365 research outputs found

    Cell membrane modulation as adjuvant in cancer therapy

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    Cancer is a complex disease involving numerous biological processes, which can exist in parallel, can be complementary, or are engaged when needed and as such can replace each other. This redundancy in possibilities cancer cells have, are fundamental to failure of therapy. However, intrinsic features of tumor cells and tumors as a whole provide also opportunities for therapy. Here we discuss the unique and specific makeup and arrangement of cell membranes of tumor cells and how these may help treatment. Interestingly, knowledge on cell membranes and associated structures is present already for decades, while application of membrane modification and manipulation as part of cancer therapy is lagging. Recent developments of scientific tools concerning lipids and lipid metabolism, opened new and previously unknown aspects of tumor cells and indicate possible differences in lipid composition and membrane function of tumor cells compared to healthy cells. This field, coined Lipidomics, demonstrates the importance of lipid components in cell membrane in several illnesses. Important alterations in cancer, and specially in resistant cancer cells compared to normal cells, opened the door to new therapeutic strategies. Moreover, the ability to modulate membrane components and/or properties has become a reality. Here, developments in cancer-related Lipidomics and strategies to interfere specifically with cancer cell membranes and how these affect cancer treatment are discussed. We hypothesize that combination of lipid or membrane targeted strategies with available care to improve chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy will bring the much needed change in treatment in the years to come

    Thermionic charge transport in CMOS nano-transistors

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    We report on DC and microwave electrical transport measurements in silicon-on-insulator CMOS nano-transistors at low and room temperature. At low source-drain voltage, the DC current and RF response show signs of conductance quantization. We attribute this to Coulomb blockade resulting from barriers formed at the spacer-gate interfaces. We show that at high bias transport occurs thermionically over the highest barrier: Transconductance traces obtained from microwave scattering-parameter measurements at liquid helium and room temperature is accurately fitted by a thermionic model. From the fits we deduce the ratio of gate capacitance and quantum capacitance, as well as the electron temperature

    Charge dynamics and spin blockade in a hybrid double quantum dot in silicon

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    Electron spin qubits in silicon, whether in quantum dots or in donor atoms, have long been considered attractive qubits for the implementation of a quantum computer due to the semiconductor vacuum character of silicon and its compatibility with the microelectronics industry. While donor electron spins in silicon provide extremely long coherence times and access to the nuclear spin via the hyperfine interaction, quantum dots have the complementary advantages of fast electrical operations, tunability and scalability. Here we present an approach to a novel hybrid double quantum dot by coupling a donor to a lithographically patterned artificial atom. Using gate-based rf reflectometry, we probe the charge stability of this double quantum dot system and the variation of quantum capacitance at the interdot charge transition. Using microwave spectroscopy, we find a tunnel coupling of 2.7 GHz and characterise the charge dynamics, which reveals a charge T2* of 200 ps and a relaxation time T1 of 100 ns. Additionally, we demonstrate spin blockade at the inderdot transition, opening up the possibility to operate this coupled system as a singlet-triplet qubit or to transfer a coherent spin state between the quantum dot and the donor electron and nucleus.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information (3 pages, 4 figures

    Scaling silicon-based quantum computing using CMOS technology: State-of-the-art, Challenges and Perspectives

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    Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology has radically reshaped the world by taking humanity to the digital age. Cramming more transistors into the same physical space has enabled an exponential increase in computational performance, a strategy that has been recently hampered by the increasing complexity and cost of miniaturization. To continue achieving significant gains in computing performance, new computing paradigms, such as quantum computing, must be developed. However, finding the optimal physical system to process quantum information, and scale it up to the large number of qubits necessary to build a general-purpose quantum computer, remains a significant challenge. Recent breakthroughs in nanodevice engineering have shown that qubits can now be manufactured in a similar fashion to silicon field-effect transistors, opening an opportunity to leverage the know-how of the CMOS industry to address the scaling challenge. In this article, we focus on the analysis of the scaling prospects of quantum computing systems based on CMOS technology.Comment: Comments welcom

    Alternative fast quantum logic gates using nonadiabatic Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana transitions

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    A conventional realization of quantum logic gates and control is based on resonant Rabi oscillations of the occupation probability of the system. This approach has certain limitations and complications, like counter-rotating terms. We study an alternative paradigm for implementing quantum logic gates based on Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry with non-resonant driving and the alternation of adiabatic evolution and non-adiabatic transitions. Compared to Rabi oscillations, the main differences are a non-resonant driving frequency and a small number of periods in the external driving. We explore the dynamics of a multilevel quantum system under LZSM drives and optimize the parameters for increasing single- and two-qubit gates speed. We define the parameters of the external driving required for implementing some specific gates using the adiabatic-impulse model. The LZSM approach can be applied to a large variety of multi-level quantum systems and external driving, providing a method for implementing quantum logic gates on them.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    A hybrid double-dot in silicon

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    We report electrical measurements of a single arsenic dopant atom in the tunnel-barrier of a silicon SET. As well as performing electrical characterization of the individual dopant, we study series electrical transport through the dopant and SET. We measure the triple points of this hybrid double dot, using simulations to support our results, and show that we can tune the electrostatic coupling between the two sub-systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure