129 research outputs found

    Kendala Kepesertaan Program Jaminan Sosial terhadap Pekerja di Sektor Informal: Studi Kasus di Kota Surabaya

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    The social security is a national citizens right, include to the workers. However,in the reality is not all workers have been touched in the social security Indonesianprograms. This paper will descript why the social security programs is not yetsucceed for participation workers in Indonesia. This study is part of the results ofresearch conducted by LIPI Population Research Center. This study approachused a desk literature review and the survey approach which be located at informalsector workers settlement in Surabaya. The analysis uses descriptive method thatto discuss how the implementation of the social security programs were done bythe government policies. This study found that the implementation of the socialsecurity not yet was followed by the majority of the informal sector workers. Thisis because due to the several constraints, such as, the workers are still notunderstand about of the National Social Security program; they have not getaccess to this program. Another factor is the education level of workers is low, itsdoe to their knowledge is lower. Therefore the situation brought the less access toinformation for the programs by the informal workers.Keywords : the social security program, the informal sector workers, informationaccess

    The Effect of Calcination Temperature to Mechanical Properties of Sheep Hydroxyapatite

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    In this study, we conducted manufacturing processes of bone fillers from Sheep Hydroxyapatite (SHA). The femur bone of sheep was cut into a form of a scaffold with dimensions of 5x5x5 mm. The calcination process was performed at four variations of temperature (700 ∘C, 900 ∘C, 1100 ∘C and 1300 ∘C). Characterization of scaffold material done before and after calcination process is intended to find out the influence and relationship between calcination of temperature on the mechanical properties of SHA material. The results showed that the higher the calcination temperature would increase SHA material hardness. The optimum hardness occurs at 38.23±0.985 VHN (1100 ∘C). Meanwhile, high calcination temperature will also decrease the compressive strength of SHA materials. The optimum compressive strength was 2.23±0.249 MPa (1100 ∘C).The morphology of SHA scaffold was analyzed by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The observation of SEM shows that the occurrence of porous interconnections all temperature variations. SEM analysis results showed that the porous interconnect is formed at all temperature variations with a diameter size of ± 100-500μm. Very high calcination temperature will give the impact of SHA wall is getting thinner, and theporous diameter is getting bigger

    Deutsch Zum Spass: Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Bahasa Jerman

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    Deutsch Zum Spass: Innovative Teaching Model for Teaching German. It is an alternative teaching model for teaching German which is fun. This teaching model is also an active, creative, effective, collaborative model. It integrates all the language skills, Hoverstehen, Sprechfertigkeit, Leseverstehen, and Schreibfertigketi, into one contextual teaching and learning process. The model aims to find out the actions done by a teacher in one teaching team to facilitate another member of the team to continue the material in a continous and well-structured order. Between-teacher collaboration is recorded through a protocol book, which records the fun class activities of one member to be continued and maintained by other members. The book also records the teachers' reflective ideas and notes that can be used as points to consider. The teaching materials are provided and uploaded into http://besmart.uny.ac.id/ by UNY. Deutsch zum Spass as a teaching model is able to create active, creative, and participation encouraging atmosphere that allow students to achieve their learning goals. Students ‘language mastery is tested through online language test

    The Effects of Creative Problem Solving-based Learning Towards Students\u27 Creativities

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    PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN IPA BERBASIS CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING TERHADAP KREATIVITAS SISWA SMPAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis creative problem solving (CPS) terhadap kemampuan kreatif siswa kelas VII SMP di Gunungkidul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi siswa kelas VII SMP di Kabupaten Gunungkidul yang masih menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 pada Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Sampel sebanyak tiga sekolah yang ditentukan berdasarkan stratified cluster random sampling, yakni SMP Negeri 1 Wonosari untuk sekolah kategori tinggi, SMP Negeri 1 Semin untuk sekolah kategori sedang, dan SMP Negeri 1 Paliyan untuk sekolah kategori rendah. Penentuan kelas eksperimen dan kontrol pada masing-masing sekolah dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Kelas eksperimen diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran dengan model berbasis CPS dan kelas kontrol diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran dengan model discovery learning. Variabel Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan kreativitas adalah tes uraian terbuka. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t sample independent. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif pembelajaran IPA berbasis CPS terhadap kemampuan kreativitas siswa.Kata kunci: creative problem solving, discovery learning,kreativitasAbstractThis study was aimed at analyzing the effects of creative problem solving-based learning on the creative abilitIES of seventh-grade students in Gunungkidul. The study used a quasi experimental method with the population of seventh-grade students of the junior high school in Gunungkidul Regency that applied Curriculum 2013 in Semester 2 of the Academic Year 2015/2016. The samples were determined by stratified cluster random sampling including SMP Negeri 1 Wonosari for the high school category, SMP Negeri 1 Semin for the medium school category, and SMP Negeri 1 Paliyan for the low school category. The determination of the experiment and control class in each school was done by cluster random sampling technique. The experimental classeswere given treatment using creative problem solving-based learning while the control classes were given treatment using the discovery learning model. The instrument was an open-ended test used to measure the creativity level of the students. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that there was a positive effect of creative problem solving-based learning on students\u27 creative abilities

    Pengembangan Dan Perancangan Tempat Tidur Bayi (Baby Box) Yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Software Autocad Denga Pendekatan Data Antropometri

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    Dengan semakin majunya sistem informasi diluar maupun didalamnegeri, Kini masyarakat lebih memperhatikan atau tertarik pada produk-produk yang dihasilkan harus lebih mempunyai nilai ringkas atau flexibledan tentunya sesuai dengan harga dari produk tersebut, Hal ini menjadisebuah acuan bagi pengembang inovasi produk yang mementingkankeinginan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan kekuatan dari kalangan konsumen,Dengan mempertimbangkan usulan dari para orang tua maka penulismencoba menawarkan prototype tempat tidur Balita yang sesuai dengandimensi antropometri tubuh bayi di Indonesia. Dengan maksud tempat tidurbayi tersebut mampu memberikan Kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi bayi,khususnya kepuasan bagi para orang tua dalam mengasuh atau memfasilitasianaknya. Metodologi penelitian dilakukan dengan penggalian data dariresponden menggunakan metode Quality Funcion Deployment (QFD) untukmengetahui keinginan dari konsumen, serta data antropometri untukmengetahui persentil dari ukuran yang diperlukan untuk merancang TempatTidur Bayi (Baby Box) yang sesuai dengan dimensi tubuh bayi di Indonesia.Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui atribut-atribut tempat tidur bayi yangsesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan meliputi : Tempat tidur mampu menahanberat dan gerakan bayi, Dilengkapi dengan kain tile pelindung dari gigitannyamuk, Adanya rak tempat untuk menyimpan pakaian bayi, Warna tempattidur yang cerah, Adanya kantong tas sehingga mudah dibawa. Ukurantempat tidur bayi dikembangkan berdasarkan penerapan data antropometridengan menggunakan persentil 5-th dan 95-th sehingga diperoleh ukurantinggi tempat tidur bayi adalah 80cm, panjang 110 cm, dan lebar 80cm

    Komunikasi Transbudaya Antara Pemulung Dengan Pengepul Dalam Mengais Rejeki Di Pagar Gunung Bandung

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    This study analyses trans-cultural communication between scavengers and collectors and their effort to generate income in Pagargunung, Bandung. Different characters lead them to perform trans-cultural communication, depend on their occupation background and cultur origin. Through Trans-cultural Communication process, they set agrreable price of junk that has gathered and collected by scavengers to be cashed at the mediator. This study aims to comprehend trans-cultural communication process between scavenger and collector. This research discussed svacengers and collectors\u27 role in performing their job. Both make a joint commitment in determining the outcomes of cultural differences in the process Trans-cultural Communication. This research method uses the basic research descriptive case study, aiming to understand and to describe in detail the condition trans-cultural communication phenomenon of scavengers and collectors. The results of this study concluded that there is trans-cultural communication between scavengers and collectors from various origin, even they have different culture, language, and role in their profession

    Academic Civitas Perception to 5 Days School Implementation for Senior High School and Equivalent

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    Education is one of an indicator of country progress. Improving the education quality in Indonesia keeps trying to be marked by the policies. One of them is The Minister and Culture Policy No.23/2017 about the school day that arranged the school day began on Monday till Friday. For that reason, assessment of this policy is required to be continue to be held to understand how the effectiveness of this policy. This research aims to understand academics civitas perception of the policy implementation effectiveness in terms of academic and psychological aspect. This research is done by using mix method with a sequential explanatory as model data analysis. The research result show that the teacher perception of psychological aspect are 88% to having indicator, 82% to the loving, 72% to being and 82% to health indicator. Furthermore, the result from the academic aspect are 78% to philosophical indicator and 83% to pedagogical indicator. While the result of students perception from the psychological aspects are 75% to having indicator, 73% to loving, 67% to being and 75% to health indicator. Furthermore, the result for academic aspect are 75% to philosophical indicator and 76% to pedagogical indicator. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the teachers and students perception during 5 days school implemetion is good except on being indicator. It means that the saturation level during 5 days school implementation is high.     Keywords: 5 Days School, Academic Aspect, Psychological Aspects Academic Civitas, and Perception


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    This public service program aims to improve the creativity of the community through the re-use of household waste. Not only exciting, this activity may also generate extra income for the community members. The method consists of understanding the issues of environmental health, identifying and determining inorganic waste, and improving creativity through workshops on utilizing inorganic waste to generate side income. The object of this program is the housewives at Dusun Mrisen, Sardonoharjo, Ngaklik, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The activity methods used in this program are lectures, demonstration, and practicum. This public service program is expected to contribute in the improvement of the community’s welfar


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    This study examines (1) how the development of the art of Gong Gumbeng, Wringinanom Village, Sambit District, Ponorogo Regency in 2000-2010; (2) How is the influence of Gong Gumbeng art on the economy of the people of Wringinanom Village, Sambit District, Ponorogo Regency in 2000-2010. This research is a qualitative description using historical research methods. The research process is carried out by collecting relevant data, conducting source criticism to test the truth of the source, interpreting it by linking existing data, then at the final stage carrying out a historiography process to describe it in the form of a description. The result of this research is Gong Gumbeng art has developed from 2000-2010. Year 2000 Increased creativity of the younger generation, this can be seen in the form of exercises in the arts. In 2007, this art experienced the addition of musical instruments and the addition of the number of performers from only 6 to 9 people. In 2008-2009, there was an increase in terms of practice aimed at not being eroded by the times by bringing songs with Pelog music genre. So that increasing practice and adding songs can bring about a change in the existence of this Gumbeng art. In 2010, this art has increased in function, which was previously only used as a village clean custom, which began to be favored by the community as public entertainment. Gumbeng art has a positive impact on the economic aspects of the Wringinanom village community. With the existence of this art performance, it drives the economy for the community to meet the needs of daily life. Keywords: Gong Gumbeng Art, Development, Wringinanom Villag
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