238 research outputs found

    Evolutionary history of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase gene family in eukaryotes

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    Abstract Background The Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) superfamily was originally identified as enzymes that catalyze the attachment of ADP-ribose subunits to target proteins using NAD+ as a substrate. The family is characterized by the catalytic site, termed the PARP signature. While these proteins can be found in a range of eukaryotes, they have been best studied in mammals. In these organisms, PARPs have key functions in DNA repair, genome integrity and epigenetic regulation. More recently it has been found that proteins within the PARP superfamily have altered catalytic sites, and have mono(ADP-ribose) transferase (mART) activity or are enzymatically inactive. These findings suggest that the PARP signature has a broader range of functions that initially predicted. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of PARP genes across the eukaryotes. Results We identified in silico 236 PARP proteins from 77 species across five of the six eukaryotic supergroups. We performed extensive phylogenetic analyses of the identified PARPs. They are found in all eukaryotic supergroups for which sequence is available, but some individual lineages within supergroups have independently lost these genes. The PARP superfamily can be subdivided into six clades. Two of these clades were likely found in the last common eukaryotic ancestor. In addition, we have identified PARPs in organisms in which they have not previously been described. Conclusions Three main conclusions can be drawn from our study. First, the broad distribution and pattern of representation of PARP genes indicates that the ancestor of all extant eukaryotes encoded proteins of this type. Second, the ancestral PARP proteins had different functions and activities. One of these proteins was similar to human PARP1 and likely functioned in DNA damage response. The second of the ancestral PARPs had already evolved differences in its catalytic domain that suggest that these proteins may not have possessed poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation activity. Third, the diversity of the PARP superfamily is larger than previously documented, suggesting as more eukaryotic genomes become available, this gene family will grow in both number and type.</p

    Effect of primary packaging on microbiological status of oral solid dosage form

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    The emergence of microbial contaminants in non-sterile drugs caused not only the degradation of many products, but also proved to be a potential risk to consumer health. The aim of this study was to test microbial load of non sterile solid pharmaceutical product and investigate the effects of different packaging system on microbial status of pharmaceutical product. A total of 18 sample of solid dosage form packaged in different packaging were procured from market. All samples have been tested for the presence of specific microorganisms, Total aerobic microbial counts (TAMC) and Total yeast and mold counts (TYMC) using compendial procedures. Out of 18 sample 72.22 % (n=13) had shown microbial growth and only 16 % (n=3) of samples were non-compliant. Sample containing herbal ingredients, were the most heavily contaminated, showing a bacterial load &gt; 104 CFU/g. The result showed that all the tested samples were free from E. coli. There was no significant difference (p&gt;0.05) in microbial load of product packaged in different primary packagin

    Screening of poly vinyl chloride degrading bacteria from plastic contaminated area of Baddi

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    Plastic wastes are posing ever increasing environmental concerns. Recent research works have shown that most of the constituents of plastics can be degraded by microbes and the film plastics can be treated by microbial systems. In this study, poly vinyl chloride (PVC), degrading bacteria’s were isolate and characterize from soil dumped with plastics. The PVC degradating bacterial were identified as E.Coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella. It was observed that maximum degradation by Pseudomonas and degradation after 10 months was 40.53%, 23.06%, 10.92% and 5.32% for Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus and E.Coli respectively.This work concluded that soil contains bacteria’s that have ability to carry degradation of poly vinyl chloride (PVC

    A comprehensive review on microbial degradation of plastic waste

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    Plastic is a broad name given to different polymers with high molecular weight, which can be degraded by various processes. However, considering their abundance in the environment and their specificity in attacking plastics, biodegradation of plastics by microorganisms and enzymes seems to be the most effective process. When plastics are used as substrates for microorganisms, evaluation of their biodegradability should not only be based on their chemical structure, but also on their physical properties (melting point, glass transition temperature, crystallinity, storage modulus etc.). In this review, microbial and enzymatic biodegradation of plastics and some factors that affect their biodegradability are discussed. Plastics have become an important part of modern life and are used in different sectors of applications like packaging, building materials, consumer products and much more. Each year about 100 million tons of plastics are produced worldwide. Degradation is defined as reduction in the molecular weight of the polymer. The Degradation types are (a). Chain end degradation/de-polymerization (b).Random degradation/reverse of the poly condensation process. Biodegradation is defined as reduction in the molecular weight by naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. That is involved in the degradation of both natural and synthetic plastics

    Investigation of novel penetration enhancer Lawsonia inermis for drug delivery through nail plate

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    Nail fungus infections may be very painful and can seriously harm through systemic circulation if untreated. In this study we try to find out and formulate the natural penetration enhancer(PEs). Lawsonia Inermis leafs were used as a penetration enhancer. To extract the penetration enhancer extraction was done with methanol and dried, which shows hundred percent penetrations across the nail plate. Human cadaver nail plate (dry weight 45.8 mg, thickness 220 µm) defatted with chloroform: methanol (2:1) was used for penetration study. Diffusion study with the help of franz diffusion cell with phosphate buffer saline. The transungual film F32 evaluated for the physical properties – %Drug Content 97.1±0.03, Weight variation 180±2.10, Thickness 0.21±0.01, Flatness 99%, Folding endurance 180±3, WVTR 3.143±0.436, %Moisture content3.823±0.23. The drug moved across the nail plate in near to first order manner and support by the pepass “n” value i.e. 0.87. The formulation with the Lawsonia Inermis’s extract penetrates the 2.09% more drug through nail plate. The present study can claim that the Lawsonia Inermis as a potent penetration enhancer for transungual delivery for which the penetration is a limiting factor

    Subduing the nail barrier with novel herbal penetration enhancers for transungual delivery system

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    Nail fungal infections are very common and also very difficult to treat because of nail morphology, deep penetrability of infectious agent inside nail plate and poor permeability of the nail plate. Transungual delivery shall be the first choice for treatment of nail infection if we get the effective penetration enhancers without causing the serious problem. In this study we tried to scanning some extracts penetration potency through the human cadaver nail plate. Five plants selected for the purpose acacia catechu, rosa hybrid, hibiscus rose-sinensis, tagetes patula, tagetes erecta. For penetration potency first defatted the nail plate with chloroform : methanol (2:1) mixture.&nbsp; Extracts of tagetes erecta, acacia catechu shows 100%, tagetes patula 60% and rosa hybrid 40% from dorsal side of plate. Those extracts were stable by it only. That proves that they may be used as a penetration enhancer to increase the penetration of dru

    Physicochemical assessment of groundwater quality at Kashipur (Uttarakhand) industrial areas

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    1486-1494The quality of groundwater has been degrading due to municipal sewage, industrial pollutants, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. These dangerous pollutants enter into the deeper soil layers, infiltrate some aquifers, and decrease the gradation of groundwater. Other problems are associated with the leakage of sewer, faulty septic tank cleaning, landfill leachates, throwing of garbage into the river, pond and soil pollution. In coastal areas, salt water intrudes into fresh-water aquifers due to intensive pumping of fresh groundwater. In the present study, the city Kashipur in the state of Uttarakhand has been chosen due to big industrial settlements. The industrial wastes contain many highly harmful elements which destroy the quality of groundwater in the adjacent areas. Therefore, it is our target to test the groundwater quality of Kashipur industrial areas. To analyze the groundwater and to assess the impact of groundwater pollution of Kashipur area, an attempt has been made in the present study to test the physicochemical parameters including pH, total hardness, alkalinity, chloride, fluoride, sulphate, iron, zinc, copper and heavy metal atoms such as lead, arsenic etc. Imbalance of these parameters may degrade the quality of groundwater and may be deleterious to the health of individual and society in context of drinking, agriculture and industrial purposes. Physiochemical treatment of groundwater samples collected in summer, rainy season and post-monsoon were compared and analyzed by regression modeling making a quantitative correlation between pH and other parameters including total hardness, alkalinity, chloride, sulfate, fluoride and copper using multiple linear regression methods


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    The pharmaceutical industry is evaluating modes of delivery for their prized therapeutics at every step of the design cycle. In recent years, pH dependent drug delivery systems have focused much for specific purposes. Synthesis of pH dependent polymer in different monomeric ratio were intended to be used for controlled drug delivery systems. Previously synthesized monomers i.e; ethyl methacrylate (EMA) and acrylic acid (AA)took in different monomeric ratio (in moles) as -  EMA:AA(0.7:0.3), EMA:AA (0.6:0.4), EMA:AA (0.5:0.5),EMA:AA(0.4:0.6) and EMA:AA(0.3:0.7) with solvent Tetrahyrdrofuran(THF) and Azobis-iso butyronitrile (AIBN) initiator, which under goes polymerization .Polymers were prepared by solution polymerization technique and free radical mechanism. Swelling behavior of different polymeric films (polymers) which have obtained from polymerization in different monomeric ratios, studied in different pH buffer solutions. The different pH buffer solutions were  Hydrochloric acid buffer pH 1.2, Hydrochloric acid buffer pH 2.0, Phosphate  buffer pH 6.0,  Phosphate buffer pH 7.4, Phosphate buffer pH 8.0.These different pH buffer solutions were prepared according to Indian Pharmacopoeia 2007.The changes in polymeric films in  phosphate buffer (pH 8.0, pH 7.4) after 15,30, 45,60,75,90,120 minutes were noted. In buffer (pH 6.0,  pH2.0, and pH 1.2) the changes were noted after 1 hour,2hours,2 days,3 days,4 days,5 days,6 days,7 days. Swelling ratio calculated by formula. For microencapsulation paracetamol drug was taken as a model drug.  Emulsification solvent evaporation method have used for micro encapsulation of model drug. The standard calibration curve of paracetamol obtained a straight line. The relation between drug concentration &amp; absorbance measured at 249 nm found linear. The drug was estimated by UV spectrophotometer at 249 nm using a calibration curve based on standard solutions. The percentage of Paracetamol encapsulated with respect to total amount of Paracetamol encapsulation taken loading efficacy. In vitro dissolution release of Paracetamol from micro spheres was evaluated using paddle dissolution apparatus (Lab India Disso 2000 dissolution tester). Dissolution media was 900 ml phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) &amp; to this media the microspheres containing 200 mg of Paracetamol were added. The system was stirred at 500 pm &amp; temp at 37oC± 0.5 oC  samples were drawn at specified time intervals (10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min &amp; 60 min) filtered &amp; assayed spectrophotometrically  at 249nm.  For swelling study, all the copolymers in different monomeric ratio did not show good swelling or dissolution characteristic in acidic pH (pH 1.2-pH6.0) ethylmethacrylate : acrylic acid with monomer ratio 3:7 completely dissolved within 2 hours