9,461 research outputs found

    A two micron polarization survey toward dark clouds

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    A near infrared (2.2 micron) polarization survey of about 190 sources was conducted toward nearby dark clouds. The sample includes both background field stars and embedded young stellar objects. The aim is to determine the magnetic field structure in the densest regions of the dark clouds and study the role of magnetic fields in various phases of star formation processes, and to study the grain alignment efficiency in the dark cloud cores. From the polarization of background field stars and intrinsically unpolarized embedded sources, the magnetic field structure was determined in these clouds. From the intrinsic polarization of young stellar objects, the spatial distribution was determined of circumstellar dust around young stars. Combining the perpendicularity between the disks and magnetic fields with perpendicularity between the cloud elongation and magnetic fields, it is concluded that the magnetic fields might have dominated nearly all aspects of cloud dynamics, from the initial collapse of the clouds right through to the formation of disks/tori around young stars in these low to intermediate mass star forming clouds of the Taurus, Ophiuchus, and Perseus

    Analysis of quantum conductance of carbon nanotube junctions by the effective mass approximation

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    The electron transport through the nanotube junctions which connect the different metallic nanotubes by a pair of a pentagonal defect and a heptagonal defect is investigated by Landauer's formula and the effective mass approximation. From our previous calculations based on the tight binding model, it has been known that the conductance is determined almost only by two parameters,i.e., the energy in the unit of the onset energy of more than two channels and the ratio of the radii of the two nanotubes. The conductance is calculated again by the effective mass theory in this paper and a simple analytical form of the conductance is obtained considering a special boundary conditions of the envelop wavefunctions. The two scaling parameters appear naturally in this treatment. The results by this formula coincide fairly well with those of the tight binding model. The physical origin of the scaling law is clarified by this approach.Comment: RevTe

    Band structures of periodic carbon nanotube junctions and their symmetries analyzed by the effective mass approximation

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    The band structures of the periodic nanotube junctions are investigated by the effective mass theory and the tight binding model. The periodic junctions are constructed by introducing pairs of a pentagonal defect and a heptagonal defect periodically in the carbon nanotube. We treat the periodic junctions whose unit cell is composed by two kinds of metallic nanotubes with almost same radii, the ratio of which is between 0.7 and 1 . The discussed energy region is near the undoped Fermi level where the channel number is kept to two, so there are two bands. The energy bands are expressed with closed analytical forms by the effective mass theory with some assumptions, and they coincide well with the numerical results by the tight binding model. Differences between the two methods are also discussed. Origin of correspondence between the band structures and the phason pattern discussed in Phys. Rev. B {\bf 53}, 2114, is clarified. The width of the gap and the band are in inverse proportion to the length of the unit cell, which is the sum of the lengths measured along the tube axis in each tube part and along 'radial' direction in the junction part. The degeneracy and repulsion between the two bands are determined only from symmetries.Comment: RevTeX, gif fil

    Topological Phases in Graphitic Cones

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    The electronic structure of graphitic cones exhibits distinctive topological features associated with the apical disclinations. Aharonov-Bohm magnetoconductance oscillations (period Phi_0) are completely absent in rings fabricated from cones with a single pentagonal disclination. Close to the apex, the local density of states changes qualitatively, either developing a cusp which drops to zero at the Fermi energy, or forming a region of nonzero density across the Fermi energy, a local metalization of graphene.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 4, 3 PostScript figure

    Phonon Transmission Rate, Fluctuations, and Localization in Random Semiconductor Superlattices: Green's Function Approach

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    We analytically study phonon transmission and localization in random superlattices by using a Green's function approach. We derive expressions for the average transmission rate and localization length, or Lyapunov exponent, in terms of the superlattice structure factor. This is done by considering the backscattering of phonons, due to the complex mass density fluctuations, which incorporates all of the forward scattering processes. These analytical results are applied to two types of random superlattices and compared with numerical simulations based on the transfer matrix method. Our analytical results show excellent agreement with the numerical data. A universal relation for the transmission fluctuations versus the average transmission is derived explicitly, and independently confirmed by numerical simulations. The transient of the distribution of transmission to the log-normal distribution for the localized phonons is also studied.Comment: 36 pages, Late

    Non-local Control of the Kondo Effect in a Double Quantum Dot-Quantum Wire Coupled System

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    We have performed low-temperature transport measurements on a double quantum dot-quantum wire coupled device and demonstrated non-local control of the Kondo effect in one dot by manipulating the electronic spin states of the other. We discuss the modulation of the local density of states in the wire region due to the Fano-Kondo antiresonance, and the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) exchange interaction as the mechanisms responsible for the observed features.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Topological quantum D-branes and wild embeddings from exotic smooth R^4

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    This is the next step of uncovering the relation between string theory and exotic smooth R^4. Exotic smoothness of R^4 is correlated with D6 brane charges in IIA string theory. We construct wild embeddings of spheres and relate them to a class of topological quantum Dp-branes as well to KK theory. These branes emerge when there are non-trivial NS-NS H-fluxes where the topological classes are determined by wild embeddings S^2 -> S^3. Then wild embeddings of higher dimensional pp-complexes into S^n correspond to Dp-branes. These wild embeddings as constructed by using gropes are basic objects to understand exotic smoothness as well Casson handles. Next we build C*-algebras corresponding to the embeddings. Finally we consider topological quantum D-branes as those which emerge from wild embeddings in question. We construct an action for these quantum D-branes and show that the classical limit agrees with the Born-Infeld action such that flat branes = usual embeddings.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Lyman Break Galaxies at z5z\sim5: Rest-Frame UV Spectra

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    We report initial results for spectroscopic observations of candidates of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z5z\sim5 in a region centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North by using the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph attached to the Subaru Telescope. Eight objects with IC25.0I_C\leq25.0 mag, including one AGN, are confirmed to be at 4.5<z<5.24.5<z<5.2. The rest-frame UV spectra of seven LBGs commonly show no or weak Lyalpha emission line (rest-frame equivalent width of 0-10\AA) and relatively strong low-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines of SiII λ\lambda1260, OI+SiII λ\lambda1303, and CII λ\lambda1334 (mean rest-frame equivalent widths of them are 1.25.1-1.2 \sim -5.1 \AA). These properties are significantly different from those of the mean rest-frame UV spectrum of LBGs at z3z\sim3, but are quite similar to those of subgroups of LBGs at z3z\sim3 with no or weak Lyalpha emission. The weakness of Lyalpha emission and strong low-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines may indicate that these LBGs at z5z\sim5 are chemically evolved to some degree and have a dusty environment. Since the fraction of such LBGs at z5z\sim5 in our sample is larger than that at z3z\sim3, we may witness some sign of evolution of LBGs from z5z\sim5 to z3z\sim3, though the present sample size is very small. It is also possible, however, that the brighter LBGs tend to show no or weak Lyalpha emission, because our spectroscopic sample is bright (brighter than LL^{\ast}) among LBGs at z5z\sim5. More observations are required to establish spectroscopic nature of LBGs at z5z\sim5.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    Dislocation lines as the precursor of the melting of crystalline solids observed in Monte Carlo simulations

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    The microscopic mechanism of the melting of a crystal is analyzed by the constant pressure Monte Carlo simulation of a Lennard-Jones fcc system. Beyond a temperature of the order of 0.8 of the melting temperature, we found that the relevant excitations are lines of defects. Each of these lines has the structure of a random walk of various lengths on an fcc defect lattice. We identify these lines with the dislocation ones proposed in recent phenomenological theories of melting. Near melting we find the appearance of long lines that cross the whole system. We suggest that these long lines are the precursor of the melting process.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Physical Review Letter