12 research outputs found

    Diffusion of e-health innovations in 'post-conflict' settings: a qualitative study on the personal experiences of health workers.

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    BACKGROUND: Technological innovations have the potential to strengthen human resources for health and improve access and quality of care in challenging 'post-conflict' contexts. However, analyses on the adoption of technology for health (that is, 'e-health') and whether and how e-health can strengthen a health workforce in these settings have been limited so far. This study explores the personal experiences of health workers using e-health innovations in selected post-conflict situations. METHODS: This study had a cross-sectional qualitative design. Telephone interviews were conducted with 12 health workers, from a variety of cadres and stages in their careers, from four post-conflict settings (Liberia, West Bank and Gaza, Sierra Leone and Somaliland) in 2012. Everett Roger's diffusion of innovation-decision model (that is, knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, contemplation) guided the thematic analysis. RESULTS: All health workers interviewed held positive perceptions of e-health, related to their beliefs that e-health can help them to access information and communicate with other health workers. However, understanding of the scope of e-health was generally limited, and often based on innovations that health workers have been introduced through by their international partners. Health workers reported a range of engagement with e-health innovations, mostly for communication (for example, email) and educational purposes (for example, online learning platforms). Poor, unreliable and unaffordable Internet was a commonly mentioned barrier to e-health use. Scaling-up existing e-health partnerships and innovations were suggested starting points to increase e-health innovation dissemination. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study showed ICT based e-health innovations can relieve information and communication needs of health workers in post-conflict settings. However, more efforts and investments, preferably driven by healthcare workers within the post-conflict context, are needed to make e-health more widespread and sustainable. Increased awareness is necessary among health professionals, even among current e-health users, and physical and financial access barriers need to be addressed. Future e-health initiatives are likely to increase their impact if based on perceived health information needs of intended users

    Rebuilding human resources for health: a case study from Liberia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Following twenty years of economic and social growth, Liberia's fourteen-year civil war destroyed its health system, with most of the health workforce leaving the country. Following the inauguration of the Sirleaf administration in 2006, the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (MOHSW) has focused on rebuilding, with an emphasis on increasing the size and capacity of its human resources for health (HRH). Given resource constraints and the high maternal and neonatal mortality rates, MOHSW concentrated on its largest cadre of health workers: nurses.</p> <p>Case description</p> <p>Based on results from a post-war rapid assessment of health workers, facilities and community access, MOHSW developed the Emergency Human Resources (HR) Plan for 2007-2011. MOHSW established a central HR Unit and county-level HR officers and prioritized nursing cadres in order to quickly increase workforce numbers, improve equitable distribution of workers and enhance performance. Strategies included increasing and standardizing salaries to attract workers and prevent outflow to the private sector; mobilizing donor funds to improve management capacity and fund incentive packages in order to retain staff in hard to reach areas; reopening training institutions and providing scholarships to increase the pool of available workers.</p> <p>Discussion and evaluation</p> <p>MOHSW has increased the total number of clinical health workers from 1396 in 1998 to 4653 in 2010, 3394 of which are nurses and midwives. From 2006 to 2010, the number of nurses has more than doubled. Certified midwives and nurse aides also increased by 28% and 31% respectively. In 2010, the percentage of the clinical workforce made up by nurses and nurse aides increased to 73%. While the nursing cadre numbers are strong and demonstrate significant improvement since the creation of the Emergency HR Plan, equitable distribution, retention and performance management continue to be challenges.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper illustrates the process, successes, ongoing challenges and current strategies Liberia has used to increase and improve HRH since 2006, particularly the nursing workforce. The methods used here and lessons learned might be applied in other similar settings.</p

    Indigenous Conflict Resolution Practices Among the Kpelle People of Bong County, Liberia, West Africa

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    The study was conducted to find out how Kpelle people understand and resolve conflict as well as build relations. The largest of the sixteen indigenous ethnic groups in Liberia is the Kpelle people. The Kpelle people are believe to have migrated from north Africa in search of a suitable land for farming and safety. They are predominantly found in Bong County, located in central Liberia. The research focused on the question: How do Kpelle People resolve conflicts? To find answer to the question and other complementary questions, the study was conducted through literature review and an interactive approach using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method, which has the comparative advantage to empower local people to take ownership. PRA was chosen because it provides many opportunities for the research participants to actively participate in the decision-making process of the research. The primary sources of conflict among the Kpelle people are women, land, Poro and Sande. Traditional peacemakers within the Kpelle society are nephews, nieces, elders and zoes. The way traditional Kpelle people deal with conflict is influenced by their cultural beliefs and value system strongly grounded in the teachings and practices of the Poro and Sande, which are traditional institutions of education. The ngamu is the head of the Poro responsible for handling serious conflicts, particularly those that result to physical violence, war and destruction of lives and properties. A decision made by ngamu in any conflict is respected and cannot be challenged. Reconciliatory rituals are performed using animal sacrifice to rebuild the broken relationships among family members. Personal belongings (finger rings, bracelets) of dead elders are kept in homes for reconciliatory rituals

    Training the Community Development Worker

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    The Community Development Worker Training was designed to educate and train participants in three specific areas. First, the training was designed to educate participants in the roles and responsibilities of three different types of community development workers: the coordinator, the facilitator, and the animator. The second area of focus was training the participants in how to enter a community. Thirdly, the training sought to expose participants to two different approaches to community development, the top down approach and the bottom up approach

    Availability of essential health services in post-conflict Liberia

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the availability of essential health services in northern Liberia in 2008, five years after the end of the civil war. METHODS: We carried out a population-based household survey in rural Nimba county and a health facility survey in clinics and hospitals nearest to study villages. We evaluated access to facilities that provide index essential services: artemisinin combination therapy for malaria, integrated management of childhood illness, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counselling and testing, basic emergency obstetric care and treatment of mental illness. FINDINGS: Data were obtained from 1405 individuals (98% response rate) selected with a three-stage population-representative sampling method, and from 43 of Nimba county's 49 health facilities selected because of proximity to the study villages. Respondents travelled an average of 136 minutes to reach a health facility. All respondents could access malaria treatment at the nearest facility and 55.9% could access HIV testing. Only 26.8%, 14.5%, and 12.1% could access emergency obstetric care, integrated management of child illness and mental health services, respectively. CONCLUSION: Although there has been progress in providing basic services, rural Liberians still have limited access to life-saving health care. The reasons for the disparities in the services available to the population are technical and political. More frequently available services (HIV testing, malaria treatment) were less complex to implement and represented diseases favoured by bilateral and multilateral health sector donors. Systematic investments in the health system are required to ensure that health services respond to current and future health priorities