505 research outputs found

    Elimination of Nucleoproteins in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Antinuclear Autoantibodies Production

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    The distinctive feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an immune reaction directed to diverse spectrum of autoantigens, which tends to change along with the disease spreading. The most common targets of the autoantibodies are protein and nucleoprotein components of cell nuclei: dsDNA, histones, nucleosomes, Sm antigen, and Ro and La antigens. Considering that the exact causes of this tolerance loss are unknown, a certain number of hypotheses are now discussed. One of the most promising is “waste disposal” concept, which makes a link between broken elimination of cellular debris, mononuclear phagocyte system dysfunction, and initiation of autoimmunity by the antigen presenting cells in SLE. This chapter concerns the ways nuclear antigens release from cells, necrosis, and apoptosis, as well as the key molecular mechanisms of transport and elimination of these antigens, its disturbances in SLE, and connection with innate immunity by mononuclear cells. Special attention is paid to nucleosomes and DNA degradation process, its principal factors (DNase I, C1q, SAP), blood DNA transportation by immune complexes, and immune stimulating action of DNA in SLE. Current pros and cons for the waste disposal concept and existing research trends in this field are discussed

    Феномен жіночого політичного лідерства в Україні

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    Трофименко Л. С. Феномен жіночого політичного лідерства в Україні : автореф. дис. ... канд. політ. наук : 23.00.02 / Л. С. Трофименко; кер. роботи Л. І. Кормич; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2002. – 18 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук за спеціальністю 23.00.02 - Політичні інститути і процеси. – Одеська національна юридична академія. – Одеса, 2002. Проаналізований феномен жіночого політичного лідерства та прояви політичного лідерства жінок в умовах сучасного етапу державотворення в Україні. Досліджені суспільні процеси, що сприяють формуванню жінки як політичного лідера; висвітлена діяльність жіночих політичних організацій у період утвердження незалежності України; характеризуються стилі жіночого лідерства у політиці та психологічні особливості жінки – політичного лідера. Систематизовано досвід жіночого лідерства в історичному процесі державотворення, його вплив на сучасне громадсько-політичне життя.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата политических наук по специальности 23.00.02 – Политические институты и процессы. – Одесская национальная юридическая академия. – Одесса, 2002. Проанализирован феномен женского политического лидерства и его проявления в условиях современного государственного строительства в Украине. Исследованы общественные процессы, способствующие формированию женщины как политического лидера; освещена деятельность женских политических организаций в период становления Украины как независимого государства; характеризуются стили женского лидерства в политике и психологические особенности женщины – политического лидера. Систематизирован опыт женского лидерства в историческом процессе государственного строительства, его влияние на современную общественно-политическую жизнь.The thesis of achievement for the candidate degree in political sciences by specialty 23.00.02 – Political institutions and processes. – Odessa National Law Academy. - Odessa, 2002. The attempt of lighting of a substantial position of the women and possibility of development of political leadership of the women in conditions of constructing of the state of today's Ukraine is done on the basis of analysis of a leadership as phenomenon. In the thesis the public processes stipulating the arising of phenomena of female political leadership, conducting the forming a woman as the political leader are analyzed; the activity of female political organizations is studied during the period of independence of Ukraine; the styles of female leadership in policies and psychological features of the woman as the political leader are characterized. The attempt of scientific argument of system experience of female leadership in historical process of constructing of the state, its role on today's political life is realized. The complex historical study is done on the basis of archive materials, periodic publications, archive funds, which are not yet gated in a scientific using, and own participation of the author in activity of female political movement of today. The modern female leadership has historical manifestation in the new forms of political activity. It operates in public spheres as the organizational pattern of public development. Political demands and realities of today define the leadership as a phenomenon of public life. The female leadership acquires more and more active and influential features owing to representation of the women in all major public branches. Due to this under guiding of the woman-a leader there is an extension of development, modernization of state dodges and patterns. During becoming the independent by Ukrainian state there are variations in scientific world outlook, in theory and methodology of historical studies. The lighting in a context of historical analysis of activity of the woman as a political leader in conditions of independence of our state is relevant for integrated analysis of a historical situation in modern Ukrainian society. Unfortunately, today female problematic in Ukraine remains the separate sphere of sociological studies, and the solitary operations in this direction are esteemed as temporary scientific passions of the separate scientists. The object of study is political leadership. The subject of study is female political leadership in Ukraine in conditions of constructing of a democratic state. The purpose of study - to analyze sources and dodges of development of female political leadership in modern Ukraine. The research tasks: to define a role of the social system in forming of the woman as political leader; to track historical experience of female political leadership in Ukraine; to open female leadership as style of political activity; to analyze activity of female political organizations in independent Ukraine; to reveal psychological features of the Ukrainian woman as a political leader. The features of the development of female political move of any country are instituted by a potential of social and cultural environment of the society, by specificity of historical development of the country, by the extent of realisation of social transforming, capacity of scientific understanding them. Activity of political female organisations, the dynamics of their developing under pressure of realities of life promote the improvement of a social position of the women, approve the gender legal equality in the society. The basic mission of activity of female political organisations also consists in the representation of these interests. A type of the Ukrainian woman as a leader is indissoluble bound with national requirements, therefore the sense of political purpose of the Ukrainian female movement takes place in national and democratic aspects. The experience of political leadership of the Ukrainian women always had legible professional filling up. The political requests are realised through particular professional spheres - educational, cultural, social activities. The best samples of political manifestation of the leader at the beginning of century serve today as example for state activity of the modern political leaders and the material for treating of creative experience of Ukraine

    Novel Polypyridyl Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing Oxalamidines as Ligands.

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    The complexes [Ru(bpy)2(H2TPOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 4H2O, (1); [Ru(Me-bpy)2(H2TPOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (2); [Ru(bpy)2(H2TTOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (3); [Ru(Me-bpy)2(H2TTOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (4) and {[Ru(bpy)2]2(TPOA)}(PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (5) (where bpy is 2,2´bipyridine; Me-bpy is 4,4´- dimethyl-2,2´-bipyridine; H2TPOA is N, N´, N´´, N´´´- tetraphenyloxalamidine; H2TTOA is N, N´, N´´, N´´´- tetratolyloxalamidine) have been synthesized and characterized by 1H-NMR, FAB-MS, infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The X-ray investigation shows the coordination of the still protonated oxalamidine moiety via the 1,2−diimine unit. The dimeric compound (5) could be separated in its diastereoisomers (5´) and (5´´) by repeated recrystallisation. The diastereomeric forms exhibit different 1H-NMR spectra and slightly shifted electronic spectra. Compared with the model compound [Ru(bpy)3]2+, the absorption maxima of (1)–(5) are shifted to lower energies. The mononuclear complexes show Ru(III/II)- couples at about 0.9 V vs SCE, while for the dinuclear complex two well defined metal based redox couples are observed at 0.45 and 0.65 V indicating substantial interaction between the two metal centres

    О вопросе формирования национальной базы ДНК-данных в Украине

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    Враховуючи досвід розвинутих країн світу, в статті викладені рекомендації правового та організаційного рішення питання щодо формування національної бази ДНК-даних в Україні.Based on the experience in the developed of the world, the article contains recommendations of the legal and organizational issues of the formed national DNA database in Ukraine.На основе опыта развитых стран мира в статье даны рекомендации правового и организационного решения вопроса о формировании национальной базы ДНК-данных в Украине

    The Anticancer Peptide TAT-RasGAP317-326 Exerts Broad Antimicrobial Activity.

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    Antibiotic resistance has become a major health issue. Nosocomial infections and the prevalence of resistant pathogenic bacterial strains are rising steadily. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new classes of antibiotics effective on multi-resistant nosocomial pathogenic bacteria. We have previously shown that a cell-permeable peptide derived from the p120 Ras GTPase-activating protein (RasGAP), called TAT-RasGAP317-326, induces cancer cell death, inhibits metastatic progression, and sensitizes tumor cells to various anti-cancer treatments in vitro and in vivo. We here report that TAT-RasGAP317-326 also possesses antimicrobial activity. In vitro, TAT-RasGAP317-326, but not mutated or truncated forms of the peptide, efficiently killed a series of bacteria including Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In vivo experiments revealed that TAT-RasGAP317-326 protects mice from lethal E. coli-induced peritonitis if administrated locally at the onset of infection. However, the protective effect was lost when treatment was delayed, likely due to rapid clearance and inadequate biodistribution of the peptide. Peptide modifications might overcome these shortcomings to increase the in vivo efficacy of the compound in the context of the currently limited antimicrobial options

    Модификация ускоренной термостабилизации полиакрилонитрильных волокон созданием градиента концентрации кислорода при получении углеродного волокна

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    Objectives. The work set out to modify the technology of accelerated thermal stabilization of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers used in the production of high-strength carbon fibers by reducing the formation of a heterophase core–shell structure to create an oxygen concentration gradient in heat treatment furnaces while maintaining a total thermal stabilization time of 30 min. The optimized process conditions led to milder thermal stabilization conditions, reducing both the final heat treatment temperature and the temperature difference between the thermal stabilization zones while simultaneously maintaining the target volume density parameter with respect to the previously developed accelerated thermal stabilization technology.Methods. The thermal stabilization study of an industrially produced 12S precursor under different conditions on an experimental carbon fiber production line included measurement of bulk density, analysis of the thermal effects of the oxidation reaction by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and a study of micrographs of the resulting samples.Results. The optimum process of thermal stabilization of PAN fiber was determined in four stabilization zones using selected compositions. The formation of the core–shell structure is significantly reduced when the target volume density and DSC thermal oxidation reaction effect of the stabilized polymer fiber are achieved in a given time (30 min).Conclusions. The resulting technology regime is promising for the production of high strength (4.5 GPa, 4.9 GPa) PAN fibers at a reduced cost. While maintaining the total thermal stabilization time of PAN at the level of 30 min, which is three times less than the industrial processes used, it was possible to reduce the formation of a heterophase structure, as well as lowering the final processing temperature and reducing the temperature difference between the stabilization zones. This is promising in terms of a positive effect on the stability and safety of the industrial process, as well as ensuring the quality of the obtained products.Цели. Модифицировать технологию ускоренной термостабилизации полиакрилонитрильного (ПАН) волокна при производстве высокопрочных углеродных волокон, при помощи которой удастся уменьшить образование гетерофазной структуры «ядро–оболочка» путем создания градиента концентрации кислорода в печах термообработки при сохранении общего времени термостабилизации ПАН (30 мин); оптимизировать процесс на основании предлагаемого режима с целью получения более мягких условий термостабилизации: снижения конечной температуры термообработки и разницы температур между зонами термостабилизации при сохранении целевого параметра объемной плотности (относительно ранее разработанной технологии ускоренной термостабилизации).Методы. Термостабилизация промышленно выпускаемого прекурсора марки 12S в различных условиях на опытной линии получения углеродных волокон, последующее измерение объемной плотности, анализ тепловых эффектов реакции окисления методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии (ДСК) и изучение микрофотографий шлифов получаемых образцов.Результаты. Определен оптимальный процесс термостабилизации ПАН волокна в 4 зонах стабилизации с использованием подобранных составов, при котором существенно снижается образование структуры «ядро–оболочка» при достижении целевой объемной плотности и теплового эффекта реакции окисления ДСК стабилизируемого полимерного волокна за установленное время (30 мин).Выводы. Полученный технологический режим является перспективным для получения высокопрочных (4.5 ГПа, 4.9 ГПа) ПАН волокон со сниженной себестоимостью. При сохранении общего времени термостабилизации ПАН на уровне 30 мин, что в 3 раза меньше используемых промышленных процессов, удалось снизить образование гетерофазной структуры, уменьшить конечную температуру обработки и снизить перепад температур между зонами стабилизации, что должно положительно сказаться на стабильности и безопасности ведения промышленного процесса и качестве получаемой продукции

    Formation of extracellular traps by circulating neutrophils and monocytes in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a study of new citrullinated autoantigen

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    Detection of subcellular structures containing typical citrullinated rheumatoid autoantigens in a single compartment presents a special interest, due to importance of anticitrulline autoantibodies for the autoimmune response in RA. Neutrophil and monocyte extracellular traps (NETs and ETs, respectively) may be considered such candidate structures. Our objective was to assess ability of blood neutrophils and monocytes from RA patients to generate NETs and ETs spontaneously and after in vitro induction.32 patients with verified RA and 30 healthy volunteers as controls were included into the study. Circulating neutrophils and monocytes were isolated with one-step density gradient centrifugation using three layers of ficoll-amidotrizoate gradient. Composition of isolated cellular fractions, their viability, and non-specific activation were evaluated microscopically using Trypan Blue exclusion test, as well as Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium test. The NETs were induced by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, and ETs by bacterial LPS. Spontaneous and induced formation of extracellular traps was assessed using fluorescence microscopy. Neutrophil and monocyte fractions contained minute percentages of impurities and low extents of activated and dead cells. Spontaneous NET and ET formation in RA patients was significantly increased comparing to healthy controls. Neutrophils from ACPA-positive RA patients were found to have higher frequency of NET formation, compared to ACPA-negative RA patients. The monocytes did not demonstrate such differences between these subgroups. There were no substantial morphological differences in NETs and ETs patterns between the individuals from both groups. Induced extracellular trap production in RA was significantly higher compared to healthy controls. The level of myeloperoxidase-specific fluorescence in ETs was considerably lower than in NETs. NETs could probably be considered as a source of citrulline autoantigen participating in autoantibody production and stimulation of inflammatory autoimmune responses in RA, whereas ETs may play less important role in this process

    Effect of reactive inflammation in osteoarthritis on extracellular traps formation by circulating neutrophils

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    The results of recent studies demonstrating the presence of pro-inflammatory mediators in osteoarthritis (OA), as well as known similarity of histological signs of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and OA, suggest an important role of NETosis in immune inflammation in OA patients. Our objective was to assess ability of blood neutrophils from ОA patients to generate NETosis spontaneously and after in vitro induction, and impact of reactive synovitis on the dynamics of NETosis indexes. Thirty-one patients with verified OA and 30 healthy volunteers were included into the study. Circulating neutrophils were isolated with one-step density gradient centrifugation using double layers of Iohexol gradient. Subpopulational profile of isolated neutrophil fractions, their viability, and nonspecific activation were evaluated microscopically using Trypan Blue exclusion test, as well as nitro-blue tetrazolium test. NETs were induced by phorbol-12-myristate13-acetate (PMA). Spontaneous and induced formation of NETs was assessed using fluorescence microscopy. The ОA patients were in clinical remission at the time of inclusion in the study. In 23 OA patients, an exacerbation was diagnosed during the study. The neutrophil fractions showed high purity and a high content of viable nonactivated cells. These parameters were comparable in the study groups. Mean percentage of spontaneous NETs in OA patients in remission was significantly increased comparing to healthy controls. Usage of PMA, as inducing agent was accompanied by a significant increase in ability of neutrophils to form NETs. Transition of OA to exacerbation was characterized by further significant increase in spontaneous and PMA-induced NETs. Spontaneous and induced NETs in OA patients at acute stage of the disease are significantly higher than in OA patients in remission state. The growth rate of spontaneous NET formation is 3.74 times higher than the induced NET formation in OA patients upon exacerbation. Statistically significant increase in the ability of peripheral neutrophils to spontaneous and induced formation of extracellular traps was found, depending on the stage of osteoarthritis. The data obtained suggest an opportunity for participation of circulating neutrophils via NETosis in pathogenesis of immune inflammation in OA

    Оптимизация поверхностной тепловой обработки

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    Балан С. А. Оптимизация поверхностной тепловой обработки / С. А. Балан, О. С. Савельева, Е. Г. Трофименко // Праці Одеського політехнічного університету. – Одеса, 2001. – Вип. 1 (13). – С. 113 – 117.Пропонується використовувати модифікований градієнтний метод оптимізації при виборі траєкторії переміщення при тепловій обробці поверхні виробу. Цільовою функцією оптимізації в даній задачі є мінімізація енерговитрат на обробку.Предлагается использовать модифицированный градиентный метод оптимизации при выборе траектории перемещения при тепловой обработке поверхности изделия. Целевой функцией оптимизации в данной задачи является минимизация энергозатрат на обработку.It is offered to use a modified gradient optimisation method in choosing the movement trajectory while the item undergoes heat treatment. The goal function in the given task was to minimizе power inputs on treatment

    Lipofilling. The review of the technique. Modern opportunities and prospects for dermal scar correction

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    Since of the invention lipofilling, there was a significant change in ideas of the role used autologous fat tissue (Auto Fat) from natural filler of defects to the product for stimulating regeneration. There was a considerable evolution in technology of liposuction and Auto Fat processing, material and methodical providing of the procedure was improved. Opening and studying role of the stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) of the adipose tissue, in particular mesenchymal stem cells of the adipose tissue (MSC FT), promoted considerable extension of indications while using this method in aesthetic medicine. During experience accumulation of lipofilling application new concepts of application of Auto Fat in combination with MSC FT, platelet-enriched plasma (PRP) and growth factors were developed for scar correction. Understanding of a key role recipient area in succesful engrafting Auto Fat on scars resulted in development of transcutaneous aponeurotomy in a combination with a lipofilling (riggotomy). The procedure of a nanolipofilling which can be considered an attempt of the isolated use of lipofilling for regeneration stimulation and remodeling of cicatricial tissue was developed. However, despite the achieved success, carrying out further researches which would allow to confirm this method efficacy from the point of view evidence-based medicine and develop clear clinical guidelines about its application for treatment of dermal scars would be necessary