1,764 research outputs found

    Review of Options for Acceleration of Geological Disposal

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    Diabetic Neuropathy: A Clinical and Neuropathological Study of 107 Patients

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    One hundred seven patients were retrospectively studied from 1992 to 2002 with diabetic neuropathy that underwent peripheral nerve biopsy. Nerve biopsy revealed the underlying histopathology, including cell and humoral-mediated immunological lesions in the majority of patients. When combined with clinical and laboratory studies, nerve biopsy has the potential to assist in the selection of patients who may benefit from immunomodulatory therapy

    Post-Infectious Sequela of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Adults and Children: An Overview of Available Agents and Clinical Responsiveness

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    The SARS-CoV-2 2019 pandemic has created challenges to managing the post-infectious autoimmune consequences of a disease that leads to the high case fatality in adults and children. The spectrum of agents available to modulate and suppress the immune system in combination with other appropriate antiviral antibiotics and life support measures is reviewed. All of the agents envisioned to treat Covid-19 disorders, including a newly recognized pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, impact post-infectious mechanisms in keeping with the multiplier effect of infection, immunity and inflammation known as I-Cubed (I3)

    Integral Glass Encapsulation for Solar Arrays

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    Work reported was performed during the period from August 1977 to December 1978. The program objective was to continue the development of electrostatic bonding (ESB) as an encapsulation technique for terrestrial cells. Economic analyses shows that this process can be a cost-effective method of producing reliable, long lifetime solar modules. When considered in sufficient volume, both material and equipment costs are competitive with conventional encapsulation systems. In addition, the possibility of integrating cell fabrication into the encapsulation process, as in the case of the preformed cell contacts discussed in this report, offers the potential of significant overall systems cost reduction

    Experimental Study of Isothermal Wake-Flow Characteristics of Various Flame-Holder Shapes

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    An investigation of the isothermal wake-flow characteristics of several flame-holder shapes was carried out in a 4- by 4-inch flow chamber. The effects of flame-holder-shape changes on the characteristics of the Karman vortices and thus on the recirculation zones to which experimenters have related the combustion process were obtained for several flame holders. The results may furnish a basis of correlation, of combustion efficiency and stability for similarly shaped flame holders in combustion studies. Values of the spacing ratio-(ratio of lateral spacing to longitudinal spacing of vortices] obtained for the various shapes approximated the theoretical value of 0.36 given by the Karman stability analysis. Variations in vortex strength of more than 200 percent and in frequency of more than 60 percent were accomplished by varying flame-holder shape. A maximum increase in the recirculation parameter of 56 percent over that for a conventional V-gutter was also obtained. Varying flameholder shape and size enables the designer to select many schedules of variations in vortex strength and frequency- not obtainable by changing size only and may make it possible to approach theoretical maximum vortex strength for any given frequency

    Be Credible: Information Literacy for Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing Students

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    This project was funded by KU Libraries’ Parent’s Campaign with support from the David Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright and the Open Educational Resources Working Group in the University of Kansas Libraries.This free and open textbook teaches college-level journalism students to become information experts. Using the themes of credibility and information literacy, the book helps today’s students, who start out all their research with Google and Wikipedia, to specialize in accessing, evaluating, and managing information that often is not accessible through Google searches. The book includes chapters on public records, freedom of information requests, nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, scholarly research, public data, interviews and more. Through current examples, instructional videos, suggested classroom activities, and practitioner insights, the authors challenge students to examine the credibility of the sources they use as current and future professional communicators

    Lyme Neuroborreliosis: Preliminary Results from an Urban Referral Center Employing Strict CDC Criteria for Case Selection

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    Lyme neuroborreliosis or “neurological Lyme disease” was evidenced in 2 of 23 patients submitted to strict criteria for case selection of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employing a two-tier test to detect antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi at a single institution. One patient had symptomatic polyradiculoneuritis, dysautonomia, and serological evidence of early infection; and another had symptomatic small fiber sensory neuropathy, distal polyneuropathy, dysautonomia, and serological evidence of late infection. In the remaining patients symptoms initially ascribed to Lyme disease were probably unrelated to B. burgdorferi infection. Our findings suggest early susceptibility and protracted involvement of the nervous system most likely due to the immunological effects of B. burgdorferi infection, although the exact mechanisms remain uncertain

    Groundwater reinjection and heat dissipation: lessons from the operation of a large groundwater cooling system in Central London

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    The performance of a large open-loop groundwater cooling scheme in a shallow alluvial aquifer at a prominent public building in Central London has been monitored closely over its first 2 years of operation. The installed system provided cooling to the site continuously for a period of 9 months between June 2012 and April 2013. During this period, c. 131300 m3 of groundwater was abstracted from a single pumping well and recharged into a single injection borehole. The amount of heat rejected in this period amounts to c. 1.37 GWh. A programme of hydraulic testing was subsequently undertaken over a 3 month period between July and October 2013 to evaluate the performance of the injection borehole. The data indicate no significant change in injection performance between commissioning trials undertaken in 2010 and the most recent period of testing, as evidenced by comparison of injection pressures for given flow rates in 2010 and 2013. Continuous temperature monitoring of the abstracted water, the discharge and a number of observation wells demonstrates the evolution of a heat plume in the aquifer in response to heat rejection and subsequent dissipation of this heat during the 18 month planned cessation