and modern are distinguished; the main features of each of them are indicated. The majority of soviet period work sare not very large, written in publicistic style. They in general highlight biography of Yu. Vynohrads’kyi, the main directions of his scientific work, the activities connected with foundation of Sosnytsia Regional Ethnography Museum. But some publications of this period have ideological misrepresentations. After proclamation of independence of Ukraine the interest to the personality and scientific works of Yu. Vynohrads’kyi has been increasing. His name is always mentioned with events connected with Sosnytsia Regional Ethnography Museum that was named after Yu. Vynohrads’kyi in 1993. Modern s cientists use Yu. Vynohrads’kyi’s works in archeology, local history, ethnography, dialectology and in their scientific investigations. Nevertheless, his lifepath still has many«white spots». Thus, the absence of complex investigation of biography and scientific studios of the researcher is emphasized