151 research outputs found

    Genome-wide diversity and structure variation among lablab [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] accessions and their implication in a forage breeding program

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 19 Mar 2021Most orphan crops have not been fully sequenced, hence we rely on genome sequences of related species to align markers to different chromosomes. This hinders their utilisation in plant population improvement programs. Utilising the advances in the science of sequencing technologies, the population structure, relatedness, and genetic diversity among accessions can be assessed quickly for better exploitation in forage breeding programs. Using DArTseq technology, we studied the genetic and structural variation in 65 Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet conserved gene-bank accessions using 9320 DArTseq-based SNPs and 15,719 SilicoDart markers. These markers had a low discriminating ability with mean polymorphic information content (P.I.C.) of 0.14 with DArTseq-based SNPs and 0.13 with SilicoDart markers. However, the markers had a high mean call rate of 73% with DArTseq-based SNPs and 97% with SilicoDart markers. Analysis of molecular variance revealed a high within populations variance (99.4%), indicating a high gene exchange or low genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.0057) among the populations. Structure analysis showed three allelic pools in variable clusters of ΔK = 3 and 6. Phylogenetic tree of lablab accessions showed three main groups with variable membership coefficients. Most pairs of accessions (40.3%) had genetic distances between 0.10 and 0.15 for SilicoDart markers, while for DArTseq-based SNPs, (46.5%) had genetic distances between 0.20 and 0.25. Phylogenetic clustering and minimum spanning analysis divided the 65 accessions into three groups, irrespective of their origin. For the first time, this study produced high-density markers with good genom coverage. The utilisation of these accessions in a forage program will base on the information from molecular-based grouping. The outcomes uncovered the presence of noteworthy measure of variety in Uganda, CIAT and ILRI accessions, thus demonstrating an opportunity for further marker-trait-association studies

    A systematic approach to context-mapping to prepare for health interventions: development and validation of the SETTING-tool in four countries

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    Effectiveness of health interventions can be substantially impaired by implementation failure. Context-driven implementation strategies are critical for successful implementation. However, there is no practical, evidence-based guidance on how to map the context in order to design context-driven strategies. Therefore, this practice paper describes the development and validation of a systematic context-mapping tool. The tool was cocreated with local end-users through a multistage approach. As proof of concept, the tool was used to map beliefs and behaviour related to chronic respiratory disease within the FRESH AIR project in Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam and Greece. Feasibility and acceptability were evaluated using the modified Conceptual Framework for Implementation Fidelity. Effectiveness was assessed by the degree to which context-driven adjustments were made to implementation strategies of FRESH AIR health interventions. The resulting Setting-Exploration-Treasure-Trail-to-Inform-implementatioN-strateGies (SETTING-tool) consisted of six steps: (1) Coset study priorities with local stakeholders, (2) Combine a qualitative rapid assessment with a quantitative survey (a mixed-method design), (3) Use context-sensitive materials, (4) Collect data involving community researchers, (5) Analyse pragmatically and/or in-depth to ensure timely communication of findings and (6) Continuously disseminate findings to relevant stakeholders. Use of the tool proved highly feasible, acceptable and effective in each setting. To conclude, the SETTING-tool is validated to systematically map local contexts for (lung) health interventions in diverse low-resource settings. It can support policy-makers, non-governmental organisations and health workers in the design of context-driven implementation strategies. This can reduce the risk of implementation failure and the waste of resource potential. Ultimately, this could improve health outcomes.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    Effects and acceptability of implementing improved cookstoves and heaters to reduce household air pollution: a FRESH AIR study

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    The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of locally tailored implementation of improved cookstoves/heaters in low- and middle-income countries. This interventional implementation study among 649 adults and children living in rural communities in Uganda, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan, was performed after situational analyses and awareness programmes. Outcomes included household air pollution (PM2.5 and CO), self-reported respiratory symptoms (with CCQ and MRC-breathlessness scale), chest infections, school absence and intervention acceptability. Measurements were conducted at baseline, 2 and 6-12 months after implementing improved cookstoves/heaters. Mean PM2.5 values decrease by 31% (to 95.1 µg/m3) in Uganda (95%CI 71.5-126.6), by 32% (to 31.1 µg/m3) in Vietnam (95%CI 24.5-39.5) and by 65% (to 32.4 µg/m3) in Kyrgyzstan (95%CI 25.7-40.8), but all remain above the WHO guidelines. CO-levels remain below the WHO guidelines. After intervention, symptoms and infections diminish significantly in Uganda and Kyrgyzstan, and to a smaller extent in Vietnam. Quantitative assessment indicates high acceptance of the new cookstoves/heaters. In conclusion, locally tailored implementation of improved cookstoves/heaters is acceptable and has considerable effects on respiratory symptoms and indoor pollution, yet mean PM2.5 levels remain above WHO recommendations.European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement no. 680997, TRIAL ID NTR5759, http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctsearch.asp?Term=23332. The devices, measuring the personal HAP, were funded by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO

    'I believe that the staff have reduced their closeness to patients': an exploratory study on the impact of HIV/AIDS on staff in four rural hospitals in Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Staff shortages could harm the provision and quality of health care in Uganda, so staff retention and motivation are crucial. Understanding the impact of HIV/AIDS on staff contributes to designing appropriate retention and motivation strategies. This research aimed 'to identify the influence of HIV/AIDS on staff working in general hospitals at district level in rural areas and to explore support required and offered to deal with HIV/AIDS in the workplace'. Its results were to inform strategies to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on hospital staff.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study with qualitative and quantitative components was implemented during two weeks in September 2005. Data were collected in two government and two faith-based private not-for-profit hospitals purposively selected in rural districts in Uganda's Central Region. Researchers interviewed 237 people using a structured questionnaire and held four focus group discussions and 44 in-depth interviews.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HIV/AIDS places both physical and, to some extent, emotional demands on health workers. Eighty-six per cent of respondents reported an increased workload, with 48 per cent regularly working overtime, while 83 per cent feared infection at work, and 36 per cent reported suffering an injury in the previous year. HIV-positive staff remained in hiding, and most staff did not want to get tested as they feared stigmatization. Organizational responses were implemented haphazardly and were limited to providing protective materials and the HIV/AIDS-related services offered to patients. Although most staff felt motivated to work, not being motivated was associated with a lack of daily supervision, a lack of awareness on the availability of HIV/AIDS counselling, using antiretrovirals and working overtime. The specific hospital context influenced staff perceptions and experiences.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HIV/AIDS is a crucially important contextual factor, impacting on working conditions in various ways. Therefore, organizational responses should be integrated into responses to other problematic working conditions and adapted to the local context. Opportunities already exist, such as better use of supervision, educational sessions and staff meetings. However, exchanges on interventions to improve staff motivation and address HIV/AIDS in the health sector are urgently required, including information on results and details of the context and implementation process.</p

    COPD’s early origins in low-and-middle income countries: what are the implications of a false start?

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    [Excerpt] The Global Initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD)guideline of 2018 describes COPD as‘the result of a complexinterplay of long-term cumulative exposure to noxious gases andparticles, combined with a variety of host factors includinggenetics, airway hyper-responsiveness and poor lung growthduring childhood’.1Tobacco smoking is traditionally viewed as themain contributing factor to the development of COPD. However,COPD also occurs among non-smokers, especially in low-incomeand middle-income countries (LMICs).2,3Notably, more than 90%of COPD-related deaths occur in LMICs.4For these countries, otherrisk factors, such as ambient, occupational and household airpollution play a significant role in the development of COPD.1,2,5–7Does COPD in these settings have a different pathophysiologicaltrajectory compared to COPD in high-income countries, and if so:what does this imply?In normal lung development, airway branching is completed bythe 17th week of gestation, after which airways increase in volumeuntil young adulthood. Alveoli are present at birth and developfurther during childhood. Lung volume and airflow continue toincrease as the thorax grows, influenced by age, sex, and ethnicity,reaching a peak at young adulthood. Lung function then remainsconstant for about 10 years (the plateau phase), after which itgradually declines.8In the‘classic’COPD patient, the decline inlung function is more rapid than in healthy individuals. However,in a considerable proportion of COPD patients, lung function doesnot decline rapidly, but reaches a lower plateau phase in earlyadulthood instead. For these patients, a completely differentpathophysiological trajectory seems to lead to the diagnosis ofCOPD: the decline in lung function follows a normal pattern, yetthey seem to have a‘false start’by attaining a lower maximumlung function. [...

    Properties and Subcellular Localization of Myocardial Fatty Acyl-coenzyme A Oxidase

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    The properties and subcellular localization of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (FAO) were studied in rat heart homogenates. After differential centrifugation, FAO was sedimentable and enriched in a “light-mitochondrial” fraction. FAO had a pH optimum of 8–9. Among straight-chain, saturated fatty acyl-CoAs, the enzyme showed a marked preference for medium chain substrates (C12 \u3e C10 = C8 \u3e C16 = C14 \u3e C6) over a concentration range up to 100 µM. No activity was observed with C4-CoA. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for C12-CoA was 5-10 µM. After removal of nuclei by low-speed centrifugation, combined subcellular particle preparations were obtained by high-speed centrifugation and layered on linear density gradients of metrizamide. After density equilibration, FAO showed a symmetric distribution centered at ρ = 1.16–1.18, like that of the enzyme catalase, a marker for microperoxisomes. In contrast, enzyme markers for mitochondria, lysosomes, sarcolemma, and sarcoplasmic reticulum were recovered in low-density regions of the gradient. These results provide a direct demonstration of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase in cardiac tissue and its association with microperoxisomes

    Properties and Subcellular Localization of Myocardial Fatty Acyl-coenzyme A Oxidase

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    The properties and subcellular localization of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (FAO) were studied in rat heart homogenates. After differential centrifugation, FAO was sedimentable and enriched in a “light-mitochondrial” fraction. FAO had a pH optimum of 8–9. Among straight-chain, saturated fatty acyl-CoAs, the enzyme showed a marked preference for medium chain substrates (C12 \u3e C10 = C8 \u3e C16 = C14 \u3e C6) over a concentration range up to 100 µM. No activity was observed with C4-CoA. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for C12-CoA was 5-10 µM. After removal of nuclei by low-speed centrifugation, combined subcellular particle preparations were obtained by high-speed centrifugation and layered on linear density gradients of metrizamide. After density equilibration, FAO showed a symmetric distribution centered at ρ = 1.16–1.18, like that of the enzyme catalase, a marker for microperoxisomes. In contrast, enzyme markers for mitochondria, lysosomes, sarcolemma, and sarcoplasmic reticulum were recovered in low-density regions of the gradient. These results provide a direct demonstration of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase in cardiac tissue and its association with microperoxisomes

    Fluorometric Assay for Rat Liver Peroxisomal Fatty Acyl-Coenzyme A Oxidase Activity

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    These studies report the development of a simple, specific, and highly sensitive fluorometric assay for rat liver peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity. In this in vitro procedure fatty acyl-CoA-dependent H2O2 production was coupled in a peroxidase-catalyzed reaction to the oxidation of scopoletin (6-methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin), a highly fluorescent compound, to a nonfluorescent product. Enzyme-catalyzed reaction rates as low as 5 pmol of H2O2 produced per minute could readily be detected. The reaction was studied in liver homogenates from normal rats with respect to absolute activity, time course, protein concentration dependence, substrate concentration dependence, pH optimum, substrate specificity, and cofactor requirements. The properties of the enzyme activity as assessed by the fluorometric assay agree well with those determined by other investigators using other assay methods. After subcellular fractionation of liver homogenates by differential centrifugation, the fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity distributed like known peroxisomal marker enzymes. These results demonstrate that the fluorometric assay of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase should be useful in studying the distribution, properties, and subcellular localization of the enzyme, particularly in enzyme sources of low activity or in situations when only small amounts of material are available

    Fluorometric Assay for Rat Liver Peroxisomal Fatty Acyl-Coenzyme A Oxidase Activity

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    These studies report the development of a simple, specific, and highly sensitive fluorometric assay for rat liver peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity. In this in vitro procedure fatty acyl-CoA-dependent H2O2 production was coupled in a peroxidase-catalyzed reaction to the oxidation of scopoletin (6-methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin), a highly fluorescent compound, to a nonfluorescent product. Enzyme-catalyzed reaction rates as low as 5 pmol of H2O2 produced per minute could readily be detected. The reaction was studied in liver homogenates from normal rats with respect to absolute activity, time course, protein concentration dependence, substrate concentration dependence, pH optimum, substrate specificity, and cofactor requirements. The properties of the enzyme activity as assessed by the fluorometric assay agree well with those determined by other investigators using other assay methods. After subcellular fractionation of liver homogenates by differential centrifugation, the fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity distributed like known peroxisomal marker enzymes. These results demonstrate that the fluorometric assay of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase should be useful in studying the distribution, properties, and subcellular localization of the enzyme, particularly in enzyme sources of low activity or in situations when only small amounts of material are available