57 research outputs found

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts

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    This paper deals with service conditions of shaft equipment, in particular, inserts of sliding bearings for the purpose of increasing service life due to material substitution and wear resistance increase. As a new material high-chromium irons are offered. Studies are conducted on a microstructure and wear resistance of prototypes is measured. Experimental data are treated by methods of mathematical statistics which confirm reliability of results. The results obtained make it possible to suggest using high-chromium irons as the direct material to produce inserts of sliding bearings

    Studying the binder effect on the properties of briquettes of ferroalloy production waste

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    The paper shows the results of studies in searching for a binder for briquetting finely dispersed dust (FDD) of ferroalloy production of the Kazakhstan content. The fractional composition and shape of FDD particles were studied. Liquid glass and caustic soda were used as a binder. The research results showed the possibility of using liquid glass as a binder. Experimental briquettes have sufficiently high compressive strength and drop strength, which implies the possibility of their transportation and loading

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts

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    This paper deals with service conditions of shaft equipment, in particular, inserts of sliding bearings for the purpose of increasing service life due to material substitution and wear resistance increase. As a new material high-chromium irons are offered. Studies are conducted on a microstructure and wear resistance of prototypes is measured. Experimental data are treated by methods of mathematical statistics which confirm reliability of results. The results obtained make it possible to suggest using high-chromium irons as the direct material to produce inserts of sliding bearings

    Studying the binder effect on the properties of briquettes of ferroalloy production waste

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    The paper shows the results of studies in searching for a binder for briquetting finely dispersed dust (FDD) of ferroalloy production of the Kazakhstan content. The fractional composition and shape of FDD particles were studied. Liquid glass and caustic soda were used as a binder. The research results showed the possibility of using liquid glass as a binder. Experimental briquettes have sufficiently high compressive strength and drop strength, which implies the possibility of their transportation and loading

    Psychological status and features of gestation in women of late reproductive age

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    The reasons for the significant increase in the number of women who decide to give birth after the age of 35 are the rapidly changing conditions of modern life. In recent decades, the number of births in women over 35 years of age has in-creased by 44% in Russia. In the 90s, if the pregnancy occurred in the late repro-ductive age, it was taken as a mistake in family planning. Over the past few years, attitudes have changed. Domestic and foreign scientists agree on the need for special attention to pregnant women over 35 years due to the high risk of various complications of gestation.Причины для существенного увеличения числа женщин, которые решаются родить ребенка после 35 лет, это стремительно меняющиеся условия современной жизни. В последние десятилетия на территории России численность родов у женщин старше 35 лет увеличилось на 44%. В 90-е года если беременность наступила в позднем репродуктивном возрасте, то это принимали за ошибку в вопросе планирования семьи. За последние несколько лет отношение к данной проблеме изменилась. отечественные и зарубежные ученые сходятся в едином мнении о необходимости особого внимания к беременным старше 35 лет из-за высокого риска различных осложнений гестации

    On the issue of carriage and antibiotic resistance of staphylococci isolated from the clinical material of patients of the miscarriage department of the maternity hospital № 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan

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    The frequency of isolating staphylococci and the dynamics of the development of their resistance to antibiotics, isolated from patients of the miscarriage ward of the maternity hospital No. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan for a 5-year period (2013-2017) are analyzed. 398 staphylococcal strains were studied: 203 Staphylococcus aureus and 195 – Staphylococcus epidermidis. It has been established that in the last 2-3 years there has been an increase in the carrier of gram-positive bacteria. There was a marked increase in the outgrowth of S. aureus (almost 2.0 times), and the ratio between S. aureus and S. epidermidis in 2017 increased 1.3 times. The study of the sensitivity of the isolated strains of staphylococci to microbial preparations showed that the overwhelming majority of them are multi-resistant to antibiotics. Determination of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs revealed that most of the isolated strains are sensitive to fluoroquinolone, a new generation of levofloxacin (tavanic).Проанализирована частота выделения стафилококков и динамика развития их резистентности к антибиотикам, выделенных у пациенток отделения невынашивания беременности родильного дома № 2 М3 РД за 5-летний период (2013-2017г.г.). Были изучены 398 штаммов стафилококков: 203 Staphylococcus aureus и 195 - Staphylococcus epidermidis. Установлено, что в последние 2-3 года отмечается рост носительства грамположительных бактерий. Отмечен выраженный рост высеваемости S. aureus (почти в 2,0 раза), а соотношение между S. aureus и S. epidermidis в 2017 г. выросло в 1,3 раза. Изучение чувствительности выделенных штаммов стафилококков к микробным препаратам показало, что преобладающее большинство из них полирезистентны к антибиотикам. Определение чувствительности к антибактериальным препаратам выявило, что большинство выделенных штаммов чувствительны к фторхинолону нового поколения левофлоксацин (таваник)