779 research outputs found

    Enhancing semantic segmentation with detection priors and iterated graph cuts for robotics

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    To foster human\u2013robot interaction, autonomous robots need to understand the environment in which they operate. In this context, one of the main challenges is semantic segmentation, together with the recognition of important objects, which can aid robots during exploration, as well as when planning new actions and interacting with the environment. In this study, we extend a multi-view semantic segmentation system based on 3D Entangled Forests (3DEF) by integrating and refining two object detectors, Mask R-CNN and You Only Look Once (YOLO), with Bayesian fusion and iterated graph cuts. The new system takes the best of its components, successfully exploiting both 2D and 3D data. Our experiments show that our approach is competitive with the state-of-the-art and leads to accurate semantic segmentations


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    The importance of Ren\ue9 Descartes's (1596-1650) metaphysics, physics and methodology is common knowledge in the Humanities: the author of the revolutionary Discours sur la m\ue9thode (1637) is universally celebrated as the father of modern Rationalism. Therefore, since the second part of the XVII Century, all cartesian interests and studies were focused on the Meditationes de prima philosophia (1641) and the Principia philosophiae (1644), the most philosophically pregnant Descartes's works. On the contrary, his ideas about music and sound theory, developed in the Compendium musicae (1618) and in the Correspondence (mostly in the letter exchanges with Marin Mersenne in the 1630's), were generally considered a back burner research area. In 1907 the author of the first monography on this subject, Andr\ue9 Pirro (A. Pirro, Descartes et la musique, Paris 1907), actually accused the french philosopher of carelessness about sonorous and auditive phaenomena. The historical studies on cartesian music dramatically increased in the last decades of the XX Century mainly thanks to Fr\ue9deric de Buzon's survey (F. De Buzon, Descartes, Beeckman et l\u2019acoustique, \uabArchives de philosophie\ubb, 4 BC X, 1981; Sympathie et antipathie dans le Compendium Musicae, \uabArchives de philosophie\ubb, XLVI, 1983; Fonctions de la m\ue9moire dans les trait\ue9s th\ue9oriques au XVII si\ue8cle, \uabRevue de musicologie\ubb, 76/2, 1990). These researches highlighted the prominent role played by the music theory in the constitution of the Descartes's greatest philosophy. Moving from these studies, recently revived in Bologna by Paolo Gozza (author of the crucial article Una matematica rinascimentale: la musica di Descartes, \uabIl saggiatore musicale\ubb, II/2, 1995), my PhD thesis has two principal aims: (i) To reconstruct the Descartes's musical thought, scattered in a disorganic way, throught his whole production; (ii) To utilize the conception of human being that emerges from Descartes's music theory as a test for the anthropology described in the metaphysical works. Descartes's music theory offers a theorical direction to clarify this problem and suggests a potential answer. Since the early Compendium musicae, the music creation and perception are described as homogeneous actions that implicate a mind-body cooperation. The human being can play an instrument, sing, listen music, dance only because he is deeply unitary: it is composed by a third nature (different by mind and body too) that upsets the dualism rules. Cartesian music depicts an organic anti-dualist and anti-rationalist man in a rigid sense. Therefore and lastly, I claim that this research on Descartes's music thought is useful not only to enrich the studies on cartesian anthropology, but also to definitively eject the common mismatch on the Ren\ue9 Descartes philosophy as a monolithic and ingenuous rationalism

    Towards a holistic human perception system for close human-robot collaboration

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    When considering close human-robot collaboration, perception plays a central role in order to guarantee a safe and intuitive interaction. In this work, we present an AI-based perception system composed of different modules to understand human activities at multiple levels, namely: human pose estimation, body parts segmentation and human action recognition. Pose estimation and body parts segmentation allow to estimate important information about the worker position within the workcell and the volume occupied, while human action and intention recognition provides information on what the human is doing and how he/she is performing a certain action. The proposed system is demonstrated in a mockup scenario targeting the collaborative assembly of a wooden leg table, highlighting the potential of action recognition and body parts segmentation to enable a safe and natural close human-robot collaboration

    Digital detection of exosomes by interferometric imaging

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    Exosomes, which are membranous nanovesicles, are actively released by cells and have been attributed to roles in cell-cell communication, cancer metastasis, and early disease diagnostics. The small size (30–100 nm) along with low refractive index contrast of exosomes makes direct characterization and phenotypical classification very difficult. In this work we present a method based on Single Particle Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (SP-IRIS) that allows multiplexed phenotyping and digital counting of various populations of individual exosomes (>50 nm) captured on a microarray-based solid phase chip. We demonstrate these characterization concepts using purified exosomes from a HEK 293 cell culture. As a demonstration of clinical utility, we characterize exosomes directly from human cerebrospinal fluid (hCSF). Our interferometric imaging method could capture, from a very small hCSF volume (20 uL), nanoparticles that have a size compatible with exosomes, using antibodies directed against tetraspanins. With this unprecedented capability, we foresee revolutionary implications in the clinical field with improvements in diagnosis and stratification of patients affected by different disorders.This work was supported by Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo through POR-FESR, project MINER (ID 46875467); Italian Ministry of Health, Ricerca Corrente. This work was partially supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (grant #113E643). (Regione Lombardia; 46875467 - Fondazione Cariplo through POR-FESR, project MINER; Italian Ministry of Health, Ricerca Corrente; 113E643 - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)Published versio

    Real-time marker-less multi-person 3D pose estimation in RGB-Depth camera networks

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    This paper proposes a novel system to estimate and track the 3D poses of multiple persons in calibrated RGB-Depth camera networks. The multi-view 3D pose of each person is computed by a central node which receives the single-view outcomes from each camera of the network. Each single-view outcome is computed by using a CNN for 2D pose estimation and extending the resulting skeletons to 3D by means of the sensor depth. The proposed system is marker-less, multi-person, independent of background and does not make any assumption on people appearance and initial pose. The system provides real-time outcomes, thus being perfectly suited for applications requiring user interaction. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this work with respect to a baseline multi-view approach in different scenarios. To foster research and applications based on this work, we released the source code in OpenPTrack, an open source project for RGB-D people tracking.Comment: Submitted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Characterization of a glycosphingolipid antigen defined by the monoclonal antibody MBr1 expressed in normal and neoplastic epithelial cells of human mammary gland

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    The antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody, MBr1, was found to be expressed in normal human mammary gland epithelia and human mammary carcinoma cells (Menard, S., Tagliabue, E., Canevari, S., Fossati, G., and Colnaghi, M. I. (1983) Cancer Res. 43, 1295-1300). The antigen has been isolated from breast cancer cell line MCF-7, which was used as immunogen, and its structure was determined by methylation analysis, NMR spectroscopy, direct probe mass spectrometry, and enzymatic degradation as identified below. Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GalNAc beta 1----3Gal alpha 1----4Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1Cer The antibody cross-reacted weakly with fucosylasialo-GM1 (IV2FucGg4), which shares the same terminal sequence, Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GalNAc, with this antigen. However, various other structures, including lacto-series H structure (Fuc alpha 1----2 Gal beta 1----4/or 3GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal), did not show any reactivity with this antibody. Therefore, this antigen represents a blood group H antigen with a globo-series structure which is abundant in human teratocarcinoma (Kannagi, R., Levery, S. B., Ishigami, F., Hakomori, S., Shevinsky, L. H., Knowles, B. B., and Solter, D. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8934-8942), although its presence must be limited in normal adult human tissue

    Arrhythmias presenting in neonatal lupus

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    Perfusion of human foetal heart with anti-Ro/SSA antibodies induces transient heart block. Anti-Ro/SSA antibodies may cross-react with T- and L-type calcium channels, and anti-p200 antibodies may cause calcium to accumulate in rat heart cells. These actions may explain a direct electrophysiological effect of these antibodies. Congenital complete heart block is the more severe manifestation of so-called "Neonatal Lupus". In clinical practice, it is important to distinguish in utero complete versus incomplete atrioventricular (AV) block, as complete AV block to date is irreversible, while incomplete AV block has been shown to be potentially reversible after fluorinated steroid therapy. Another issue is the definition of congenital AV block, as cardiologists have considered congenital blocks detected months or years after birth. We propose as congenital blocks detected in utero or within the neonatal period (0-27 days after birth). The possible detection of first degree AV block in utero, with different techniques, might be a promising tool to assess the effects of these antibodies. Other arrhythmias have been described in NL or have been linked to anti-Ro/SSA antibodies: first degree AV block, in utero and after birth, second degree (i.e. incomplete block), sinus bradycardia and QT prolongation, both in infants and in adults, ventricular arrhythmias (in adults). Overall, these arrhythmias have not a clinical relevance, but are important for research purposes
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