17 research outputs found

    Variation in scent emission among floral parts and inflorescence developmental stages in beetle-pollinated Protea species (Proteaceae)

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    AbstractFloral fragrances are an important component for pollinator attraction in beetle-pollinated flowers. Several genera in the Proteaceae contain beetle-pollinated species. However, there is no information on the floral scent chemistry of beetle-pollinated members of the family. In this paper we report on the spatial variation and differences between developmental stages in emission of inflorescence (flowerhead) volatiles of four South African Protea species (P. caffra, P. dracomontana, P. simplex, and P. welwitschii) that are pollinated by cetoniine beetles. The scents from different inflorescence parts (bracts, perianth, styles, and nectar) and from successive anthesis stages of whole inflorescences were sampled using dynamic headspace collection and identified using GC–MS. Although the four species shared many scent compounds, possibly reflecting their close phylogenetic relationships and common pollinators, they showed significant differences in overall scent composition due to various species-specific compounds, such as the unique tiglate esters found in the scent of P. welwitschii. The strongest emissions and largest number of volatiles, especially monoterpenes, were from inflorescences at full pollen dehiscence. Senescing inflorescences of two species and nectars of all species emitted proportionally high amounts of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone) and aromatic alcohols, typical fermentation products. As a consequence, the scent composition of nectar was much more similar among species than was the scent composition of other parts of the inflorescence. These results illustrate how the blends of compounds that make up the overall floral scent are a dynamic consequence of emissions from various plant parts

    The invasive grass genus Nassella in South Africa: a synthesis

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    Three species of Nassella have naturalized in South Africa. Nassella trichotoma and N. tenuissima are declared weeds under category 1b of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEM:BA) and occur mainly in the montane grasslands of the Western and Eastern Cape provinces. Nassella neesiana is not listed in NEM:BA but is naturalized in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Free State provinces. Research conducted in the 1970s and 1980s led to vigorous government-funded awareness and control campaigns which ended in 2000. No research on Nassella distribution or control has been undertaken since then. Despite this hiatus, Nassella remains a dangerous genus in southern Africa, given the serious impacts of these species in similar social-ecological systems in Australia and New Zealand. This paper presents a synthesis of available information about Nassella invasions in South Africa and identifies research gaps. It specifically addresses these questions: What identification issues exist? What is the current spatial distribution of Nassella? What is the autecology of the genus? What are the social-ecological impacts of Nassella? What control measures are currently applied and what are their strengths and limitations? What do we know about Nassella distribution and its response to climate change? This paper highlights many knowledge gaps about Nassella, such as the species’ current distribution range, field identification and detection difficulties, and the uncoordinated control efforts that require urgent research to inform an effective management response

    Quality of Governance: Values and Violations

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    In the first chapter, the editors introduce the content and the relevance of this book to the quality of governance and why and how public values matter. Central concepts are defined, the meaning and phases of governance are addressed, including an introduction of the significant public values stemming from the literature. These values are dealt with in relation to good and bad governance in the chapters of the book: democratic legitimacy, accountability, transparency, integrity, lawfulness, effectiveness, professionalism, and robustness