216 research outputs found

    Increased Oxidative Stress Induces Apoptosis in Human Cystic Fibrosis Cells

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    Oxidative stress results in deleterious cell function in pathologies associated with inflammation. Here, we investigated the generation of superoxide anion as well as the anti-oxidant defense systems related to the isoforms of superoxide dismutases (SOD) in cystic fibrosis (CF) cells. Pro-apoptotic agents induced apoptosis in CF but not in control cells that was reduced by treatment with SOD mimetic. These effects were associated with increased superoxide anion production, sensitive to the inhibition of IκB-α phosphorylation, in pancreatic but not tracheal CF cells, and reduced upon inhibition of either mitochondrial complex I or NADPH oxidase. CF cells exhibited reduced expression, but not activity, of both Mn-SOD and Cu/Zn-SOD when compared to control cells. Although, expression of EC-SOD was similar in normal and CF cells, its activity was reduced in CF cells. We provide evidence that high levels of oxidative stress are associated with increased apoptosis in CFTR-mutated cells, the sources being different depending on the cell type. These observations underscore a reduced anti-oxidant defense mechanism, at least in part, via diminished EC-SOD activity and regulation of Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD expressions. These data point to new therapeutic possibilities in targeting anti-oxidant pathways to reduce oxidative stress and apoptosis in CF cells

    Microparticle release in remote ischemic conditioning mechanism

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RCond) induced by short periods of ischemia and reperfusion of an organ or tissue before myocardial reperfusion is an attractive strategy of cardioprotection in the context of acute myocardial infarction. Nonetheless, its mechanism remains unknown. A humoral factor appears to be involved, although its identity is currently unknown. We hypothesized that the circulating microparticles (MPs) are the link between the remote tissue and the heart. MPs from rats and healthy humans undergoing RCond were characterized. In rats, RCond was induced by 10 min of limb ischemia. In humans, RCond was induced by three cycles of 5-min inflation and 5-min deflation of a blood-pressure cuff. In the second part of the study, rats underwent 40 min myocardial ischemia followed by 2 h reperfusion. Infarct size was measured and compared among three groups of rats: 1) myocardial infarction alone (MI) (n = 6); 2) MI + RCond started 20 min after coronary ligation (n = 6); and 3) MI + injection of RCond-derived rat MPs (MI + MPs) (n = 5). MPs from endothelial cells (CD54(+) and CD146(+) for rats and humans, respectively) and procoagulant MPs (Annexin V(+)) markedly increased after RCond, both in rats and humans. RCond reduced infarct size (24.4 ± 5.9% in MI + RCond vs. 54.6 ± 4.7% in MI alone; P < 0.01). Infarct size did not decrease in MI + MPs compared with MI alone (50.2 ± 6.4% vs. 54.6 ± 4.7%, not significantly different). RCond increased endothelium-derived and procoagulant MPs in both rats and humans. However, MP release did not appear to be a biological vector of RCond in our model

    Microparticles: targets and tools in cardiovascular disease

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    Cells communicate with other cells not only via direct cell–cell contact and the production of signaling molecules but also through release of microparticles (MPs). MPs are small vesicles released from stimulated and/or apoptotic cells. They harbor membrane proteins that are characteristic of the original parent cell and intracellular components involved in cell signaling. MPs are considered to be both biomarkers and effectors of cell signaling that maintain and/or initiate cell dysfunction. Thus, MPs can evoke endothelial dysfunction by decreasing nitric oxide (NO) production and promoting vascular inflammation which favor the prothrombotic state in atherosclerosis. Novel pharmacological approaches targeting MP production or properties could be used to treat cardiovascular pathologies. Paradoxically, another useful approach might be to employ engineered MPs with modified compositions as therapeutic agents to correct cardiovascular pathologies. This review is focused on the mechanisms of MP formation and their effects on target cells under physiological or pathophysiological conditions

    Microvesicles: Intercellular Vectors of Biological Messages

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    Cells communicate directly by cell-cell contact and indirectly via the release of mediators. But gaining a greater appreciation recently is the identification and characterization of intercellular communication through the secretion of microvesicles (MVs). MVs—small vesicles that comprise microparticles (MPs) and exosomes (1) —released from a wide variety of cells, can be considered micro-messengers. Whereas exosomes are released into the extracellular compartment by exocytosis, MPs are shed from the blebbing plasma membrane, and the composition and effects of both on target cells differ depending on the cell from which originate and the type of stimulus involved in their formation. MVs are obtained after several steps of centrifugation, whereby MPs are defined as the MVs obtained by centrifugation at < 100,000 × g, whereas exosomes are isolated by centrifugation at > 100,000 × g. Because the processes by which exosomes and MPs work are different, some researchers have claimed that such broad observations impede the defining and understanding of MV actions (2)

    Circulating microparticles from patients with obstructive sleep apnea enhance vascular contraction: mandatory role of the endothelium

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive apnea-hypopnea cycles during sleep associated with oxygen desaturation and sleep disruption. We evaluated the role of circulating microparticles (MPs) from patients with OSA in the regulation of vascular function. MPs from whole blood from patients with OSA or control subjects were injected i.v. into mice. Injection of MPs from patients with OSA induced ex vivo vascular hyperreactivity in aortas with functional endothelium but, in contrast, hyporeactivity in vessels without functional endothelium. Vascular hyperreactivity was blunted in the presence of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor alone or combined with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. MPs from patients with OSA reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and nitric oxide production, increased aortic cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression, and increased thromboxane A(2) and prostacyclin production. Blockade of thromboxane A(2) receptor did not affect the serotonin response in arteries from OSA MP-treated mice. A superoxide dismutase mimetic reduced the vascular hyperreactivity induced by MPs from patients with OSA but had no effect on contraction in vessels from control and non-OSA MP-treated mice. These data provide evidence that circulating MPs from patients with OSA induce ex vivo vascular hyperreactivity with the obligatory role of the endothelium and subtle interactions between the nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase pathways and metabolites. These results highlight the participation of MPs in vascular dysfunction associated with OSA

    Exogenous Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Its Helminth-Derived Mimic Attenuate the Heart\u27s Inflammatory Response to Ischemic Injury and Reduce Mature Scar Size

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    \ua9 2024 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Coronary reperfusion after acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is standard therapy to salvage ischemic heart muscle. However, subsequent inflammatory responses within the infarct lead to further loss of viable myocardium. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine released in response to tissue injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effects of TGF-β1 after MI. In patients with STEMI, there was a significant correlation (P = 0.003) between higher circulating TGF-β1 levels at 24 hours after MI and a reduction in infarct size after 3 months, suggesting a protective role of early increase in circulating TGF-β1. A mouse model of cardiac ischemia reperfusion was used to demonstrate multiple benefits of exogenous TGF-β1 delivered in the acute phase. It led to a significantly smaller infarct size (30% reduction, P = 0.025), reduced inflammatory infiltrate (28% reduction, P = 0.015), lower intracardiac expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (>50% reduction, P = 0.038 and 0.0004, respectively) at 24 hours, and reduced scar size at 4 weeks (21% reduction, P = 0.015) after reperfusion. Furthermore, a low-fibrogenic mimic of TGF-β1, secreted by the helminth parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus, had an almost identical protective effect on injured mouse hearts. Finally, genetic studies indicated that this benefit was mediated by TGF-β signaling in the vascular endothelium
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