21 research outputs found

    Histopathology of prostate tissue after vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy for localized prostate cancer

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    Low-risk prostate adenocarcinoma is classically managed either with active surveillance or radical therapy (such as external radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy), but both have significant side effects. Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) is a focal therapy proposed as an alternative approach for localized, low-volume, and low-Gleason score (≤6) carcinomas. We report histological modifications observed in prostate biopsies of 56 patients, performed 6 months after VTP using the photosensitizer TOOKAD® Soluble (WST11) and low-energy laser administered in the tumor area transperineally by optic fibers. In 53 patients, we observed sharply demarcated hyaline fibrotic scars, with or without rare atrophic glands, sometimes reduced to corpora amylacea surrounded by giant multinuclear macrophages. Mild chronic inflammation, hemosiderin, and coagulative necrosis were also observed. When residual cancer was present in a treated lobe (17 patients), it was always located outside the scar, most often close to the prostate capsule, and it showed no therapy-related modification. Histopathological interpretation of post-WST11 VTP prostate biopsies was straightforward, in contrast with that of prostate biopsies after radio or hormonal therapy, which introduces lesions difficult to interpret. VTP resulted in complete ablation of cancer in the targeted area

    An elevated level of TSH might be predictive of differentiated thyroid cancer

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    Suppression therapy of thyreostimulin (TSH) using thyroid hormones improves survival of subjects operated for differentiated thyroid cancer. The TSH level might be different depending on the type of nodule. The objective of this study was to compare retrospectively the TSH level between two groups of subjects who underwent total thyroidectomy for a nodule, matched on sex, ethnicity, age and biological method of TSH measurement, one whose final histology was benign and one malignant. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, sex, family history of thyroid disease or thyroid autoimmunity. The subjects, whose final histology was malignant, had a mean TSH level significantly higher than subjects with benign disease (1.55 mU/l versus 0.96 mU/l, P=0.003). Cancer risk was greater when the TSH was in the upper tertile of normal range. There was no correlation between the risk of thyroid cancer and age, sex, family history of thyroid disease, or menopausal status. The relative risk of having thyroid carcinoma was higher when the margins of nodules were blurred or in the presence of microcalcifications. These data confirm a trend toward baseline values of TSH higher in subjects with a thyroid-differentiated cancer. However, we could not define a preoperative threshold that would reliably determine the malignant or benign nature of the nodule

    In Utero Diagnosis of Niemann-Pick Type C in the Absence of Family History

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    Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a recessive disorder that results in unesterified cholesterol accumulating in the lysosomal and late endosomal system. It is caused by mutations in NPC1 or NPC2 genes and leads to systemic and neurodegenerative symptoms. Few cases of prenatal presentation of NPC have been reported and only two cases in the absence of previous family history, indicating the diagnosis is particularly difficult in such a situation. We report a prenatal diagnosis of NPC in a couple without family history. An ultrasound screening at 22 weeks of gestation (WG) detected fetal ascites and hepatomegaly, which were still present at 25, 27, and 29 WG, and a splenomegaly progressively appeared. No placentomegaly or other signs of hydrops fetalis were observed. The diagnostic of NPC was prenatally confirmed by a filipin test and NPC1 sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay which revealed a maternal missense mutation (c.2608T>C; p.Ser870Pro) and a paternal deletion of exons 5 to 25. This additional prenatal case of NPC suggests that even in the absence of family history, fetal ascites associated with splenomegaly but no hydrops should nonetheless arouse suspicion concerning this disease as a possible diagnosis

    Prenatal diagnosis of focal dermal hypoplasia: Report of three fetuses and review of the literature

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    Focal dermal hypoplasia (FDH) is a rare syndrome characterized by pleiotropic features knowing to involve mostly skin and limbs. Although FDH has been described in children and adults, the cardinal signs of the fetal phenotype are not straightforward impacting the quality of the prenatal diagnosis. We describe in depth the ultrasound, radiological, macroscopical, and histological phenotype of three female fetuses with a severe form of FDH, propose a review of the literature and an attempt to delineate minimal and cardinal signs for FDH diagnosis. This report confirms the variability of FDH phenotype, highlights unreported FDH features, and allows delineating evocative clinical associations for prenatal diagnosis, namely intrauterine growth retardation, limbs malformations, anterior wall/diaphragm defects, and eye anomalies. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Microarray analysis refines classification of non-medullary thyroid tumours of uncertain malignancy

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    Conventional histology failed to classify part of non-medullary thyroid lesions as either benign or malignant. The group of tumours of uncertain malignancy (T-UM) concerns either atypical follicular adenomas or the recently called ‘tumours of uncertain malignant potential’. To refine this classification we analysed microarray data from 93 follicular thyroid tumours: 10 T-UM, 3 follicular carcinomas, 13 papillary thyroid carcinomas and 67 follicular adenomas, compared to 73 control thyroid tissue samples. The diagnosis potential of 16 selected genes was validated by real-time quantitative RT–PCR on 6 additional T-UM. The gene expression profiles in several groups were examined with reference to the mutational status of the RET/PTC, BRAF and RAS genes. A pathological score (histological and immunohistochemical) was estimate for each of the T-UM involved in the study. The correlation between the T-UM gene profiles and the pathological score allowed a separation of the samples in two groups of benign or malignant tumours. Our analysis confirms the heterogeneity of T-UM and highlighted the molecular similarities between some cases and true carcinomas. We demonstrated the ability of few marker genes to serve as diagnosis tools and the need of a T-UM pathological scoring

    Increasing the Number of Thyroid Lesions Classes in Microarray Analysis Improves the Relevance of Diagnostic Markers

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    BackgroundGenetic markers for thyroid cancers identified by microarray analysis have offered limited predictive accuracy so far because of the few classes of thyroid lesions usually taken into account. To improve diagnostic relevance, we have simultaneously analyzed microarray data from six public datasets covering a total of 347 thyroid tissue samples representing 12 histological classes of follicular lesions and normal thyroid tissue. Our own dataset, containing about half the thyroid tissue samples, included all categories of thyroid lesions. Methodology/Principal Findings Classifier predictions were strongly affected by similarities between classes and by the number of classes in the training sets. In each dataset, sample prediction was improved by separating the samples into three groups according to class similarities. The cross-validation of differential genes revealed four clusters with functional enrichments. The analysis of six of these genes (APOD, APOE, CLGN, CRABP1, SDHA and TIMP1) in 49 new samples showed consistent gene and protein profiles with the class similarities observed. Focusing on four subclasses of follicular tumor, we explored the diagnostic potential of 12 selected markers (CASP10, CDH16, CLGN, CRABP1, HMGB2, ALPL2, ADAMTS2, CABIN1, ALDH1A3, USP13, NR2F2, KRTHB5) by real-time quantitative RT-PCR on 32 other new samples. The gene expression profiles of follicular tumors were examined with reference to the mutational status of the Pax8-PPARγ, TSHR, GNAS and NRAS genes. Conclusion/Significance We show that diagnostic tools defined on the basis of microarray data are more relevant when a large number of samples and tissue classes are used. Taking into account the relationships between the thyroid tumor pathologies, together with the main biological functions and pathways involved, improved the diagnostic accuracy of the samples. Our approach was particularly relevant for the classification of microfollicular adenomas

    Death-associated protein 3 is overexpressed in human thyroid oncocytic tumours

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    Background: The human death-associated protein 3 (hDAP3) is a GTP-binding constituent of the small subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome with a pro-apoptotic function.Methods: A search through publicly available microarray data sets showed 337 genes potentially coregulated with the DAP3 gene. The promoter sequences of these 337 genes and 70 out of 85 mitochondrial ribosome genes were analysed in silico with the DAP3 gene promoter sequence. The mitochondrial role of DAP3 was also investigated in the thyroid tumours presenting various mitochondrial contents. Results: The study revealed nine transcription factors presenting enriched motifs for these gene promoters, five of which are implicated in cellular growth (ELK1, ELK4, RUNX1, HOX11-CTF1, TAL1-ternary complex factor 3) and four in mitochondrial biogenesis (nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1), GABPA, PPARG-RXRA and estrogen-related receptor alpha (ESRRA)). An independent microarray data set showed the overexpression of ELK1, RUNX1 and ESRRA in the thyroid oncocytic tumours. Exploring the thyroid tumours, we found that DAP3 mRNA and protein expression is upregulated in tumours presenting a mitochondrial biogenesis compared with the normal tissue. ELK1 and ESRRA were also showed upregulated with DAP3. Conclusion: ELK1 and ESRRA may be considered as potential regulators of the DAP3 gene expression. DAP3 may participate in mitochondrial maintenance and play a role in the balance between mitochondrial homoeostasis and tumourigenesis

    Phenol sulfotransferase SULT1A1*2 allele and enhanced risk of upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinoma.

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    Cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULT) are involved in detoxification pathways. A functional polymorphism in the SULT1A1 gene, leading to an Arg213His substitution (SULT1A1*2), is thought to confer susceptibility to various types of cancer. Upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinomas (UUT-UCC) are rare (5% of all urothelial carcinomas). We genotyped 268 patients with UUT-UCC and 268 healthy controls matched for age, gender, tobacco consumption, and ethnicity. His213 (SULT1A1*2) allele frequency was significantly higher in patients than in controls (37.1% versus 28.9%; P=0.004). The His/His genotype corresponding to low-activity SULT1A1 enzyme conferred a significantly higher risk of UUT-UCC (odds ratio, 2.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.28-3.69; P=0.00