167 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Pencemaran Lingkungan Berbasis Problem Posing Disertai Spider Concept Map Untuk Memberdayakan Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kemampuan Menganalisis Siswa SMAN 1 Sumberlawang

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    The research and the development of the modules aims to know: 1) The characteristic of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map; 2) The procedure of developing environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map; 3) The feasibility of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map to empower students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities; and 4) Effectiveness of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map to to empower students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities. The method used in the research is Research and Development (R&D) modification of Borg & Gall (Tim Puslitjaknov, 2008: 10-11). The subject used in preliminary field test consisting of 10 students', the main field subject consisting of 10 students' and opeational field subject consisting of 32 students' SMAN 1 Sumberlawang. The instruments used in the research, mainly: questionaire, observation, interview and test. The operational field was conducted using one group pretest-postest design. Students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities were tested by paired sample t-test and counted by normalized gain score. The results of the research can be concluded that: 1) The characteristic of vironmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map, mainly: aspect of students' science process skills and students' analyze abilities, science literate abilities (be able to understand, read, write and think in terms of science); 2) The development of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map used modification Borg & Gall, mainly: preliminary research, planning, developing the initial products, preliminary field test, major product revision, main field test, the operational product revision, operational field, revision of the final product, the dissemination and the implementation of the product; 3) The feasibility of environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map average obtained is 3,51 that's “very good” categories; and 4) The environmental pollution module based on problem posing with spider concept map is effective to empowering students' science process skills with 0,60 N-gain score that's “middle” categories and empowering students' analyze abilities with 0,57 N-gain score that's “middle” categories

    Kebijakan Pengelolaan Limbah Elektronik Dalam Lingkup Global Dan Lokal = Electronic Waste Management Policies in the Scope of Global and Local

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    In line with population growth and lifestyle, the number of electronic waste increased. Electronicwaste is a hazardous waste that threaten human survival. Various efforts have been and are beingtaken to prevent environmental degradation caused by poor management of electronic waste.However, electronic waste is a source of valuable material that can be recovered through a series ofprocesses in the manufacturing of electronic waste. Support from various parties necessary for therealization of a sustainable e-waste management

    Pengolahan Sampah Organik Dan Aspek Sanitasi

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    Organic waste is one of major problems that potentially degrade environmentalquality and public health so that it have to be treated proposionally. In therecent time, there are organic treatment technologies such as composting,incinerating, landfilling, etc. In this article, the author talks about organic wastetreatment and sanitation aspect of wastes

    Pengelolaan Sampah Kertas Di Indonesia

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    Paper waste is one type of municipal solid wastes that is not properly manage yet. It contributes about ten percent of MSW. Indonesia paper waste generation is about 1.6 million ton per year which 70 percent of them was recovered byscavengers and sold to the recycling paper industries. To optimize the paperwaste management, it is needed cooperation between community, private sectors and government in the MSW management. In this article, the author talks about paper waste generation and its potency, prospect and route of its market, and strategy of paper waste management

    Mengubah Limbah Sludge Pabrik Pulp Dan Kertas Menjadi Produk Berguna

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    Pulp and paper mills are one of the important industries that contribute ingovernment's income. Unfortunatelly, they also produce the wastes, such assludge that potentially degrade the environmental quality. The common treatments of sludge are landfilling and incinerating. However, the current trend is to recycle of sludge or it is used for producing the valuable products like absorbents, fillers, compost, etc. These are more attractives than landfilling or incinerating due to economically benefit

    Peran Ratu Kalinyamat dalam Ornamen Masjid Mantingan dan Makam Mantingan Jepara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peran Ratu Kalinyamat dalam terwujudnya ornamen yang ada di Masjid dan Makam Mantingan Jepara. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Tahap penelitian berupa: (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data; (3) analisis data; dan (4) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Ratu Kalinyamat sebagai penguasa Jepara, dengan dibantu suaminya Sultan Hadlirin, dan Patih Sungging Badar Duwung berperan penting dalam mewujudkan ornamen yang ada di Masiid dan Makam Mantingan tersebut. Ornamen yang ada dipengaruhi oleh budaya Hindu, Islam dan China. Karakteristik ornamennya merupakan hasil stilasi dari bentuk-bentuk alam yaitu teratai, pohon hayat, kelapa, gunung, kera, burung phoenix, merak, kelelawar, kuda, dan bentuk-bentuk bidang lingkaran, segi enam, kubus, ortogonal, dengan hiasan flora. Pada masa setelahnya, ornamen tersebut telah menjadi inspirasi pengembangan seni dan desain oleh generasi-generasi berikutnya, termasuk industri ukir kayu Jepara

    Analisis Efektivitas Konsep Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Melalui Teknologi Komposting (Studi Kasus Di Kota Probolinggo, Jawa Timur)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji efektivitas konsep pengelolaan sampah organik melalui analisisaliran material. Konsep pengelolaan sampah organik yang dianalisis terdiri atas empat skenario yangmelibatkan komposting skala rumah tangga, skala lingkungan dan skala kota. Berbagai skenario tersebutkemudian dianalisis aliran materialnya dengan metode analisis aliran material yang menggunakansoftware STAN versi 2.0.1703. Indikator yang dipilih dalam analisis aliran material meliputi aliran massasampah, Nitrogen (N), gas metana (CH4), recyclable materials, kompos, dan residu. Dengan asumsiseluruh sampah organik dikomposkan maka akan didapatkan produk kompos sebesar 11.222.817kg/tahun, recyclable materials sebesar 8.897.809 kg/tahun (yang terdiri atas material kertas, plastik,metal dan kaca), reduksi gas CH4 dari 2.326.008 ton/tahun hingga menjadi 9.255 -18.344 kg/tahun, dankonservasi unsur N sebesar 49.646 kg/tahun. Konsep pengelolaan sampah, terutama desentralisasikomposting merupakan alternatif pengelolaan sampah yang efektif karena bersifat padat karya; dapatberadaptasi secara baik pada kondisi sosio-ekonomi daerah; menciptakan lapangan kerja bagimasyarakat berketerampilan terbatas; dan manajemen serta operasinya fleksibel sehingga secara cepatdapat beradaptasi dengan Perubahan

    Daur Ulang Sampah Organik Dengan Teknologi Vermicomposting

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    Organic material from municipal solid wastes can be recycled by compostingtechnology become organic fertilizer. One kind of composting technologies isvermicomposting that use earthworm as ‘machine” of composting process. Thereare two products from the process: biomass of worm and casting. Vermicomposting consists of three phases of activities such as preparation,processing, and nursing phase. Preparation phase consists of choosing oflocation, system, building, and equipment. Processing phase consists of making of worm media, preparation of worm and planting. Nursing phase consists of feeding, turning, cropping of casting and controlling of the disease. This article talk about those phases and the classification and characterization of earthworm

    Posisi Media Instruksional sebagai Komponen Sistem Pengajaran Sekolah

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    Pemanfaatan mediq instruksional dalam proses belajarmengajartelah me~galami perkembangan cukup berarti, darihanya sekedar sebagai alat peraga hingga pembawa danpenyebar informasi, serta" pada fase perkembangan terakhirmenjadi variabel pemicu meningkatkan motivasi belajar.". Peranannya sebagai pembentuk aspek kognitif, afektif, dan..psikomotorik telah banyak terbukti melalui penelitian empi-.. rik. .. .Namuri demikian, hingga saat ini media instruksionalmasih belum ditempatkan sebagai salah satu komponen sistempengajaran sekolah sehingga pemanfaatannya belum secaraoptimal dalam aktivitas belajar-mengajar. Adanya kecenderunganverbalisme dalam proses belajar-mengajar yangdewasa ini sering disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu penyebabutama rendahnya kreativitas siswa, boleh jadi salah satufaktor penyebabnya adalah belum dimanfaatkannya mediainstruksional tersebut secara optimal. .Oleh karena itu, menempatkan posisi media instruksionalsebagai komponen sistem pengajaran sekolah, diharapkanmerupakan tawaran alternatif permasalahan tersebut. Tulisanini berusaha memberikan pertanggungjawaban secara logis,mengapa media instruksional patut dipertimbangkan untukmenjadi salah satu komponen sistem pengajaran sekolahdalam upaya optimalis~si pencapaian tujuan .belajar