699 research outputs found

    Penilaian Lima Tugas Keluarga Pada Keluarga Dengan Anggota Keluarga Menderita TB Paru Di WIlayah Kerja BP-4 Magelang

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    Tuberculosis is one of the contagion diseases which is high of painfulness number and its death. The role of family is very needed to efficacy of medication of tuberculosis. The reason is that family represents the elementary system in sociaty where healthy behaviour and treatment of health is arraged. Moreover family takes charge of especial start and coordinates service given by the nurse as health professional.This research aims to investigate how family applies five family's duties in the field of health. This research utilises qualitative study with the approach of fenomenology. Data collecting method was an interview and observation. Participant of this research was the family who has one of the family member suffering from tuberculosis with positif BTA and lives in Magelang.The result of ressearch shows that family recognise tuberculosis after contact with health facility. Then, the decision is taken by family to find out the medication for the member. The family provide caring for the member such as giving the nutrition, preventing the infection. The low economic status influence providing the nutrition. Workload of the family also can affect in improving health environment. Health facility especially expence is the family choice in caring for member with tuberculosis

    “Sedekah Laut” Tradition for in the Fishermen Community in Pekalongan, Central Java

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    Tradition of “sedekah laut” (sea thanksgiving) in the Pekalongan fishermen community is also “Nyadran” which is always celebrated every month of “Syuro”. This ceremony is the expression of gratitude to God having given safety and abundance of fortune in fish catching in the sea. In this tradition there are various manings, omens, symbols which can be used as philosophy of life for the fishermen. This tradition is unique and interesting; it is also the regional cultural wealth which should be preserved, especially for thourism interests

    Analisis Perancangan Pompa Guna Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Pdam Kota Amuntai

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    Air merupakan unsur terpenting bagi kelangsungan hidup di muka bumi. Sebab tanpa air kehidupan di muka bumi ini tidak akan ada. Semua mahluk hidup selalu memerlukan air untuk bisa tumbuh dan berkembang secara wajar. Seiring meningkatnya penduduk kota Amuntai yang mengakibatkan kebutuhan air bersih meningkat pula, sementara sarana air bersih dari PDAM masih terbatas. Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, maka diperlukan suatu analisis perancangan pompa guna pemenuhan pemakaian air bersih yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan suatu sistem distribusi untuk penyaluran air bersih. Pompa air yang sesuai untuk masalah ini ialah dengan menggunakan pompa sentrifugal. Pompa sentrifugal ialah jenis pompa dimana headnya dibentuk oleh gaya sentrifugal maupun lift yang ditimbulkan oleh sudu-sudu yang berputar. Dalam penelitian ini, difokuskan pada penelitian tentang pompa sentrifugal yang sesuai kapasitas air yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah pompa dimana berdasarkan hasil perhitungan untuk setiap kapasitas air yg dipompa yaitu sebesar 422 m3/jam dan bentuk impeller yaitu : diameter dalam (d1 = 0,214 m), diameter luar (d2 = 0,362 m), (β1 = 17o), (α1 = 62o), (β2 = 25o), (α2 = 20o), (ρ = 172,7 mm), (z = 11) dengan spesifikasi pompa yang digunakan sebagai masukan yaitu kecepatan motor penggerak = 1500 (rpm), tebal sudu impeller = 5 (mm) dan tegangan torsi aman bahan shaft (S45C ) = 58 (Kg/mm3). Dari hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebutuhan air bersih yang semakin meningkat maka akan dibutuhkan pompa dengan spesifikasi yang lebih tepat pula dan dimensi impeller akan berubah sesuai dengan spesifikasi pompa yang dirancang sehingga kerja pompa lebih optimal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih pada tahun 2022

    Pengaruh Budaya Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Mutu Guru pada SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sekayam

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    This research aims to To reveal whether the school\u27s culture influences the quality of teachers at the Junior High School in District Sekayam Sanggau. To reveal whether work motivation influence on the quality of teachers at the Junior High School in District Sekayam Sanggau. To reveal whether the school\u27s culture and work motivation with the same effect on the quality of teachers in Junior High School in Sekayam DistrictSanggau. The method used is descriptive method and indirect techniques of data collection using the instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The sample was a teacher at the Junior High School in the District Sekayam as many as 35 respondents. Based on the analysis results obtained some findings. First, there is significant influence school culture (X1) with the quality of teachers (Y) has a significance level of 0.004, this value is smaller than 0.005 or sig <α means the research hypothesis which states "School culture significantly influence the quality of teachers at the Junior High School in SubdistrictSekayamSanggau "acceptable". Second, there is significant influence between work motivation (X2) with the quality of teachers (Y) has a significance level of 0.002, this value is smaller than 0.005 or sig <α means the research hypothesis which states "Motivation significant effect on the quality of teachers in Junior High School in SekayamDistrict Sanggau

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Melalui Metode Eksperimen Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Fisika Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Selong Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    This study is an experimental aims to finding out the effect of problem based learning through experimental methods on student\u27s physics science process skills of SMA Negeri 1 Selong academic year 2014/2015. The design of this study used pretest-posttest control group design, while the sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The population of this study is students of grade X Science Program SMA Negeri 1 Selong, while the samples are the students of class X 1 (experimental group) and class X 4 (control group). The instrument of this study is the science process skills test. The result data was analyzed by t-test pooled variant two tails. Obtain values thint = 5.38, ttable = 1.99 at the significance level of 5%. Because - ttable + ttable, then Ho will be rejected and Ha will be accepted which indicates that there is significant the effect of problem based learning through the experimental method on physics science process skills of students of SMA Negeri 1 Selong academic year 2014/2015

    Penalaran Matematis Siswa Berkemampuan Tinggi dan Rendah dalam Menyelesaikan Persamaan Kuadrat

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    Mathematical reasoning is a process to obtain a conclusion that is supported by mathematical premises known or assumed. This study aimed to describe the mathematical reasoning high (KT) and low (KR) performing students in solving quadratic equations. Subjects were asked solving quadratic equations with various methods of completion they controlled and conducted interviews to clarify results of his work. The results showed KT only capable of understanding the method of factoring and the quadratic formula, while the KR is not able to understand the methods of completion of quadratic equations. Both subjects did not understand the methods completing a square. Both subjects making conjecture, provide arguments and concluding. But both the subject does not check his work. Penalaran matematis merupakan proses memperoleh kesimpulan yang didukung oleh premis-premis matematis yang diketahui atau diasumsikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran matematis siswa berkemampuan tinggi (KT) dan rendah (KR) dalam menyelesaikan soal persamaan kuadrat. Subjek diminta menyelesaikan soal persamaan kuadrat dengan berbagai metode penyelesaian yang mereka kuasai dan dilakukan wawancara untuk mengklarifikasi hasil pekerjaannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KT hanya memahami metode pemfaktoran dan rumus kuadratik, sedangkan KR tidak memahami metode penyelesaian persamaan kuadrat. Kedua subjek tidak memahami metode menyempurnakan kuadrat sempurna. Kedua subjek membuat dugaan, memberikan argumen dan menarik kesimpulan. Namun kedua subjek tidak memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaannya