6,198 research outputs found
Unitarity cutting rules for the nucleus excitation and topological cross sections in hard production off nuclei from nonlinear k_t-factorization
At the partonic level, a typical final state in small-x deep inelastic
scattering off nuclei and hard proton-nucleus collisions can be characterized
by the multiplicity of color-excited nucleons. Within reggeon field theory,
each color-excited nucleon is associated with the unitarity cut of the pomeron
exchanged between the projectile and nucleus. In this communication we derive
the unitarity rules for the multiplicity of excited nucleons, alias cut
pomerons, alias topological cross sections, for typical hard dijet production
processes. We demonstrate how the coupled-channel non-Abelian intranuclear
evolution of color dipoles, inherent to pQCD, gives rise to the reggeon field
theory diagrams for final states in terms of the uncut, and two kinds of cut,
pomerons. Upon the proper identification of the uncut and cut pomeron
exchanges, the topological cross sections for dijet production follow in a
straightforward way from the earlier derived nonlinear k_t - factorization
quadratures for the inclusive dijet cross sections. The concept of a coherent
(collective) nuclear glue proves extremely useful for the formulation of
reggeon field theory vertices of multipomeron - cut and uncut - couplings to
particles and between themselves. A departure of our unitarity cutting rules
from the ones suggested by the pre-QCD Abramovsky-Kancheli-Gribov rules, stems
from the coupled-channel features of intranuclear pQCD. We propose a
multiplicity re-summation as a tool for the isolation of topological cross
sections for single-jet production.Comment: 53 pages, 16 eps-figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Non-linear BFKL dynamics: color screening vs. gluon fusion
A feasible mechanism of unitarization of amplitudes of deep inelastic
scattering at small values of Bjorken is the gluon fusion. However, its
efficiency depends crucially on the vacuum color screening effect which
accompanies the multiplication and the diffusion of BFKL gluons from small to
large distances. From the fits to lattice data on field strength correlators
the propagation length of perturbative gluons is fermi. The
probability to find a perturbative gluon with short propagation length at large
distances is suppressed exponentially. It changes the pattern of (dif)fusion
dramatically. The magnitude of the fusion effect appears to be controlled by
the new dimensionless parameter , with the diffraction cone
slope standing for the characteristic size of the interaction region. It
should slowly decrease at large . Smallness of the
ratio makes the non-linear effects rather weak even at lowest
Bjorken available at HERA. We report the results of our studies of the
non-linear BFKL equation which has been generalized to incorporate the running
coupling and the screening radius as the infrared regulator.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication, references
Final state interaction effects in scattering
We present a systematic study of the final-state interaction (FSI) effects in
scattering in the CEBAF energy range with particular emphasis on the
phenomenon of the angular anisotropy of the missing momentum distribution. We
find that FSI effects dominate at missing momentum p_m \gsim 1.5 fm.
FSI effects in the excitation of the -wave state are much stronger than in
the excitation of the -wave.Comment: LATEX, 11 pages, 5 figures available from the authors on request,
Anatomy of the differential gluon structure function of the proton from the experimental data on F_2p
The use of the differential gluon structure function of the proton introduced by Fadin, Kuraev and Lipatov in 1975 is called upon in
many applications of small-x QCD. We report here the first determination of
from the experimental data on the small-x proton structure
function . We give convenient parameterizations for based partly on the available DGLAP evolution fits (GRV, CTEQ &
MRS) to parton distribution functions and on realistic extrapolations into soft
region. We discuss an impact of soft gluons on various observables. The
x-dependence of the so-determined varies strongly with Q^2
and does not exhibit simple Regge properties. None the less the hard-to-soft
diffusion is found to give rise to a viable approximation of the proton
structure function F_{2p}(x,Q^2) by the soft and hard Regge components with
intercepts \Delta_{soft}=0 and \Delta_{hard}\sim 0.4.Comment: 37 pages, 25 figure
Spin dependence of the antinucleon-nucleon interaction
The status of our present knowledge on the antinucleon-nucleon interaction at
low and medium energies is discussed. Special emphasis is put on aspects
related to its spin dependence which are relevant for experiments planned by
the PAX collaboration. Predictions for the spin-dependent antiproton-proton
cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 are presented, utilizing antinucleon-nucleon
potential models developed by the Juelich group, and compared to results based
on the amplitudes of the Nijmegen partial-wave analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 19th
International Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 - October 2, 2010,
Juelich, German
Glue in the pomeron from nonlinear k_\perp-factorization
We derive the nonlinear k_\perp-factorization for the spectrum of jets in
high-mass diffractive deep inelastic scattering as a function of three hard
scales - the virtuality of the photon Q^2, the transverse momentum of the jet
and the saturation scale Q_A. In contrast to all other hard reactions studied
so far, we encounter a clash between the two definitions of the glue in the
pomeron -- from the inclusive spectrum of leading quarks and the small-\beta
evolution of the diffractive cross section. This clash casts a further shadow
on customary applications of the familiar collinear factorization to a pQCD
analysis of diffractive deep inelastic scattering.Comment: 9 page
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