2,095 research outputs found

    Two-mode entanglement in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the generation of two-mode entanglement in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential. By applying the Holstein-Primakoff transformation, we show that the problem is exactly solvable as long as the number of excitations due to atom-atom interactions remains low. In particular, the condensate constitutes a symmetric Gaussian system, thereby enabling its entanglement of formation to be measured directly by the fluctuations in the quadratures of the two constituent components [Giedke {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 107901 (2003)]. We discover that significant two-mode squeezing occurs in the condensate if the interspecies interaction is sufficiently strong, which leads to strong entanglement between the two components.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Hydrogen interactions in aluminum-lithium alloys

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    A program is described which seeks to develop an understanding of the effects of dissolved and trapped hydrogen on the mechanical properties of selected Al-Li-Cu-X alloys. A proposal is made to distinguish hydrogen (H2) induced EAC from aqueous dissolution controlled EAC, to correlate H2 induced EAC with mobile and trapped concentrations, and to identify significant trap sites and hydride phases (if any) through use of model alloys and phases. A literature review shows three experimental factors which have impeded progress in the area of H2 EAC for this class of alloys. These are as listed: (1) inter-subgranular fracture in Al-Li alloys when tested in the S-T orientation in air or vacuum make it difficult to readily detect H2 induced fracture based on straight forward changes in fractography; (2) the inherently low H2 diffusivity and solubility in Al alloys is further compounded by a native oxide which acts as a H2 permeation barrier; and (3) H2 effects are masked by dissolution assisted processes when mechanical testing is performed in aqueous solutions

    K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like boron ions [B2+^{2+}]: Experiment and Theory

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    Absolute cross sections for the K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like boron [B2+^{2+}(1s2^22s 2^2S)] ions were measured by employing the ion-photon merged-beams technique at the Advanced Light Source synchrotron radiation facility. The energy ranges 197.5--200.5 eV, 201.9--202.1 eV of the [1s(2s\,2p)3^3P]2^2Po{\rm ^o} and [1s(2s\,2p)1^1P] 2^2Po{\rm ^o} resonances, respectively, were investigated using resolving powers of up to 17\,600. The energy range of the experiments was extended to about 238.2 eV yielding energies of the most prominent [1s(2ℓ\ell\,nℓâ€Č\ell^{\prime})]2^2Po^o resonances with an absolute accuracy of the order of 130 ppm. The natural linewidths of the [1s(2s\,2p)3^3P] 2^2Po{\rm ^o} and [1s(2s\,2p)1^1P] 2^2Po{\rm ^o} resonances were measured to be 4.8±0.64.8 \pm 0.6 meV and 29.7±2.529.7 \pm 2.5 meV, respectively, which compare favourably with theoretical results of 4.40 meV and 30.53 meV determined using an intermediate coupling R-matrix method.Comment: 6 figures and 2 table

    K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon ions [C3+^{3+}]: experiment, theory and comparison with time-reversed photorecombination

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    Absolute cross sections for the K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon [C3+^{3+}(1s2^22s 2^2S)] ions were measured by employing the ion-photon merged-beams technique at the Advanced Light Source. The energy ranges 299.8--300.15 eV, 303.29--303.58 eV and 335.61--337.57 eV of the [1s(2s2p)3^3P]2^2P, [1s(2s2p)1^1P]2^2P and [(1s2s)3^3S 3p]2^2P resonances, respectively, were investigated using resolving powers of up to 6000. The autoionization linewidth of the [1s(2s2p)1^1P]2^2P resonance was measured to be 27±527 \pm 5 meV and compares favourably with a theoretical result of 26 meV obtained from the intermediate coupling R-Matrix method. The present photoionization cross section results are compared with the outcome from photorecombination measurements by employing the principle of detailed balance.Comment: 3 figures and 2 table

    Mach-Zehnder Interferometry at the Heisenberg Limit with coherent and squeezed-vacuum light

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    We show that the phase sensitivity Δξ\Delta \theta of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer fed by a coherent state in one input port and squeezed-vacuum in the other one is i) independent from the true value of the phase shift and ii) can reach the Heisenberg limit ΔΞ∌1/NT\Delta \theta \sim 1/N_T, where NTN_T is the average number of particles of the input states. We also show that the Cramer-Rao lower bound, Δξ∝1/∣α∣2e2r+sinh⁥2r\Delta \theta \propto 1/ \sqrt{|\alpha|^2 e^{2r} + \sinh^2r}, can be saturated for arbitrary values of the squeezing parameter rr and the amplitude of the coherent mode ∣α∣|\alpha| by a Bayesian phase inference protocol.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Few-Body Bound Complexes in One-dimensional Dipolar Gases and Non-Destructive Optical Detection

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    We consider dipolar interactions between heteronuclear molecules in low-dimensional geometries. The setup consists of two one-dimensional tubes. We study the stability of possible few-body complexes in the regime of repulsive intratube interaction, where the binding arises from intertube attraction. The stable dimers, trimers, and tetramers are found and we discuss their properties for both bosonic and fermionic molecules. To observe these complexes we propose an optical non-destructive detection scheme that enables in-situ observation of the creation and dissociation of the few-body complexes. A detailed description of the expected signal of such measurements is given using the numerically calculated wave functions of the bound states. We also discuss implications on the many-body physics of dipolar systems in tubular geometries, as well as experimental issues related to the external harmonic confinement along the tube and the prospect of applying an in-tube optical lattice to increase the effective dipole strength.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, published versio

    Nuclear quantum optics with x-ray laser pulses

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    The direct interaction of nuclei with super-intense laser fields is studied. We show that present and upcoming high-frequency laser facilities, especially together with a moderate acceleration of the target nuclei, do allow for resonant laser-nucleus interaction. These direct interactions may be utilized for the optical measurement of nuclear properties such as the transition frequency and the dipole moment, thus opening the field of nuclear quantum optics. As ultimate goal, one may hope that direct laser-nucleus interactions could become a versatile tool to enhance preparation, control and detection in nuclear physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures, revised versio

    Coupling of Surface and Volume Dipole Oscillations in C-60 Molecules

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    We first give a short review of the ``local-current approximation'' (LCA), derived from a general variation principle, which serves as a semiclassical description of strongly collective excitations in finite fermion systems starting from their quantum-mechanical mean-field ground state. We illustrate it for the example of coupled translational and compressional dipole excitations in metal clusters. We then discuss collective electronic dipole excitations in C60_{60} molecules (Buckminster fullerenes). We show that the coupling of the pure translational mode (``surface plasmon'') with compressional volume modes in the semiclasscial LCA yields semi-quantitative agreement with microscopic time-dependent density functional (TDLDA) calculations, while both theories yield qualitative agreement with the recent experimental observation of a ``volume plasmon''.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 5 figures (8 *.eps files); Contribution to XIV-th Nuclear Physics Workshop at Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, Sept. 26-29, 200

    A symmetry analyser for non-destructive Bell state detection using EIT

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    We describe a method to project photonic two-qubit states onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspaces of their Hilbert space. This device utilizes an ancillary coherent state, together with a weak cross-Kerr non-linearity, generated, for example, by electromagnetically induced transparency. The symmetry analyzer is non-destructive, and works for small values of the cross-Kerr coupling. Furthermore, this device can be used to construct a non-destructive Bell state detector.Comment: Final published for
