615 research outputs found

    Entanglement formation and violation of Bell's inequality with a semiconductor single photon source

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    We report the generation of polarization-entangled photons, using a quantum dot single photon source, linear optics and photodetectors. Two photons created independently are observed to violate Bell's inequality. The density matrix describing the polarization state of the postselected photon pairs is also reconstructed, and agrees well with a simple model predicting the quality of entanglement from the known parameters of the single photon source. Our scheme provides a method to generate no more than one entangled photon pair per cycle, a feature useful to enhance quantum cryptography protocols using entangled photons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Optimal two-photon excitation of bound states in non-Markovian waveguide QED

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    Restoring size consistency of approximate functionals constructed from the adiabatic connection

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    Approximate exchange-correlation functionals built by modeling in a non-linear way the adiabatic connection (AC) integrand of density functional theory have many attractive features, being virtually parameters-free and satisfying different exact properties, but they also have a fundamental flaw: they violate the size-consistency condition, crucial to evaluate interaction energies of molecular systems. We show that size consistency in the AC-based functionals can be restored in a very simple way at no extra computational cost. Results on a large set of benchmark molecular interaction energies show that functionals based on the interaction strength interpolation approximations are significantly more accurate than the second-order perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Automated calibration of consensus weighted distance-based clustering approaches using sharp

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    Motivation: In consensus clustering, a clustering algorithm is used in combination with a subsampling procedure to detect stable clusters. Previous studies on both simulated and real data suggest that consensus clustering outperforms native algorithms. Results: We extend here consensus clustering to allow for attribute weighting in the calculation of pairwise distances using existing regularised approaches. We propose a procedure for the calibration of the number of clusters (and regularisation parameter) by maximising the sharp score, a novel stability score calculated directly from consensus clustering outputs, making it extremely computationally competitive. Our simulation study shows better clustering performances of (i) approaches calibrated by maximising the sharp score compared to existing calibration scores, and (ii) weighted compared to unweighted approaches in the presence of features that do not contribute to cluster definition. Application on real gene expression data measured in lung tissue reveals clear clusters corresponding to different lung cancer subtypes. Availability and implementation: The R package sharp (version ≥ 1.4.3) is available on CRAN at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=sharp

    Treg and Oligoclonal Expansion of Terminal Effector CD8+ T Cell as Key Players in Multiple Myeloma

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    The classical paradigm of host-tumor interaction, i.e. elimination, equilibrium, and escape (EEE), is reflected in the clinical behavior of myeloma which progresses from the premalignant condition, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance (MGUS). Despite the role of other immune cells, CD4+ regulatory T cells (Treg) and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells have emerged as the dominant effectors of host control of the myeloma clone. Progression from MGUS to myeloma is associated with alterations in Tregs and terminal effector CD8+ T cells (TTE). These changes involve CD39 and CD69 expression, affecting the adenosine pathway and residency in the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment, together with oligoclonal expansion within CD8+ TTE cells. In this mini-review article, in the context of earlier data, we summarize our recent understanding of Treg involvement in the adenosine pathway, the significance of oligoclonal expansion within CD8+ TTE cells and BM-residency of CD8+ TTE cells in MGUS and newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients

    Evaluating goal threat in football using player and ball locations

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    Goal scoring in football is relatively low but vitally important, hence research has considered how goals are created and scored with measures such as expected goals prevalent. The dynamical systems theoretical perspective, considers a collective system, such as football, as existing in two states, stable (no substantive advantage for either team) or unstable (advantage present). Hence, goal scoring events occur when the system has become unstable, with a “perturbation” the event causing the system state change. Here, a “goal threat” value was calculated every second (scaled from 0 to 100) using the XY coordinates of players and the ball, weighted in relation to proximity to the goal (a potential proxy for the degree of system instability). Video recordings and synchronised Amisco 2D representations of goals (n=64) scored in Swansea City AFC English Premier League 2012/2013 matches (n=20) were analysed using Dartfish v10 Pro software. Each goal was analysed from when the play was judged to be stable (no obvious goal scoring opportunity), or the start of possession, until the goal had been scored. Goals were not always preceded by high goal threat values (maximum goal threat values ranged from 13.4 to 99.0). The authors independently subjectively determined that perturbations occurred up to 7 seconds from when the goal threat value increased by at least 40%. Thus, perturbations were not directly related to goal scoring opportunities. This novel method provides a useful, quantifiable, and simple measure of goal threat that may also aid audience engagement and measure defensive effectiveness
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