2,780 research outputs found

    On the Capacity Region of the Deterministic Y-Channel with Common and Private Messages

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    In multi user Gaussian relay networks, it is desirable to transmit private information to each user as well as common information to all of them. However, the capacity region of such networks with both kinds of information is not easy to characterize. The prior art used simple linear deterministic models in order to approximate the capacities of these Gaussian networks. This paper discusses the capacity region of the deterministic Y-channel with private and common messages. In this channel, each user aims at delivering two private messages to the other two users in addition to a common message directed towards both of them. As there is no direct link between the users, all messages must pass through an intermediate relay. We present outer-bounds on the rate region using genie aided and cut-set bounds. Then, we develop a greedy scheme to define an achievable region and show that at a certain number of levels at the relay, our achievable region coincides with the upper bound. Finally, we argue that these bounds for this setup are not sufficient to characterize the capacity region.Comment: 4 figures, 7 page

    Enhancement of Secrecy of Block Ciphered Systems by Deliberate Noise

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    This paper considers the problem of end-end security enhancement by resorting to deliberate noise injected in ciphertexts. The main goal is to generate a degraded wiretap channel in application layer over which Wyner-type secrecy encoding is invoked to deliver additional secure information. More specifically, we study secrecy enhancement of DES block cipher working in cipher feedback model (CFB) when adjustable and intentional noise is introduced into encrypted data in application layer. A verification strategy in exhaustive search step of linear attack is designed to allow Eve to mount a successful attack in the noisy environment. Thus, a controllable wiretap channel is created over multiple frames by taking advantage of errors in Eve's cryptanalysis, whose secrecy capacity is found for the case of known channel states at receivers. As a result, additional secure information can be delivered by performing Wyner type secrecy encoding over super-frames ahead of encryption, namely, our proposed secrecy encoding-then-encryption scheme. These secrecy bits could be taken as symmetric keys for upcoming frames. Numerical results indicate that a sufficiently large secrecy rate can be achieved by selective noise addition.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, journa

    Perceived distance and instructional design in online agriculture and life science courses

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe relationships between factors that influence perceived transactional distance (course structure, course interaction, and learner autonomy) and instructional design aspects that help to reduce transactional distance from the learner\u27s perspective. Using Transactional Distance Theory. Specifically, the study sought to identify the extent to which learners felt they were distant from their online course and describe relationships between online students’ perceived distance and factors of transactional distance (course structure, interactions, and learner autonomy). An online survey was disseminated to 271 students who enrolled in online courses in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University during the fall of 2017. A final response rate of 26% (n=70) was obtained. The perceived distance to the other online learners was the highest comparing to the perceived distance from instructor, course content, course website, and course overall. The perceived distance from the online instructor was higher than the perceived distance from the course website and course content. The students’ perceptions regarding the course structure items were positive. Participants considered their online courses as highly structured courses. In general, the students’ perceived distance to the course overall was significantly and negatively correlated with all course structure components. In terms of course interaction, participants considered the student-website and the student-content interactions in their online courses very high compared to student-instructor and student-student interactions. In general, the results showed that the perceived distance from the course website, course content, instructor, and other online students negatively correlated with the frequency of interaction with the course website, course content, instructor, and other online students. These results showed that online students in this study possessed a high level of autonomy. Also, the findings revealed the independent and self-directed learners who can learn without much guidance and can develop a personal learning plan perceived distance to the course content and the course website less than other students. The squared multiple correlation coefficient (Rïÿý) revealed that 38% of the variance in the overall transactional distance can be predicted from the combination of course structure, course dialogue, and learner autonomy. Regarding the instructional design practices that help to reduce transactional distance, the online students indicated a well-organized syllabus, clear learning objectives, the instructor contact information, and printable materials are very important items in their online course. Also, the online students in this study indicated instructional design items which were of little importance included: online chat or videoconferences, group assignments, and group projects. These instructional design items are related to interaction

    Penentuan Jenis Nyamuk Mansoniasebagai Tersangka Vektor Filariasis Brugia Malayi dan Hewan Zoonosis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Filariasis merupakan penyakit yang tidak mudah menular. Filariasis adalah penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk sebagai vector. Jenis nyamuk yang dapat berperan sebagai vector filariasis dipengaruhi oleh jenis cacing penyebab filaria. Brugia spp. umumnya ditularkan oleh nyamuk Mansonia spp dan Anopheles spp. Vektor dan hewan zoonosis merupakan salah satu factor yang dapat perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pengendalian filariasis. Penelitian terhadap vector dan hewan zoonosis telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi untuk mengidentifikasi bionomik vektor dan kemungkinan adanya hewan zoonosis yang berperan sebagai penular filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah observasi, yaitu dengan melakukan penangkapan nyamuk dan pemeriksaan darah terhadap kucing. Jumlah kucing yang diperiksa sebanyak 18 ekor. Kucing yang positif microfilaria sebanyak 1 ekor. Jumlah nyamuk Mansonia spp. tertangkap sebanyak 1,167 ekor yang terdiri dari 6 species. Spesies nyamuk tertangkap paling banyak adalah Mansonia uniformis sebanyak 1.010 ekor dengan angka kekerapan 1,0. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka diperlukan peran serta masyarakat untuk mengurangi kepadatan nyamuk dengan membersihkan genangan air dan mencegah gigitan nyamuk. Selain itu diperlukan juga penanganan terhadap hewan yang bertindak sebagai zoonosis dengan memberikan pengobatan terhadap kucing agar tidak menjadi sumber infeksi.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vektor, zoonosis, Muaro Jambi.AbstractFilariasisis noteasily transmitted diseases. Filariasisis transmitted by mosquito vectors. Various types of mosquitoes can act as vectors of filariasis, depending on the type of microfilaria. Brugia spp. are generally transmitted by Mansonia spp and Anopheles spp. Vector and zoonotic animal are the factors that can transmit filariasis and need to have attention for controlling filariasis. Research on vector and zoonotic had been done in Muaro Jambi to determine bionomic vector and the possibility of animals can transmit filariasis. The study design was observational survey, that cought mosquitoes and inspection activities zoonotic. Cats that examined were 18. Cat with positive microfilaria was 1 cat. Number of Mansonia spp. captured was 1,167 which consisted of 6 species consisting of 6 species. Mansonia uniformis was the largest species cought numbering 1.010 with 1.00 frequency rate with 1,010 mosquitoes that frequency rate of 1,00. Based on these results, it is necessery for community participation for mosquito control activities and further investigation to cats and cats carried on a positive treatment.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vectors, zoonotic, Muaro Jambi

    Fair Fuzzy Matching in Middle Fuzzy Graph

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    A fuzzy matching is a set of edges in which an edge does not incident on a vertex with same membership value. If every vertex of fuzzy graph is M-Plunged then the fuzzy matching is called as fair fuzzy matching. In this paper, we introduce the new concept of fair fuzzy matching in Middle fuzzy graph. We discussed some properties based on these concepts in an Absolute Fuzzy Labeling Graph.

    Hidden Curriculum Pada Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (Stain) Purwokerto Tahun 2013

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    Hidden curriculum refers to all matters influncing the teaching and learning process. This means that hidden curriculum contains practices and educational results not explicitly stated in the written curriculum.This is a field research conducting in STAIN (State College on Islamic Studies) of Purwokerto in 2013. This research used sociological and antrophological approach. The other aproach used in this research was fenomenology and symbolic interactionalism. This is a grounded research in which all analysis were based on data and factsfound in the field. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative analysis. Hidden curriculum results from the practice of lecturing in which some lecturers do not refer to the curse outline. Hidden curriculum influnced by ideal dimension can be seen from thewill to improve the institution and competency of lecturers andstudents. Behavioral dimension is not influenced by ideal dimension, but it is a cultural expression which is relatively common and spontaneous. Materials of hidden curriculum which are relatively unplanned in the ideal dimension are those which are already customized and out of awareness. Hidden Curriculum menunjuk kepada segala sesuatu yangdapat berpengaruh di dalam berlangsungnya proses pengajaran dan pendidikan yang mungkin dapat meningkatkan atau mendorong atau bahkan melemahkan USAha pencapaian tujuan pendidikan. Dengan kata lain hidden curriculum menunjuk pada praktek dan hasil pendidikan yang tidak diuraikan dalam kurikulum terprogram atau petunjuk kurikulum kebijakan lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research). Dengan tempat penelitian di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto Tahun 2013. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan sosiologis–antropologis.Pendekatan lainya yang bisa dikembangkan yaitu pendekatan fenomenologis-interaksi simbol. Pendekatan ini berasumsi bahwa pengalaman manusia ditengahi oleh penafsiran.Penelitian ini bersifat grounded research dengan mendasarkan semua analisa pada data dan fakta yang diperoleh di lapangan. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah metode observasi,metode wawancara, metode dokumentasi. Metode analisa data yang digunakan analisis data kualitatif4, dengan teknik deskriptifanatilis Hidden curriculum dalam perkuliahan terjadi karena beberapa dosen masih menggunakan cara perkuliahan tanpa mengacu padasilabus Satuan Acara Perkuliahan. Hidden curriculum yang digerakkan oleh dimensi ide, dapat dilihat dari keinginan pengembangan kapasitas kelembagaan dan kemampuan dosen dan mahasiswa. Dimensi perilaku yang tidak digerakkan oleh dimensi ide, tapi sabagai ekspresi cultural yang relatif telah membudaya dan tidak disadari. Bentuk hidden curriculum pada dimensi material yang relative tidak direncanakan dalam dimensi ide adalah bentuk material yang telah mentradisi danrelative tidak disadari

    Arboricity And Span In Fuzzy Chromatic Index

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    A fuzzy matching is a set of edges in which an edge does not incident on a vertex with same membership value. If every vertex of fuzzy graph is M-Plunged then the fuzzy matching is called as fair fuzzy matching. In this chapter, fuzzy coloring and fuzzy chromatic index are defined. The concept of Arboricity and span in fuzzy chromatic index are discussed in detail. Some theorems based on these concepts are proved
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