933 research outputs found

    Iponatriemia ed esercizio fisico

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    L’iponatriemia associata ad esercizio fisico (EAH) è una evenienza degli sport di resistenza che può esitare in gravi manifestazioni cliniche quali l’edema cerebrale o l’insufficienza respiratoria. L’EAH è una iponatriemia diluizionale, variante della secrezione inappropriata di ADH (SIADH), caratterizzata da una concentrazione plasmatica di sodio inferiore a 135 mEq/l. Il sesso femminile e la durata delle competizioni si associano a più elevato rischio di iponatremia. L’incidenza di iponatriemia, infatti, aumenta con la durata dell’attività in special modo dopo 4-8 ore dall’inizio della gara. Le donne sembrano presentare un rischio maggiore rispetto agli uomini. I meccanismi fisiopatologici che ne sono alla base comprendono l’aumentata perdita di sodio con la sudorazione e l’eccessivo introito di fluidi ipotonici durante e dopo l’evento sportivo. Nella genesi dell’EAH sembra avere un ruolo determinante l’inadeguata secrezione di AVP mediata da stimoli non osmotici, tra i quali l’IL-6. Accorgimenti per la prevenzione dell’iponatremia comprendono l’educazione degli atleti ad un consumo adeguato di fluidi e il monitoraggio delle variazioni del peso corporeo. In seguito all’identificazione dello squilibrio elettrolitico è necessaria una restrizione idrica e un trattamento con infusione di soluzione ipertonica al 3% soprattutto nei casi di iponatremia severa. L’efficacia degli antagonisti dei recettori V2 necessita di ulteriori approfondiment

    The role of lactate besides the lactic acidosis

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    Lactic acidosis (LA) is the most common form of metabolic acidosis defined by values of lactate greater than 5 mmol / l and by a pH <7.34. The pathogenesis of LA involves hypoxic (type A) and non hypoxic (type B) causes which are often coexisting. Lactic acidosis is usual in hospitalized population especially in subjects in intensive care units, in which lactate levels on admission could be predictors of mortality even in the absence of organ dysfunction or shock. The outcome is mainly dependent on the cardiovascular effects of acidosis. In subjects with cardiogenic shock, the increased lactate/pyruvate ratio, detectable at onset, is correladed with mortality. An early assessment of blood and tissue lactate levels could play a role in the therapeutic management as well as in outcome. LA could be a unfavorable prognostic factor in cancer. The lactate would act also as "signal molecule" and as a promoting factor in angiogenesis and tumor progression. In the presence of risk factors for LA the role of metformin may be overrated. Despite the doctrinal progress to understand the pathogenesis and pathophysiology, there is not univocal consensus on the therapeutic treatment of LA. The identification and the attempt to remove the cause of acidosis are main aims; treatment with sodium bicarbonate is a matter of debate as the data on the cardiovascular effects and mortality are unclear. The therapy with carbicarb, dichloroacetate or THAM has shown no specific advantages in terms of mortality. In experimental models of LA and shock the use of sodium-hydrogen exchanger-1 (NHE1) selective inhibitors reduces cell damage and inflammatory cytokines synthesis; it also improves cardiac performance and decreases mortality

    Skeletonization of the internal thoracic artery: a randomized comparison of harvesting methods.

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    We performed a randomized study to compare internal thoracic artery (ITA) flow response to two harvesting methods used in the skeletonization procedure: ultrasonic scalpel and bipolar electrocautery. Sixty patients scheduled for CABG were randomized to receive either ultrasonically (ns30 patients) or electrocautery (ns30 patients) skeletonized ITAs. Intraoperative ITA graft mean flows were obtained with a transit-time flowmeter. ITA flows were evaluated at the beginning (Time 1) and at the end (Time 2) of the harvesting procedure. Post-cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) flow measurement (Time 3) was obtained in the ITA grafts anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery. Intraoperative mean flow decreased significantly within ultrasonic group (Group U) and electrocautery group (Group E) at the end of the harvesting procedure (P-0.0001 in both cases). Within both groups the final mean flow measured on anastomosed ITAs (Time 3) was significantly higher than the beginning ITA flow value (Time 1). No statistical difference was noted comparing ITA flows between the two groups at any time of evaluation. Skeletonization harvesting of the ITA produces a modification of the mean flow. The quantity and the reversibility of this phenomenon, probably related to vasospasm, are independent from the energy source used in the skeletonization procedure

    genetic diversity and relationship among the three autochthonous sicilian donkey populations assessed by microsatellite markers

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    AbstractIn the developed countries donkey has lost its main function as draft animal because of the mechanization in agri-culture; as a consequence donkey population was greatly reduced. According to SAVE monitoring institute, three of the eight Italian endangered donkey breeds are native of Sicily (Ragusano, Pantesco, Grigio Siciliano). Urgent safeguard plans are required. The aim of this work is to investigate the distribution of genetic diversity and the relationships among the three Sicilian autochthonous donkey breeds using a set of microsatellite markers. A total of 116 blood samples (61 Ragusano, 39 Pantesco, 16 Grigio Siciliano) were collected in 9 herds all over Sicily. Representative samples of Ragusano and Grigio donkey populations consist of unrelated individuals, whereas the sample of Pantesco represents nearly the entire studbook-registered population managed by "Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Erice (TP)" in the "Azienda S. Matteo". Genomic DNA was amplified at 11 microsatellite..

    One-hundred aortic valve replacements in octogenarians: Outcomes and risk factors for early mortality

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    Background and aim of the study: Today, ageing of the western population is causing aortic valve surgery to be performed in elderly patients with increasing frequency. The study aim was to evaluate surgical outcome in octogenarian patients undergoing aortic valve replacement (AVR). Methods: A total of 100 patients (mean age 82.1 +/- 2.7 years; range: 80-95 years) who underwent AVR over a three-year period was reviewed. Concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in 34% of cases, and a bioprosthesis was implanted in 80%. The mean logistic EuroSCORE was 13.3%. Results: Operative mortality was 8.0%. In multivariate analysis, a logistic EuroSCORE >= 13.5% (p = 0.02), cross-clamp time >= 75 min (p = 0.02) and postoperative acute renal failure were predictors for in-hospital mortality. Follow up was 100% complete; the mean follow up period was 10.6 months. At one year after surgery, the actuarial survival rate of those patients who survived surgery was 86.1%. Postoperative dyspnea at one month (p = 0.004) was the only predictor of short-term mortality. Conclusion: Age in itself should not contraindicate surgery, and healthcare systems should be prepared to accommodate elderly patients who may require special resources

    Repeatability of dental shade by digital spectrophotometry in current, former, and never smokers

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    Cigarette smoking contributes to poor oral health and dental discoloration. Therefore, stopping smoking may translate into measurable amelioration of dental shade indices. We compared dental shade parameters by digital spectrophotometry among current, former, and never smokers and verified their repeatability at 7 and 30&nbsp;days. Dental shade parameters (CIE L*a*b* and corresponding whiteness index for dentistry-WID) were measured in current, former, and never smokers with a digital spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade V) on three separate study visits: at baseline (day 0), at day 7, and day 30. Dental shade parameters were analyzed in 18 current, 18 former, and 20 never smokers. The repeatability of shade parameters was consistent in current, former, and never smokers. L*, a*, b*, and WID show significant short and long-term repeatability (p &lt; 0.0001, by regression analyses). The mean (± SD) WID score of 13.42 (± 4.9) in current smokers was significantly lower compared to the WID score of 20.38 (± 5.3) in never smokers (p = 0.001). No significant differences were observed between current and former smokers and between former smokers and former smokers. Dental shade measurements by digital spectrophotometry were highly reproducible and showed that teeth whiteness of current smokers is substantially inferior compared to never smokers. Objective discrimination of dental shade can be a valuable regulatory science endpoint for investigating oral hygiene and dental aesthetics of consumer care products, smoking cessation medications, and tar-free tobacco products (e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, oral nicotine products) for cigarette substitution. Clinical trial registration: the study was not registered in ClinicalTrials.gov considering that it is a pilot study, parts of a larger project with ID: NCT04649645

    Tryptophan Metabolism as Source of New Prognostic Biomarkers for FAP Patients

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    Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), a common inherited form of colorectal cancer (CRC), causes the development of hundreds to thousands of colonic adenomas in the colorectum beginning in early adolescence. In absence of a prophylactic surgery, FAP patients almost inevitably develop CRC by the age of 40 to 50. The lack of valuable prognostic biomarkers for FAP patients makes it difficult to predict when the progression from adenoma to malignant carcinoma occurs. Decreased tryptophan (TRP) plasma levels and increased indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) and tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) enzymatic activities have been associated to tumour progression in CRC. In the present study, we aimed at investigating whether an altered TRP metabolism might also exist in FAP patients. Our results highlighted that plasma levels of TRP and its main catabolites are comparable between FAP patients and healthy subject. On the contrary, FAP patients presented significantly higher TRP levels with respect to high-grade adenoma (ADE) subjects and CRC patients. Obtained data lead us to evaluate IDO1 and TPH1 enzymes activity in the study groups. For both enzymes, it was possible to discriminate correctly between FAP subject and ADE/CRC patients with high sensitivities and specificities. By receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, the cut-off values of IDO1 and TPH1 enzymatic activities associated to the presence of an active malignant transformation have been calculated as >38 and >5.5, respectively. When these cut-off values are employed, the area under the curve (AUC) is > 0.8 for both, indicating that TRP metabolism in patients with FAP may be used to monitor and predict the tumorigenic evolution

    Video-assisted mitral surgery through a micro-access: A safe and reliable reality in the current era

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    Background and aim of the study: Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery was introduced into clinical practice during the mid 1990s. The clinical benefits of the technique, namely a reduction of surgical trauma, increased patient comfort and shorter hospital stay, are achieved by using a video-assisted, mini-thoracotomy approach rather than a standard median sternotomy. Herein is described the authors' experience with video-assisted mitral surgery through a micro-access. Methods: Between September 2003 and September 2006, 100 patients (mean age 65.7 years; range: 16-84 years; 29 aged >75 years) underwent video-assisted port-access mitral valve surgery through a 4- to 6-cm anterior mini-thoracotomy. Mitral valve repair was carried out in 36 patients (36%) and mitral valve replacement (MVR) in 64 (64%) for degenerative (n = 54), rheumatic (n = 44), functional (n = 1) or infective disease (n = 1). Redo procedures were performed in 14 patients. Results: Peripheral extra-thoracic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was used in all cases, and Endoclamp occlusion of the ascending aorta in 94%. The median intensive care unit and hospital stays were 20.0 +/- 30.8 h and 7.0 +/- 5.9 days, respectively. Hospital mortality was 4% (n = 4). No patient required conversion to sternotomy. Five patients (5%) underwent minimally invasive surgical revision for bleeding, and one patient (1%) had an early reoperation for MVR during the immediate postoperative course due to failure of a mitral valve repair. There were no perioperative myocardial infarctions, permanent strokes, major vascular complications, or peripheral ischemic events. Among the patients, 63% had no complications at all during the postoperative course, and no wound infections were observed. Conclusion: Video-assisted mitral surgery through a micro-access may be performed safely, at low risk of morbidity and mortality, and with results and quality standards similar to those reported for a sternotomy approach. Of note, older patients may be successfully treated using this technique