25 research outputs found

    Optimization of Heat pump-assisted dehumidified air drying (HPD) temperature on phytochemicals, drying characteristics and nutrient compound retention of drumstick by GC-MS and principle component analysis

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    Drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is an incredible plant to humans because of its pharmacognostic and nutraceutical properties. M. oleifera contains vital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals like tannins and flavonoids. The present work aims to study the optimization and quality attributes retention in drumstick through Heat Pump-assisted dehumidified air Dryer (HPD) because the conventional drying process takes more time and energy, affecting the product quality and safety. Different solvents, such as ethanol, chloroform, hexane, acetone and ethyl acetate, were used to determine the presence of phytochemicals (alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids and saponins) in the drumstick. The phytochemicals were highly present in methanol and ethanol extracts from qualitative screening of drumstick. Dried drumstick powder was prepared by using fresh drumstick pieces, steam blanched for 2-5 min and then sulfated at 0.1 % for 10 min. After that, the dehydration process was performed at different temperatures (45, 55 and 65°C) in an HPD drier. HPD dried drumstick powder at 55⁰C was found to have maximum physicochemical properties, drying characteristics and higher retention of bioactive compounds with special reference to high powder recovery (97.22 %), excellent flowability and better retention of nutrients like β – carotene (174.49 mg), total antioxidant (266.02 mg), flavonoids (6.207 mg/RE), phenol (229.54 mg/GAE) and vitamin C (253.16 mg). The extract of fresh and HPD dried drumstick powder contained 50 major bioactive compounds such as 2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 3TMS derivative, Butanal 2-ethyl-3-methyl- etc., these bioactive compounds act as various nutraceuticals and therapeutic values

    Optimization of freeze drying parameters for moringa (Moringa oleifera) flower powder by using response surface methodology and principal component analysis

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    Moringa oleifera Lam. is an incredible plant because of vital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals. The present work is focused on studying the optimization and quality attributes retention in moringa flowers in a freeze dryer (FD). Because the conventional drying process takes more time and energy which will affect the product quality and safety. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the effect of drying temperature (- 65 to - 45°C), vacuum pressure (0.5 to 2.5 mmHg) and drying time (18 to 24 h.) on the vitamin C, total antioxidant activity(TAA) and hygroscopicity (HS) of moringa flower. The developed model response R2 values of vitamin C 0.96, total antioxidant activity 0.97 and hygroscopicity0.95. Based on response surface and desirability (0.74) functions, moringa flower was freeze sdried at - 63.75°C for18 hr under 0.55 vacuum pressure had an optimum level of vitamin C 285.84 mg/100g, TAA 453.20 mg/100g and HS 1.57 percent. Freeze dried moringa flower powder at -55°C had maximum drying characteristics with special reference to high powder recovery (98.75%) and excellent flowability.The first principal component, accounting for 52.15 per cent and two 23.02 per cent of the total variance resolved the different drying temperatures

    Physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of citrus peel essential oils

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    Essential oils are produced as secondary metabolites of aromatic plants and can be extracted from leaves, seeds or fruit peel of the plants. Citrus peel is a rich source of limonene which is antimicrobial in nature. The present study aimed to deal with the physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of citrus peel essential oil from Citrus reticulate (mandarin orange), Citrus limetta (mosambi) and Citrus limon (lemon).  The lemon peel oil had lower peroxide value (1.6 meq/kg of sample), saponification value (112.2 mg KOH/g of oil) and higher iodine value (116 gI2/100g oil) when compared with orange and mosambi peel essential oil. DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity of citrus peel essential oil was measured  and the result indicated that the total antioxidant activity of lemon peel oil was 89.2 % Radical Scavenging activity (RSA). The antifungal activity was assessed by agar dilution method, whereas the antibacterial property was assessed by the agar diffusion method. Lemon peel oil recorded better antimicrobial properties with minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.3% against Aspergillus flavus MTCC 277, 0.2% for Penicillium  MTCC 1995 and Fusarium oxysporum MTCC 284. Likewise, the minimum inhibitory concentration of lemon peel oil against Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 96 was 0.3%; Salmonella enterica MTCC 733 and Erwinia sp MTCC 2760 was 0.5%; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 1688 and Escherichia coli MTCC 443 was 0.7%. This comparative study showed that lemon peel oil had better physicochemical and antioxidant property. Lemon peel oil can be used as a preservative in the food system as it exhibited antibacterial and antifungal activity

    Phytostimulation and growth promotion activities of Trichoderma spp. on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crop

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) suffers from many soil borne pathogens that deteriorate the quality of the seeds and are responsible for high yield loss. Practically Trichoderma sp. is used for seed treatment, it minimizes the seed and soil borne pathogens and supports plant growth promotion activities. In the present study, five different isolates of Trichoderma spp. were isolated from groundnut (A. hypogaea ) rhizosphere soil. All the five isolates were confirmed by morphological methods and using molecular tools through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of Trichoderma sp. and DNA gets amplified in 650 bp to 700 bp. Trichoderma spp. were molecularly identified as T(SP)-20 (Trichoderma longibrachiatum), T(AR)-10 (T. asperellum), T(VT)-3 (T. hamatum), T(BI)-16 (T. longibrachiatum), T(TK)-23 (T. citrinoviride). Phytostimulation activities of all the six isolates viz., phosphate solubilization, Ammonia production, IAA production, and Siderophore production, were evaluated. Among the six isolates, T(SP)-20, T(AR)-10, and TNAU-TA showed higher phytostimulation activities. The growth promotion of Trichoderma spp. on groundnut was assessed through the roll towel method. The isolate T(SP)-20 (T. longibrachiatum) produced the highest germination percentage of 93.33 and vigor index of 2246.2. This work developed a new isolate of T. longibrachiatum (T(SP)-20) which is a native isolate having significant  phytostimulation and growth promotion activities and it could be exploited for other soil borne disease managing successfully

    Effect of biochar composite and organic sources on soil properties and yield of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)

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    Biochar is considered as a possible and potential tool for soil fertility improvement, climate change mitigation and long term sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. Soil application of biochar enhances the soil properties indirectly. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of organic manures viz., Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost, Biochar, Biochar composite on soil properties, growth and yield of bhendi, Abelmoschus esculentus in Somayyanur soil series of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with eleven treatments and three replications during the summer season (March – June) 2021 with the inclusion of inorganic fertilizers based on soil test crop response (STCR) based recommendation. Application of biochar composite (5 t ha-1) along with STCR based NPK (75% STCR) increased the total carbon content in soil by 0.538 %. This, in turn, increased the available nitrogen status to 295 and 244 Kg ha-1 at 40 and 70 DAS, respectively. Similarly, the available phosphorous (22.4, 19.3 Kg ha-1) and potassium (344.70, 323.70 Kg ha-1) status also showed a considerable increase with the same treatment. The yield attributes of bhendi viz., fruit length, girth, weight, dry matter production and yield recorded maximum values of 15.23 cm, 6.93 cm, 21.56 g, 11.9 t ha-1 and 25.20 t ha-1 with the combined application of biochar composite and NPK. The findings revealed that 25 % STCR based NPK could be reduced with the application of 5 t ha-1 of biochar composite, which is economically an option besides promoting soil health

    Antagonistic potential of Trichoderma hamatum against Alternaria porri causing purple blotch disease of onion through Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis

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    Alternaria porri causing purple blotch disease of onion is a destructive phytopathogen which causes severe loss in productivity. The present study aimed to unravel the antagonistic potential and efficacy of volatile organic compounds produced by various Trichoderma spp. against A. porri causing purple blotch disease of onion through Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis. Ten isolates of Trichoderma species were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of healthy onion plants. Upon paired plate technique, the in vitro efficacy of ten Trichoderma isolates were tested against virulent isolate of Alternaria porri isolated from purple blotch disease infected onion plants. The Trichoderma isolate TIM2 showed 76.29 per cent inhibition on mycelial growth of pathogen. The effective Trichoderma isolate was identified as Trichoderma hamatum through the analysis of the rDNA of internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region and it was subjected to GC-MS analysis.  The result of GCMS analysis indicated the highest peak area and retention time with major antimicrobial bioactive compounds like Tetradecane, 2,6,10-trimethy (20.327), (1.22) and Dodecane, 2-cyclohexyl (20.079), (2.14), Heptadecane (21.222), (9.50), Octadecane (22.379), (3.58), Eicosane, 9-cyclohexyl (22.578), (1.84), 2-Propenoic acid, pentadecyl ester (23.400), (10.37), 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl (23.567), (10.37), Eicosane (27.311), (2.34), Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (27.918), (4.43), n-Hexadecanoic acid (29.156), (3.59) and  Tetrapentacontane, 1,54-dibromo (31.906), (3.33). These bioactive compounds identified through GCMS analysis from the crude extracts of Trichoderma hamatum exhibited a stronger antifungal activity against A. porri. Hence the application of T. hamatum for the management of purple blotch disease highly supress growth of the pathogen and reduce the disease incidence.    

    Survey and surveillance on rice false smut disease severity in Tamil Nadu and the influence of wind velocity on disease progression under field conditions

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    The false smut disease of rice incited by Ustilaginoidea virens is a major constraint on rice production. The main aim of the present study was to ascertain the false smut disease severity in both delta and non-delta districts of Tamil Nadu through survey and surveillance and assess the correlation between the disease severity and wind velocity for the past three years, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Moreover, the present study addressed the disease distribution pattern of false smut diseases under field conditions.  The results obtained from survey results revealed that the maximum disease severity was recorded in Nagapattinam district (Nagapattinam block) with 27.45% and the minimum disease severity was recorded in the district Theni (Bodinayakanur block) with 8% in 2021. Similarly in 2019 and 2020 maximum disease severity was recorded in the following districts Thanjavur district (Orathanadu block) with 19.91% and Thanjavur district (Peravurani block) with 18.54% and the minimum disease severity was recorded in the following districts Madurai district (Madurai north block) with 4.78% and Madurai district (Usilampatti block) with 4.78% respectively. The obtained R2 values through regression analysis were 0.70, 0.79 and 0.76 in the following years, 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Besides the relationship between the false smut disease development, the pattern wind direction was also assessed. By assessing the false smut disease distribution pattern under field conditions, more disease distribution was observed around the surrounding area of the paddy field as well as the diagonal path of the field which clearly revealed that wind direction influences the disease development

    Preliminary Observations on Livestock Productivity in sheep Fed Exclusively on Haulms from eleven Cultivars of Groundnut

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) haulms provide important fodder resources for livestock feeding in mixed croplivestock systems in developing countries (Larbi et al. 1999, Rama Devi et al. 2000, Omokanye et al. 2001). In these systems fodder shortage is considered one of the major constraints to high livestock productivity and its corollary, high income from the marketing of livestock products. Shrinking common property resources and the little or no scope to expand arable land are further limiting the availability of fodder resources in the rainfed semi-arid tropics. These factors are increasing the value of groundnut as a food-feed crop for which both pod and haulm yields and quality traits are important. Improving the productivity of groundnut can address pod as well as haulm traits, but there is a lack of information on the variability amongst cultivars for the fodder quality of their haulms. This work reported here investigated the variability in cultivar-dependent fodder quality of groundnut haulms through measurement of productivity parameters of young sheep