8,422 research outputs found

    The Kepler problem and non commutativity

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    We investigate the Kepler problem using a symplectic structure consistent with the commutation rules of the noncommutative quantum mechanics. We show that a noncommutative parameter of the order of 10−58m210^{-58} \text m^2 gives observable corrections to the movement of the solar system. In this way, modifications in the physics of smaller scales implies modifications at large scales, something similar to the UV/IR mixing.Comment: 10 page

    Delayed Scattering of Solitary Waves from Interfaces in a Granular Container

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    In granular media, the characterization of the behavior of solitary waves around interfaces is of importance in order to look for more applications of these systems. We study the behavior of solitary waves at both interfaces of a symmetric granular container, a class of systems that has received recent attention because it posses the feature of energy trapping. Hertzian contact is assumed. We have found that the scattering process is elastic at one interface, while at the other interface it is observed that the transmitted solitary wave has stopped its movement during a time that gets longer when the ratio between masses at the interfaces increases. The origin of this effect can be traced back to the phenomenon of gaps opening, recently observed experimentally.Comment: To appear in Physical Review E, vol 7

    Scattering of solitary waves in granular media

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    A detailed numerical study of the scattering of solitary waves by a barrier, in a granular media with Hertzian contact, shows the existence of secondary multipulse structures generated at the interface of two "sonic vacua", which have a similar structure as the one previously found by Nesterenko and coworkers.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figures (fig 5, replaced). Submitted to PR

    Hong Kong SAR: Full Deposit Guarantee

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    Following a run on Hong Kong’s fifth-biggest bank in September 2008, the Hong Kong government announced that it would use its Exchange Fund to extend full insurance temporarily to depositors at approved banks. The existing Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) would continue to insure the first 100,000 Hong Kong dollars (HKD; about USD 13,000) per depositor at each bank; the new program would cover the rest. It also covered a broader set of institutions. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) administered the program, overseen by the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board (HKDPB); the HKMA was also responsible for managing the Exchange Fund, a standing reserve that was established in 1935. The Full Deposit Guarantee insured HKD 6 trillion during its operation. No claims were ever made. Upon its scheduled expiration on December 31, 2010, the government permanently replaced the existing DPS with an enhanced DPS, insuring deposits up to HKD 500,000

    A ground system for early forest fire detection based on infrared signal processing

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    This article presents a ground remote automatic system for forest surveillance based on infrared signal processing applied to early fire detection. Advanced techniques, which are based on infrared signal processing, are used in order to process the captured images. With the aim of determining the presence or absence of fire, the system performs the fusion of different detectors that exploit different expected characteristics of a real fire, such as persistence and increase. Theoretical simulations and practical results are presented to corroborate the control of the probability of false alarm. Results in a real environment are also presented to authenticate the accuracy of the operation of the proposed system. In particular, some experiments have been done to evaluate the delay of the system (tens of seconds on average) in detecting a controlled ground fire in a range of 1-10 km. Moreover, temporary evolution of false alarms and true detections are presented to evaluate the long-term performance of the system in a real environment. We have reached a detection probability of 100% at a false alarm rate of around 1 x 10(-9).This work has been supported by Generalitat Valenciana, under grant GVEMP06/001, and by MEC under the FPU programme.Bosch Roig, I.; Gómez, S.; Vergara Domínguez, L. (2011). A ground system for early forest fire detection based on infrared signal processing. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 32(17):4857-4870. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2010.490245S485748703217Arrue, B. C., Ollero, A., & Matinez de Dios, J. R. (2000). An intelligent system for false alarm reduction in infrared forest-fire detection. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(3), 64-73. doi:10.1109/5254.846287Bernabeu, P., Vergara, L., Bosh, I., & Igual, J. (2004). A prediction/detection scheme for automatic forest fire surveillance. Digital Signal Processing, 14(5), 481-507. doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2004.06.003Briz, S. (2003). Reduction of false alarm rate in automatic forest fire infrared surveillance systems. Remote Sensing of Environment, 86(1), 19-29. doi:10.1016/s0034-4257(03)00064-6Pastor, E. (2003). Mathematical models and calculation systems for the study of wildland fire behaviour. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 29(2), 139-153. doi:10.1016/s0360-1285(03)00017-0Vergara, L., & Bernabeu, P. (2000). Automatic signal detection applied to fire control by infrared digital signal processing. Signal Processing, 80(4), 659-669. doi:10.1016/s0165-1684(99)00159-0Vergara, L., & Bernabeu, P. (2001). Simple approach to nonlinear prediction. Electronics Letters, 37(14), 926. doi:10.1049/el:20010616Vicente, J., & Guillemant, P. (2002). An image processing technique for automatically detecting forest fire. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41(12), 1113-1120. doi:10.1016/s1290-0729(02)01397-

    Ultrasensitive Displacement Noise Measurement of Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Resonators

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    Mechanical resonators based on a single carbon nanotube are exceptional sensors of mass and force. The force sensitivity in these ultra-light resonators is often limited by the noise in the detection of the vibrations. Here, we report on an ultra-sensitive scheme based on a RLC resonator and a low-temperature amplifier to detect nanotube vibrations. We also show a new fabrication process of electromechanical nanotube resonators to reduce the separation between the suspended nanotube and the gate electrode down to ∼150\sim 150~nm. These advances in detection and fabrication allow us to reach 0.5 pm/Hz0.5~\mathrm{pm}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} displacement sensitivity. Thermal vibrations cooled cryogenically at 300~mK are detected with a signal-to-noise ratio as high as 17~dB. We demonstrate 4.3 zN/Hz4.3~\mathrm{zN}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} force sensitivity, which is the best force sensitivity achieved thus far with a mechanical resonator. Our work is an important step towards imaging individual nuclear spins and studying the coupling between mechanical vibrations and electrons in different quantum electron transport regimes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Phenomenological model of fungal biofilters for the abatement of hydrophobic VOCs

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    This work describes the growth of filamentous fungi in biofilters for the degradation of hydrophobic VOCs. The study system was n-hexane and Fusarium solani B1. The system is mathematically described and the main physical, kinetic data and morphological parameters were obtained by independent experiments and validated with data from laboratory experiments. The model describes the increase in the transport area by the growth of the filamentous cylindrical mycelia and its relation with n-hexane elimination in quasi-stationary state in a biofilter. The model describing fungal growth includes Monod-Haldane kinetic and hyphal elongation and ramification. A specific surface area of transport (SSAT) of 1.91 × 105 m2 m-3 and a maximum elimination capacity (EC) of 248 g m-3 h-1 were obtained by the mathematical model simulation, with a 10% of error with respect to the experimental EC
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