72 research outputs found


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    The study assessed the effects of pipeline vandalisation on the socio-economic life and activities of farmers in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 80 farmers from the affected villages in the Local Govern- ment Area. Primary data were obtained with interview guide. Chi-Square was used to analyze the data collected. The mean age of the farmers was 43.37 years and 78.7% were male. Majority (76.3%) were married while 61.2% were Christians. More than half (57.5%) had no formal education and they cultivated an average of 4.94 hectares of land. Most (92.0%) of the farmers operated on full time basis. Nearly all the farmers (97.5%) were aware of the incidents of pipeline vandalisation in their area. Efforts of the farmers at reducing the menace included warning messages through town criers, reporting cases to the law enforcement agents, threat of killing the vandals and the use of “charms†to scare the vandals. Majority (52.5%) claimed that the efforts made by the farmers and the government had no effect on the incident of pipeline vandalisation. Farmers’ perceived effect of pipeline vandalisa- tion on their activities and livelihood included non-availability of labor due to the youths’ involvement in the practice (82.5%), destruction of farmlands (76.25%) and pollution of rivers and atmosphere (65.0%). Farmers were constrained by corrupt law enforcement agents in charge of surveillance, un- cooperative attitude of fellow farmers, non-challant attitude of the government and lack of fund to or- ganize campaigns against pipeline vandalisation. Chi-square analysis showed a significant association between pipeline vandalisation and farmers’ agricultural production. It was concluded that pipeline vandalisation was a regular occurrence in the study area and that it constituted a health hazard and posed a problem to the environment as well as the agricultural activities of the farmers.Â

    Conversion of lignocellulose from palm (Elaeis guineensis) fruit fibre and physic (Jatropha curcas) nut shell into bio-oil

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    Harmful gases are released into the atmosphere through burning of residues which is commonly practiced in Nigeria and can be attributed to climate change issues. Agricultural residues have the potentials to be used as energy and chemical source and meet its deficit in the country. This paper focuses on utilization of lignocellulosic materials obtained from two agricultural residues through renewable technology to produce bio-energy and chemical feedstock. The lignocellulosic materials were extracted from palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis) fibre and physic nut (Jatropha curcas) shell, and pyrolyzed under low temperature and pressure at various particle sizes. The main properties of solid (lignocellulosic) materials were tested and the bio-oil produced was analyzed using GC-MS. Results show proximate analyses (volatile, ash and fixed carbon contents) and ultimate analysis (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc). The pH value of the bio-oil from both residues increased with increase in temperatures. The density, viscosity and calorific value of the palm and physic residue oil are 831.99 and 947.5 kg/m3, 0.695 and 1.58 cPa at room temperature, 22.33 and 14.169 kJ/g, respectively. Aromatics and other compounds are major dominant compounds in the palm fruit fibre oil which is characterized for bio-fuel production. Physic nut shell oil contains aromatic ethers, cyclic ethers, secondary amides and organic halogen compound which are important chemical feedstock. Conversion of these residues to useful products will alleviate the energy supply deficit, improve social and economic development, promote clean and healthy atmosphere of the nation and significantly contribute to global climate change mitigation

    Evaluation of Morphogenesis and Yield of Three \u3ci\u3ePennisetum purpureum\u3c/i\u3e Varieties in South-West, Nigeria

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    This experiment, conducted at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria evaluated the morphogenesis of three varieties of Pennisetum purpureum used in this study, which were the local, purple, and FI variety at different stages of growth. The plants were established through vegetative plant parts (stems) sourced from a previously established plot and planted using 1 m Ă— 1 m spacing on plots measuring 4 m Ă— 5 m. The plants were fertilized with split doses of poultry manure at 4 t/ha (equivalent to 120 kg N/ha). The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design. Data on the morphogenic traits and dry matter yield were collected at bi-weekly from the 4th week for a period of twelve weeks. Results showed that the morphogenic plant traits differed significantly (p\u3c 0.05) between the varieties, except the tiller appearance rate (p\u3e 0.05) which was not significantly (p\u3e 0.05) different when the varieties were compared. The purple variety had the least plant elongation and leaf appearance rate values, however, for both traits, the F1 hybrid and local variety had similar trait values. The F1 variety had the least (p\u3c 0.05) leaf elongation rate value and the highest leaf (p\u3c 0.05) expansion rate value. On the other hand, the local and purple variety had comparably higher leaf elongation rate and leaf expansion rate values. The purple variety had higher (p\u3c 0.05) dry matter yield at the 6th and 8th week, but at the 10th and 12th week, the local variety produced the highest dry matter yield. In conclusion, the varieties had distinct morphogenic traits. Also, while the purple variety produced higher dry matter yield at the early stages of growth, dry matter production was higher for the local variety at more advanced stages of growth (10 and 12 weeks)


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    The research was carried was carried out to evaluate the chemical composition of the dominant grasses harvested from the natural pasture in selected villages in Ogun State, South-western Nigeria at different seasons. The study was carried out using a 4 Ă— 6 factorial arrangement comprising four seasons (early rain, late rain, early dry and late dry) at six locations (Afami, Atokun, Ibooro, Ileniku, Ipaaya, and Okerori). Results showed that the crude protein (CP) content significantly (p<0.05) varied from 5.56 % for Okerori to 7.34 % for Ibooro and the grasses harvested at Afami had the highest (72.75 %) neutral detergent fibre (NDF) values with the least (68.75 %) value recorded for Okerori, while the acid detergent fibre (ADF) values ranged from 41.00 % for Atokun to 48.25 % for Okerori. Also, CP value as affected by the season ranged from 4.23 % for late rainy to 9.44 % for the early rainy season and NDF values from 67.33% for late dry to 72.33 % for late rainy season while the early dry season had the highest value (48.00 %) for ADF with the least value (40.33 %) was recorded for the early rainy season. The phosphorus (P) value was highest at Ipaaya (2.99 g/kg) with the least value observed at Okerori (1.62 g/kg). The value for calcium ranged from 2.55 g/kg at Afami to 6.59 g/kg at Okerori. The P value of grasses as affected by seasons ranged from 1.46 g/kg for early dry to 2.66 g/kg for early rainy seasons.   &nbsp

    Influence of manure application during cultivation on in vitro gas and post incubation parameters of nine Pennisetum purpureum varieties

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    Forages are generally available in the tropics yet the issue related with their utilization is low efficiency and nutritional contents whereby seasonal variations in pasture productivity were the significant constraint to their availability for use throughout the year. This research was carried out to evaluate the Influence of manure application during cultivation on in vitro gas production and post-incubation parameters of nine (9) different Pennisetum purpureum varieties. The experiment was a 9 x 3 factorial arrangement in split plot design which comprises of nine (9) P. purpureum varieties (Abeokuta 1, Abeokuta 2, F1 Hybrid, Green Local, Purple Local, Sugarcane, South Africa, S13 and S15) and three (3) manure types (control, swine and cattle). Results showed that the in vitro gas production of different P. purpureum varieties as affected by manure type were significant (p < 0.05). Unfertilized varieties had the highest volume of gas produced (17.14ml/200mgDM) at the end of the 48 hours incubation periods and the green local variety recorded the gas volume of 18.33ml/200mgDM at the end of the 48hours incubation. The post incubation parameters showed that manure type (p>0.05) had no effect on the short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and Metabolizable energy (ME) in the varieties of P. purpureum while the values for organic matter digestibility (OMD) was significantly (p < 0.05) ranged from 33.68% in unfertilized varieties to 35.72% when swine manure was applied. It is concluded that green variety of P. purpureum will be the best for ruminant feeding in this study

    Nutrient composition, in vitro digestibility, and methane production of two tropical grasses: Effect of grazing frequency and plant spacing

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    This study aimed to evaluate the dry matter yield, nutrient composition, in vitro and methane produced from Megathyrsus maximus (Ntchisi) and Cenchrus purpureus grazed at two grazing frequency (3 and 6-week, (GF)) with two plant spacing (0.5 m x 1 m and 1 m x 1 m). The design of this experiment was split-split plot design in 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Milled samples were analyzed for chemical composition, In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), total gas production, methane (CH4) production, total volatile fatty acid content, content of acetate, butyrate, propionate and acetate: propionate ratio. The M. maximus grazed at 6-week GF with 1 m x 1 m spacing had the highest dry matter yield. The crude protein (CP) content of the grasses ranged from 104.24 – 181.35 g/kg DM with C. purpureus grazed at 3-week with 1 m x 1 m spacing ranked highest in CP content and protein fraction A, B1, and B2. Megathyrsus maximus at 6-week GF with 1 m x 1 m spacing produced the highest content of acid detergent fibre. Metabolizable energy (ME), short chain fatty acid and volume of gas produced at 48 h of incubation was highest for M. maximus grazed at 3-week GF with 0.5 m x 1 m spacing. Megathyrsus maximus at 3 and 6-week GF with 0.5 m x 1 m spacing displayed highest CH4 value. Acetate, propionate, and total volatile fatty acid were significantly (P<0.05) highest for M. maximus grazed at 6-week with 0.5 m x 1 m spacing

    \u3cem\u3eIn vitro\u3c/em\u3e Digestibility and Methane Production of Two Tropical Grasses: Plant Spacing and Grazing Frequency

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    This study was carried out to investigate the influence of plant spacing and grazing frequency on the in vitro gas production, digestibility, and methane production of Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) and Elephant grass (Cenchrus purpureus) in the humid southwest part of Nigeria. The experiment was laid in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a split-split-plot design with three replicates, which consisted of two grazing frequency (3 and 6-week) as the main plot, two grass species: Guinea grass (M. maximus) and Elephant grass (C. purpureus) as the sub plot and two plant spacing (1m x 1m and 0.5m x 1m) as the sub-sub plot. A total area of 2496 m2 of an existing plot established April 2019 was used in conducting this experiment. In May 2020, the grasses were cut back at the commencement of this experiment to 15cm above ground surface and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer was applied 8 days after cut back at the rate of 120 kg N/ha. The result showed a significant (Pin vitro gas production, digestibility (IVDMD) and methane gas production. The CP content of C. purpureus (18.14 %) grazed at 3-week GF with 1 m x 1 m spacing was significantly (PM. maximus grazed at 3-week at the narrower spacing with the IVDMD been the highest (64.53% DM) and the least gas volume was produced by C. purpureus grazed at 3-week with a narrower spacing, whereas the least digested was C. purpureus grazed at 6-week with narrower spacing. The methane production of C. purpureus grazed at 3-week with wider spacing was the least (5.53 ml/200mg DM) while the highest methane was produced by M. maximus also grazed at 3-week with 0.5m x 1m spacing though not statistically (P\u3e0.05) different from the methane of same species with same plant spacing at 6-week grazing frequency. It can be concluded that grazing at 3-week grazing frequency and narrower spacing will help reduce methane for C. purpureus and improve digestibility for M. maximus

    The seasonality of tuberculosis, sunlight, vitamin D, and household crowding.

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    BACKGROUND: Unlike other respiratory infections, tuberculosis diagnoses increase in summer. We performed an ecological analysis of this paradoxical seasonality in a Peruvian shantytown over 4 years. METHODS: Tuberculosis symptom-onset and diagnosis dates were recorded for 852 patients. Their tuberculosis-exposed cohabitants were tested for tuberculosis infection with the tuberculin skin test (n = 1389) and QuantiFERON assay (n = 576) and vitamin D concentrations (n = 195) quantified from randomly selected cohabitants. Crowding was calculated for all tuberculosis-affected households and daily sunlight records obtained. RESULTS: Fifty-seven percent of vitamin D measurements revealed deficiency (<50 nmol/L). Risk of deficiency was increased 2.0-fold by female sex (P < .001) and 1.4-fold by winter (P < .05). During the weeks following peak crowding and trough sunlight, there was a midwinter peak in vitamin D deficiency (P < .02). Peak vitamin D deficiency was followed 6 weeks later by a late-winter peak in tuberculin skin test positivity and 12 weeks after that by an early-summer peak in QuantiFERON positivity (both P < .04). Twelve weeks after peak QuantiFERON positivity, there was a midsummer peak in tuberculosis symptom onset (P < .05) followed after 3 weeks by a late-summer peak in tuberculosis diagnoses (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The intervals from midwinter peak crowding and trough sunlight to sequential peaks in vitamin D deficiency, tuberculosis infection, symptom onset, and diagnosis may explain the enigmatic late-summer peak in tuberculosis
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