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    Author Institution: Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica,, Universit\'{a} di VeneriaDiode laser spectra of CF3XCF_{3}X where X=Cl,BrX = Cl, Br and I, with natural isotopic abundance, have been measured in the 99.5μm9-9.5 \mu m region using the SP 5000 Tunable Laser Source Spectrometer (from Spectra Physics) set up in appropriate configuration at the University of Venice. The frequency range considered mainly comprises the v1 fundamental (CF3 symmetric stretching and the 2ν52\nu_{5} overtone; of the latter, only the parallel component (2ν50)(2\nu^{0}_{5}) has been observed. The measurements were carried out at low temperature (200K)(* 200 K) in order to simplify the complex structure due to ``hot'' band congestion. The rotational fine structure within the P(J) and R(J) manifolds as well as in the Q-branch of the bands mentioned above has been resolved and a least-squares fit of the observed transitions to the energy expression including the quartic centrifugal distortion coefficients was performed. Some lines were found to be rotationally perturbed by 2v5 and*** and the different mechanisms involving ΔR=Δk=±2\Delta R = \Delta k = \pm 2, and ΔR=±2,Δk=±1\Delta R = \pm 2, \Delta k = \pm 1 interactions have been considered in the interpretation. Accurate molecular parameters of ν1\nu_{1} and 2ν5o2\nu^{o}_{5} bands of the two different isotopic species of CF3ClCF_{3}Cl and CF3BrCF_{3}Br have been determined. Work on the spectrum of CF3ICF_{3}I is also in progress; however its fine structure appears so strongly perturbed that the rotational assignments are not quite easy in the scheme of isolated vibro-rotational systems. Interpretation, details of the spectra, and results obtained will be discussed