376 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga kesehatan di SDN Manukan Wetan II-555 Surabaya telah melaksanakan pembelajaran passing sepak bola namun belum mencapai hasil yang optimal. Pada pembelajaran sebelumnya guru menggunakan model pembelajaran lansung yang memiliki kelemahan, yaitu: guru mendominasi dalam pembelajaran, kurangnya hubungan timbal balik, siswa individualis dan kurang kerjasama. Di samping itu modifikasi yang seharusnya dilakukan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani tidak nampak. Hal ini terlihat dari penilain yang sudah dilakukan pada kelas V SDN Manukan Wetan II-555 Surabaya, terdapat 28 siswa atau 77,78% mendapat kriteria kurang dan 8 siswa mendapat nilai 70 ke atas atau 22,22% mendapat kriteria baik. Maka penelitian ini yang menggunakan penerapan modifikasi bola dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar passing sepak bola dengan menggunakan pendekatan peneliti adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan dalam ruang lingkup kelas yakni penelitian tindak kelas (PTK). Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas V SDN Manukan Wetan II-555 Surabaya. Hal ini dikarenakan semua permasalahan yang muncul terdapat dikelas ini. Adapun jumlah seluruh siswa siswa berjumlah 36 orang dengan karakteristik jenis kelamin, laki-laki sebanyak 20 orang, sedangkan perempuan sebanyak 16. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: pada siklus 1, berhasil melampaui KKM sebanyak 20 siswa atau 55,55% dikatakan hasil penerapan metode pembelajaran belum tuntas. Pada siklus 2, berhasil meampaui KKM sebanyak 30 siswa atau 83.33%. karena persentase lebih besar 75,00% maka hal ini dapat dikatakan tuntas. Untk rata-rata ketuntasan passing sepak bola, studi awal hasilnya sebesar 22,22% dan studi akhir hasilnya 83,33%. Maka peningkatan hasil belajar passing sepak bola sebelum dan setelah menerima penerepan meodifikasi bola sebesar 28%. Kata Kunci: penelitian tindak kelas (PTK), Penerapan modifikasi bola dan passing sepak bola. Abstract In teaching physical education in the health exercise SDN Manukan Wetan II - 555 Surabaya has been implementing learning passing football but has yet to achieve optimal results. In the previous lesson the teacher uses direct learning model that has drawbacks, namely: teachers dominate in learning, lack of mutual relations, students individualistic and less cooperation. In addition to the modifications that should be made ​​in teaching physical education does not appear. This is evident from the assessment that has been conducted on the class V SDN Manukan Wetan II - 555 Surabaya, there are 28 students or 77.78% got less criteria and 8 students scored above 70 or 22.22% got both criteria. So this study is to use a modified application of the ball can improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of learning outcomes passing football using researcher approach is experimental study using action research approach within the scope of the study follow- grade class ( PTK ). Subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SDN Manukan Wetan II - 555 Surabaya. This is because all of the problems that arise are in this class. The total number of students for the 36 people with the characteristics of gender, males were 20 people, while as many as 16 women. The results of the study are as follows: 1 cycle, KKM surpassed many as 20 students or 55.55% said the results of the application of learning methods has not been completed. In cycle 2, KKM meampaui managed as many as 30 students or 83.33%. because a greater percentage of 75.00% then it can be said completely. Remedy average completeness passing football, the results of the initial study 22.22 % and 83.33% final study outcome. So the increase in learning outcomes passing football before and after receiving the ball meodifikasi application by 28 %. Keywords: research follow- grade ( PTK ) , Application of a modified ball and passing the footbal

    Thermo-magnetic history effects in the vortex state of YNi_2B_2C superconductor

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    The nature of five-quadrant magnetic isotherms for is different from that for in a single crystal of YNi2B2C, pointing towards an anisotropic behaviour of the flux line lattice (FLL). For, a well defined peak effect (PE) and second magnetization peak (SMP) can be observed and the loop is open prior to the PE. However, for, the loop is closed and one can observe only the PE. We have investigated the history dependence of magnetization hysteresis data for by recording minor hysteresis loops. The observed history dependence in across different anomalous regions are rationalized on the basis of su-perheating/supercooling of the vortex matter across the first-order-like phase transition and possible additional effects due to annealing of the disordered vortex bundles to the underlying equilibrium state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of magnetization reversal and negative magnetization in a double perovskite compound Sr2YbRuO6

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    Detailed magnetic properties of the compound Sr2YbRuO6 are presented here. The compound belongs to the family of double perovskites forming a monoclinic structure. Magnetization meas-urements reveal clear evidence for two components of magnetic ordering aligned opposite to each other, leading to a magnetization reversal, compensation temperature (T* = 34 K) and neg-ative magnetization at low temperatures and low magnetic fields. Heat capacity measurements corroborate the presence of two components in the magnetic ordering and a noticeable third anomaly at low temperatures (~15 K) which cannot be attributed the Schottky effect. The calcu-lated magnetic entropy is substantially lower than that expected for the ground states of the or-dered moments of Ru5+ and Yb3+, indicating the presence of large crystal field effects and/ or in-complete magnetic ordering and/or magnetic frustrations well above the magnetic ordering. An attempt is made to explain the magnetization reversal within the frameworks of available models.Comment: 15 pages text, 6 figures Journal-ref: J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 20(2008)23520

    Analisis Kinerja Reksa Dana Nusantara PT Bhakti Asset Management dan Penyusunan Portfolio Optimum Teoritis Periode Januari – April 2005

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    The research objective is to find theoritical optimum portfolio of the Reksa Dana Nusantara (RDN) of BAM, using data from January – April 2005 (60 workdays). The coefficient of variance (CV) will be used to determine the stock rank, then it will be optimize with 3 methods ; linear programing, trial-error, and tableau method. The research found that RDN has Sharpe Performance Index (SPI) of 1.15 but the market can reach 1.60. The linear programing can not find optimum solution of portfolios consist of 9-5 stocks, but it can find the best portfolio consist in 3 stocks (TLKM, TKIM an CMNP) with SPI of 2.19. Overall, the research summarizes that RDN is still below the market performance

    Magnetic and Transport Properties of Ternary Indides of type R2CoIn8 (R = Ce, Pr and Dy)

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    We have synthesized and investigated the magnetic and transport properties of a series of compounds, R2CoIn8 (R = rare earth). Compounds form in single phase with a tetragonal structure (space group P4/mmm, no. 162). The Ce compound shows heavy fermion behavior. The magnetic susceptibility of Pr2CoIn8 shows a marked deviation from the Curie-Weiss behavior at low temperatures, which is attributed to the crystalline electric field effects. Heat capacity and magnetization measurements show that Dy2CoIn8 undergoes a magnetic transition at 17 K and a second transition near 5 K, the latter of which may be due to spin reorientation. Magnetization of this compound shows two metamagnetic transitions approximately at 3.6 T and 8.3 T.Comment: Total 7 pages of text and figure

    Uji Efektivitas Sponsorship Produk Bearing Racing pada PT. SKF Indonesia Periode 2008 - 2012

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    The highest achievement of marketing is sales transaction, so the marketing strategy should have impacts on sales. Promotion in the form of sponsorship has just been conducted by PT. SKF Indonesia since 2010-2011. This study aims to analyze the development of bearing products in PT. SKF Indonesia and to test the effectiveness of promotional strategies in the form of motor racing team sponsorship based on average sales of the bearing racing products data. Anova test results showed that the average sales prior to sponsorship were smaller than the average sales after sponsorship. Thus, sponsorship strategy is efective to raise the average of bearing racing product sales in SKF Indonesia with α = 0.05 and 0.01