737 research outputs found

    A closer look at string resonances in dijet events at the LHC

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    The first string excited state can be observed as a resonance in dijet invariant mass distributions at the LHC, if the scenario of low-scale string with large extra dimensions is realized. A distinguished property of the dijet resonance by string excited states from that the other "new physics" is that many almost degenerate states with various spin compose a single resonance structure. It is examined that how we can obtain evidences of low-scale string models through the analysis of angular distributions of dijet events at the LHC. Some string resonance states of color singlet can obtain large mass shifts through the open string one-loop effect, or through the mixing with closed string states, and the shape of resonance structure can be distorted. Although the distortion is not very large (10% for the mass squared), it might be able to observe the effect at the LHC, if gluon jets and quark jets could be distinguished in a certain level of efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    First study of B→πB \to \pi semileptonic decay form factors using NRQCD

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    We present a quenched calculation of the form factors of the semileptonic weak decay B→πlνˉB \to \pi l \bar{\nu} with O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) NRQCD heavy quark and Wilson light quark on a 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattice at β=5.8\beta=5.8. The form factors are evaluated at six heavy quark masses, in the range of mQ∼1.5−8m_Q \sim 1.5-8 GeV. 1/mQ1/m_Q dependence of matrix elements are investigated and compared with HQET predictions. We observe clear signal for the form factors near qmax2q^2_{max}, even at the bb-quark mass range. f0(qmax2)f^0(q^2_{max}) is compared with fB/fπf_B/f_{\pi} based on the soft pion theorem and significant difference is observed.Comment: 3 pages, 5 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty and epsf.sty, Talk presented at Lattice'9

    R-mediation of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We propose a simple scenario of the dynamical supersymmetry breaking in four dimensional supergravity theories. The supersymmetry breaking sector is assumed to be completely separated as a sequestered sector from the visible sector, except for the communication by the gravity and U(1)_R gauge interactions, and the supersymmetry breaking is mediated by the superconformal anomaly and U(1)_R gauge interaction. Supersymmetry is dynamically broken by the interplay between the non-perturbative effect of the gauge interaction and Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term of U(1)_R which necessarily exists in supergravity theories with gauged U(1)_R symmetry. We construct an explicit model which gives phenomenologically acceptable mass spectrum of superpartners with vanishing (or very small) cosmological constant.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Phase Diagrams of S=3/2, 2 XXZ Spin Chains with Bond-Alternation

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    We study the phase diagram of S=3/2 and S=2 bond-alternating spin chains numerically. In previous papers, the phase diagram of S=1 XXZ spin chain with bond-alternation was shown to reflect the hidden Z2×Z2Z_{2}\times Z_{2} symmetry. But for the higher S Heisenberg spin chain, the successive dimerization transition occurs, and for anisotropic spin chains the phase structure will be more colorful than the S=1 case. Using recently developed methods, we show directly that the phase structure of the anisotropic spin chains relates to the Z2×Z2Z_{2}\times Z_{2} symmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures(eps), RevTe

    Magnetic Properties of J-J-J' Quantum Heisenberg Chains with Spin S=1/2, 1, 3/2 and 2 in a Magnetic Field

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    By means of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method, the magnetic properties of the J-J-J′^{\prime} quantum Heisenberg chains with spin S=1/2S=1/2, 1, 3/2 and 2 in the ground states are investigated in the presence of a magnetic field. Two different cases are considered: (a) when JJ is antiferromagnetic and J′J^{\prime} is ferromagnetic (i.e. the AF-AF-F chain), the system is a ferrimagnet. The plateaus of the magnetization are observed. It is found that the width of the plateaus decreases with increasing the ferromagnetic coupling, and disappears when % J^{\prime}/J passes over a critical value. The saturated field is observed to be independent of the ferromagnetic coupling; (b) when JJ is ferromagnetic and J′J^{\prime} is antiferromagnetic (i.e. the F-F-AF chain), the system becomes an antiferromagnet. The plateaus of the magnetization are also seen. The width of the plateaus decreases with decreasing the antiferromagnetic coupling, and disappears when J′/JJ^{\prime}/J passes over a critical value. Though the ground state properties are quite different, the magnetization plateaus in both cases tend to disappear when the ferromagnetic coupling becomes more dominant. Besides, no fundamental difference between the systems with spin half-integer and integer has been found.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Fermion Propagators in Type II Fivebrane Backgrounds

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    The fermion propagators in the fivebrane background of type II superstring theories are calculated. The propagator can be obtained by explicitly evaluating the transition amplitude between two specific NS-R boundary states by the propagator operator in the non-trivial world-sheet conformal field theory for the fivebrane background. The propagator in the field theory limit can be obtained by using point boundary states. We can explicitly investigate the lowest lying fermion states propagating in the non-trivial ten-dimensional space-time of the fivebrane background: M^6 x W_k^(4), where W_k^(4) is the group manifold of SU(2)_k x U(1). The half of the original supersymmetry is spontaneously broken, and the space-time Lorentz symmetry SO(9,1) reduces to SO(5,1) in SO(5,1) x SO(4) \subset SO(9,1) by the fivebrane background. We find that there are no propagations of SO(4) (local Lorentz) spinor fields, which is consistent with the arguments on the fermion zero-modes in the fivebrane background of low-energy type II supergravity theories.Comment: 15 page

    Bifurcation at the c=3/2 Takhtajan-Babujian point to the c=1 critical lines

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    We study the S=1 quantum spin chains with bilinear, biquadratic, plus bond alternation in the vicinity of the S=1 Takhtajan-Babujian model. Transition line between the Haldane and the dimer phases are determined numerically. To see the crossover behavior from c=3/2 (k=2 SU(2) WZW model) at the Takhtajan-Babujian point to c=1 (k=1 SU(2) WZW model), we calculate the conformal anomaly c and scaling dimensions of the primary fields on the transition line.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Recursion Relations in Liouville Gravity coupled to Ising Model satisfying Fusion Rules

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    The recursion relations of 2D quantum gravity coupled to the Ising model discussed by the author previously are reexamined. We study the case in which the matter sector satisfies the fusion rules and only the primary operators inside the Kac table contribute. The theory involves unregularized divergences in some of correlators. We obtain the recursion relations which form a closed set among well-defined correlators on sphere, but they do not have a beautiful structure that the bosonized theory has and also give an inconsistent result when they include an ill-defined correlator with the divergence. We solve them and compute the several normalization independent ratios of the well-defined correlators, which agree with the matrix model results.Comment: Latex, 22 page

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition of Spin-1 XXZ Chains in a Staggered Magnetic Field

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    Phase diagram of S=1 XXZ chain in a staggered magnetic field is obtained numerically. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition between the XY and the antiferromagnetic phases is studied by the level-spectroscopy. Moreover we find that there is no distinction between the Haldane and the antiferromagnetic phases, since the Gaussian critical line does not appear, in contrast to the S=1/2S=1/2 case. It is expected that some hidden Z2×Z2Z_2\times Z_2 symmetry breaking happens not only in the Haldane phase but also in the antiferromagnetic one.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex(JPSJstyle), 8 figures, to appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jp
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