3,666 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis in Outflows from the Inner Regions of Collapsars

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    We consider nucleosynthesis in outflows originating from the inner regions of viscous accretion disks formed after the collapse of a rotating massive star. We show that wind-like outflows driven by viscous and neutrino heating can efficiently synthesize Fe-group elements moving at near-relativistic velocities. The mass of 56Ni synthesized and the asymptotic velocities attained in our calculations are in accord with those inferred from observations of SN1998bw and SN2003dh. These steady wind-like outflows are generally proton rich, characterized by only modest entropies, and consequently synthesize essentially nothing heavier than the Fe-group elements. We also discuss bubble-like outflows resulting from rapid energy deposition in localized regions near or in the accretion disk. These intermittent ejecta emerge with low electron fraction and are a promising site for the synthesis of the A=130 r-process peak elements.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, added discussion of the influence of nuclear recombination on wind dynamics, to appear in Ap

    Inspecting Visual Mental Images: Can People "See" Implicit Properties as Easily in Imagery and Perception?

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    Can people "see" previously unnoticed properties in objects that they visualize, or are they locked into the organization of the pattern that was encoded during perception? To answer this question, we first asked a group to describe letters of the alphabet and found that some properties (such as the presence of a diagonal line) are often mentioned, whereas others (such as symmetry) are rarely if ever mentioned. Then we showed not only that other participants could correctly detect both kinds of properties in visualized letters, but also that the relative differences in the ease of detecting these two types of properties are highly similar in perception (when the letters are actually visible) and imagery (when the letters are merely visualized). These findings provide support for the view that images can be reinterpreted in ways much like what occurs during perception and speak to the wider issue of the long-standing debate about the format of mental images.Psycholog

    Integrated Nucleosynthesis in Neutrino Driven Winds

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    Although they are but a small fraction of the mass ejected in core-collapse supernovae, neutrino-driven winds (NDWs) from nascent proto-neutron stars (PNSs) have the potential to contribute significantly to supernova nucleosynthesis. In previous works, the NDW has been implicated as a possible source of r-process and light p-process isotopes. In this paper we present time-dependent hydrodynamic calculations of nucleosynthesis in the NDW which include accurate weak interaction physics coupled to a full nuclear reaction network. Using two published models of PNS neutrino luminosities, we predict the contribution of the NDW to the integrated nucleosynthetic yield of the entire supernova. For the neutrino luminosity histories considered, no true r-process occurs in the most basic scenario. The wind driven from an older 1.4M⊙1.4 M_\odot model for a PNS is moderately neutron-rich at late times however, and produces 87^{87}Rb, 88^{88}Sr, 89^{89}Y, and 90^{90}Zr in near solar proportions relative to oxygen. The wind from a more recently studied 1.27M⊙1.27 M_\odot PNS is proton-rich throughout its entire evolution and does not contribute significantly to the abundance of any element. It thus seems very unlikely that the simplest model of the NDW can produce the r-process. At most, it contributes to the production of the N = 50 closed shell elements and some light p-nuclei. In doing so, it may have left a distinctive signature on the abundances in metal poor stars, but the results are sensitive to both uncertain models for the explosion and the masses of the neutron stars involved.Comment: 18 Pages, 14 Figures, Astrophysical Journal (Submitted 4/16/10

    Explosive nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae

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    The specific mechanism and astrophysical site for the production of half of the elements heavier than iron via rapid neutron capture (r-process) remains to be found. In order to reproduce the abundances of the solar system and of the old halo stars, at least two components are required: the heavy r-process nuclei (A>130) and the weak r-process which correspond to the lighter heavy nuclei (A<130). In this work, we present nucleosynthesis studies based on trajectories of hydrodynamical simulations for core-collapse supernovae and their subsequent neutrino-driven winds. We show that the weak r-process elements can be produced in neutrino-driven winds and we relate their abundances to the neutrino emission from the nascent neutron star. Based on the latest hydrodynamical simulations, heavy r-process elements cannot be synthesized in the neutrino-driven winds. However, by artificially increasing the wind entropy, elements up to A=195 can be made. In this way one can mimic the general behavior of an ejecta where the r-process occurs. We use this to study the impact of the nuclear physics input (nuclear masses, neutron capture cross sections, and beta-delayed neutron emission) and of the long-time dynamical evolution on the final abundances.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, invited talk, INPC 2010 Vancouver, Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Nucleosynthesis in Early Neutrino Driven Winds

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    Nucleosynthesis in early neutrino winds is investigated. Presented is a brief overview of two recent problems of supernova nucleosynthesis. In the first part we investigate the effect of nuclear parameters on the synthesis of Mo92 and Mo94. Based on recent experimental results, we find that the proton rich winds of the model investigated here can not be the source of solar Mo92 and Mo94. In the second part we investigate the nucleosynthesis from neutron rich bubbles and show that they do not contribute to the overall nucleosynthesis.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for CNR 2007 Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics Worksho

    The influence of collective neutrino oscillations on a supernova r-process

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    Recently, it has been demonstrated that neutrinos in a supernova oscillate collectively. This process occurs much deeper than the conventional matter-induced MSW effect and hence may have an impact on nucleosynthesis. In this paper we explore the effects of collective neutrino oscillations on the r-process, using representative late-time neutrino spectra and outflow models. We find that accurate modeling of the collective oscillations is essential for this analysis. As an illustration, the often-used "single-angle" approximation makes grossly inaccurate predictions for the yields in our setup. With the proper multiangle treatment, the effect of the oscillations is found to be less dramatic, but still significant. Since the oscillation patterns are sensitive to the details of the emitted fluxes and the sign of the neutrino mass hierarchy, so are the r-process yields. The magnitude of the effect also depends sensitively on the astrophysical conditions - in particular on the interplay between the time when nuclei begin to exist in significant numbers and the time when the collective oscillation begins. A more definitive understanding of the astrophysical conditions, and accurate modeling of the collective oscillations for those conditions, is necessary.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Milagrito: a TeV air-shower array

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    Milagrito, a large, covered water-Cherenkov detector, was the world's first air-shower-particle detector sensitive to cosmic gamma rays below 1 TeV. It served as a prototype for the Milagro detector and operated from February 1997 to May 1998. This paper gives a description of Milagrito, a summary of the operating experience, and early results that demonstrate the capabilities of this technique.Comment: 38 pages including 24 figure

    MagA expression attenuates iron export activity in undifferentiated multipotent P19 cells

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    © 2019 Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging modality used in longitudinal cell tracking. Previous studies suggest that MagA, a putative iron transport protein from magnetotactic bacteria, is a useful gene-based magnetic resonance contrast agent. Hem-agglutinin-tagged MagA was stably expressed in undifferentiated embryonic mouse teratocarcinoma, multipotent P19 cells to provide a suitable model for tracking these cells during differentiation. Western blot and immunocytochemistry confirmed the expression and membrane localization of MagA in P19 cells. Surprisingly, elemental iron analysis using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry revealed significant iron uptake in both parental and MagA-expressing P19 cells, cultured in the presence of iron-supplemented medium. Withdrawal of this extracellular iron supplement revealed unexpected iron export activity in P19 cells, which MagA expression attenuated. The influence of iron supplementation on parental and MagA-expressing cells was not reflected by longitudinal relaxation rates. Measurement of transverse relaxation rates (R2* and R2) reflected changes in total cellular iron content but did not clearly distinguish MagA-expressing cells from the parental cell type, despite significant differences in the uptake and retention of total cellular iron. Unlike other cell types, the reversible component R20 (R2* – R2) provided only a moderately strong correlation to amount of cellular iron, normalized to amount of protein. This is the first report to characterize MagA expression in a previously unrecognized iron exporting cell type. The interplay between contrast gene expression and systemic iron metabolism substantiates the potential for diverting cellular iron toward the formation of a novel iron compartment, however rudimentary when using a single magnetotactic bacterial gene expression system like magA. Since relatively few mammalian cells export iron, the P19 cell line provides a tractable model of ferroportin activity, suitable for magnetic resonance analysis of key iron-handling activities and their influence on gene-based MRI contrast
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