6,323 research outputs found

    Structure Oriented Compact Model for Advanced Trench IGBTs without Fitting Parameters for Extreme Condition: Part II

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    Compact model for expressing turn-off waveform for advanced trench gate IGBTs is proposed even under high current density condition. The model is analytically formulated only with device structure parameters so that no fitting parameters are required. The validity of the model is confirmed with TCAD simulation for 1.2 kV to 6.5 kV class IGBTs. The proposed turn-off model is sufficiently accurate to calculate trade-off curve between turn-off loss and saturation collector voltage under extremely high current conduction, so that the model can be used for system design with the advanced trench gate IGBTs.ESREF 2014, 25th EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON RELIABILITY OF ELECTRON DEVICES,FAILURE PHYSICS AND ANALYSIS, Sep 29–Oct 3, 2014, Technische Universität Berli

    Six-body Light-Front Tamm-Dancoff approximation and wave functions for the massive Schwinger model

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    The spectrum of the massive Schwinger model in the strong coupling region is obtained by using the light-front Tamm-Dancoff (LFTD) approximation up to including six-body states. We numerically confirm that the two-meson bound state has a negligibly small six-body component. Emphasis is on the usefulness of the information about states (wave functions). It is used for identifying the three-meson bound state among the states below the three-meson threshold. We also show that the two-meson bound state is well described by the wave function of the relative motion.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures are available upon request; Minor errors have been corrected; Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Spin-filter tunnel junction with matched Fermi surfaces

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    Efficient injection of spin-polarized current into a semiconductor is a basic prerequisite for building semiconductor-based spintronic devices. Here, we use inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy to show that the efficiency of spin-filter-type spin injectors is limited by spin scattering of the tunneling electrons. By matching the Fermi-surface shapes of the current injection source and target electrode material, spin injection efficiency can be significantly increased in epitaxial ferromagnetic insulator tunnel junctions. Our results demonstrate that not only structural but also Fermi-surface matching is important to suppress scattering processes in spintronic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chemical Features in the Circumnuclear Disk of the Galactic Center

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    The circumnuclear disk (CND) of the Galactic Center is exposed to many energetic phenomena coming from the supermassive black hole Sgr A* and stellar activities. These energetic activities can affect the chemical composition in the CND by the interaction with UV-photons, cosmic-rays, X-rays, and shock waves. We aim to constrain the physical conditions present in the CND by chemical modeling of observed molecular species detected towards it. We analyzed a selected set of molecular line data taken toward a position in the southwest lobe of the CND with the IRAM 30m and APEX 12-meter telescopes and derived the column density of each molecule using a large velocity gradient (LVG) analysis. The determined chemical composition is compared with a time-dependent gas-grain chemical model based on the UCL\_CHEM code that includes the effects of shock waves with varying physical parameters. Molecules such as CO, HCN, HCO+^+, HNC, CS, SO, SiO, NO, CN, H2_2CO, HC3_3N, N2_2H+^+ and H3_3O+^+ are detected and their column densities are obtained. Total hydrogen densities obtained from LVG analysis range between 2×1042 \times 10^4 and 1×1061 \times 10^6\,cm3^{-3} and most species indicate values around several ×105\times 10^5\,cm3^{-3}, which are lower than values corresponding to the Roche limit, which shows that the CND is tidally unstable. The chemical models show good agreement with the observations in cases where the density is 104\sim10^4\,cm3^{-3}, the cosmic-ray ionization rate is high, >1015>10^{-15} \,s1^{-1}, or shocks with velocities >40> 40\,km s1^{-1} have occurred. Comparison of models and observations favors a scenario where the cosmic-ray ionization rate in the CND is high, but precise effects of other factors such as shocks, density structures, UV-photons and X-rays from the Sgr A* must be examined with higher spatial resolution data.Comment: 17 Pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field

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    The evolution of primordial black holes in a flat Friedmann universe with a massless scalar field is investigated in fully general relativistic numerical relativity. A primordial black hole is expected to form with a scale comparable to the cosmological apparent horizon, in which case it may go through an initial phase with significant accretion. However, if it is very close to the cosmological apparent horizon size, the accretion is suppressed due to general relativistic effects. In any case, it soon gets smaller than the cosmological horizon and thereafter it can be approximated as an isolated vacuum solution with decaying mass accretion. In this situation the dynamical and inhomogeneous scalar field is typically equivalent to a perfect fluid with a stiff equation of state p=ρp=\rho. The black hole mass never increases by more than a factor of two, despite recent claims that primordial black holes might grow substantially through accreting quintessence. It is found that the gravitational memory scenario, proposed for primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories of gravity, is highly unphysical.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Sufficient condition for Blackhole formation in spherical gravitational collapse

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    A sufficient condition for the validity of Cosmic Censorship in spherical gravitational collapse is formulated and proved. The condition relies on an attractive mathematical property of the apparent horizon, which holds if ''minimal'' requirements of physical reasonableness are satisfied by the matter model.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX2

    Dynamics of the Light-Cone Zero Modes: Theta Vacuum of the Massive Schwinger Model

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    The massive Schwinger model is quantized on the light cone with great care on the bosonic zero modes by putting the system in a finite (light-cone) spatial box. The zero mode of AA_{-} survives Dirac's procedure for the constrained system as a dynamical degree of freedom. After regularization and quantization, we show that the physical space condition is consistently imposed and relates the fermion Fock states to the zero mode of the gauge field. The vacuum is obtained by solving a Schr\"odinger equation in a periodic potential, so that the theta is understood as the Bloch momentum. We also construct a one-meson state in the fermion-antifermion sector and obtained the Schr\"odinger equation for it.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Power, energy, and spectrum of a naked singularity explosion

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    Naked singularity occurs in the gravitational collapse of an inhomogeneous dust ball from an initial density profile which is physically reasonable. We show that explosive radiation is emitted during the formation process of the naked singularity. The energy flux is proportional to (tCHt)3/2(t_{\rm CH}-t)^{-3/2} for a minimally coupled massless scalar field, while is proportional to (tCHt)1(t_{\rm CH}-t)^{-1} for a conformally coupled massless scalar field, where tCHtt_{\rm CH}-t is the `remained time' until the distant observer could observe the singularity if the naked singularity was formed. As a consequence, the radiated energy grows unboundedly for both scalar fields. The amount of the power and the energy depends on parameters which characterize the initial density profile but do not depend on the gravitational mass of the cloud. In particular, there is characteristic frequency νs\nu_{s} of singularity above which the divergent energy is radiated. The energy flux is dominated by particles of which the wave length is about tCHtt_{\rm CH}-t at each moment. The observed total spectrum is nonthermal, i.e., νdN/dν(ν/νs)1\nu dN/d\nu \sim (\nu/\nu_{s})^{-1} for ν>νs\nu>\nu_{s}. If the naked singularity formation could continue until a considerable fraction of the total energy of the dust cloud is radiated, the radiated energy would reach about 1054(M/M)10^{54}(M/M_{\odot}) erg. The calculations are based on the geometrical optics approximation which turns out to be consistent as a rough order estimate. The analysis does not depend on whether or not the naked singularity occurs in its exact meaning. This phenomenon may provide a new candidate for a source of ultra high energy cosmic rays or a central engine of gamma ray bursts.Comment: 34 pages, 13 postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev. D, grammatical errors correcte

    Perturbative Tamm-Dancoff Renormalization

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    A new two-step renormalization procedure is proposed. In the first step, the effects of high-energy states are considered in the conventional (Feynman) perturbation theory. In the second step, the coupling to many-body states is eliminated by a similarity transformation. The resultant effective Hamiltonian contains only interactions which do not change particle number. It is subject to numerical diagonalization. We apply the general procedure to a simple example for the purpose of illustration.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 10 figure

    Mesons in the massive Schwinger model on the light-cone

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    We investigate mesons in the bosonized massive Schwinger model in the light-front Tamm-Dancoff approximation in the strong coupling region. We confirm that the three-meson bound state has a few percent fermion six-body component in the strong coupling region when expressed in terms of fermion variables, consistent with our previous calculations. We also discuss some qualitative features of the three-meson bound state based on the information about the wave function.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, included 6 figures which are compressed and uuencode