20 research outputs found

    On Maximum Margin Hierarchical Classification

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    We present work in progress towards maximum margin hierarchical classification where the objects are allowed to belong to more than one category at a time. The classification hierarchy is represented as a Markov network equipped with an exponential family defined on the edges. We present a variation of the maximum margin multilabel learning framework, suited to the hierarchical classification task and allows efficient implementation via gradient-based methods. We compare the behaviour of the proposed method to the recently introduced hierarchical regularized least squares classifier as well as two SVM variants in Reuter's news article classification

    Learning with multiple pairwise kernels for drug bioactivity prediction

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    Motivation: Many inference problems in bioinformatics, including drug bioactivity prediction, can be formulated as pairwise learning problems, in which one is interested in making predictions for pairs of objects, e.g. drugs and their targets. Kernel-based approaches have emerged as powerful tools for solving problems of that kind, and especially multiple kernel learning (MKL) offers promising benefits as it enables integrating various types of complex biomedical information sources in the form of kernels, along with learning their importance for the prediction task. However, the immense size of pairwise kernel spaces remains a major bottleneck, making the existing MKL algorithms computationally infeasible even for small number of input pairs.Results: We introduce pairwiseMKL, the first method for time- and memory-efficient learning with multiple pairwise kernels. pairwiseMKL first determines the mixture weights of the input pairwise kernels, and then learns the pairwise prediction function. Both steps are performed efficiently without explicit computation of the massive pairwise matrices, therefore making the method applicable to solving large pairwise learning problems. We demonstrate the performance of pairwiseMKL in two related tasks of quantitative drug bioactivity prediction using up to 167 995 bioactivity measurements and 3120 pairwise kernels: (i) prediction of anticancer efficacy of drug compounds across a large panel of cancer cell lines; and (ii) prediction of target profiles of anticancer compounds across their kinome-wide target spaces. We show that pairwiseMKL provides accurate predictions using sparse solutions in terms of selected kernels, and therefore it automatically identifies also data sources relevant for the prediction problem

    Kernel-Based Learning of Hierarchical Multilabel Classification Models

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    We present a kernel-based algorithm for hierarchical text classification where the documents are allowed to belong to more than one category at a time. The classification model is a variant of the Maximum Margin Markov Network framework, where the classification hierarchy is represented as a Markov tree equipped with an exponential family defined on the edges. We present an efficient optimization algorithm based on incremental conditional gradient ascent in single-example subspaces spanned by the marginal dual variables. The optimization is facilitated with a dynamic programming based algorithm that computes best update directions in the feasible set. Experiments show that the algorithm can feasibly optimize training sets of thousands of examples and classification hierarchies consisting of hundreds of nodes. Training of the full hierarchical model is as efficient as training independent SVM-light classifiers for each node. The algorithm's predictive accuracy was found to be competitive with other recently introduced hierarchical multi-category or multilabel classification learning algorithms

    Colour‐feature dual discriminating correlation analysis for face recognition

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    How to effectively utilise the colour image information and extract useful features is the key to colour face recognition. In this study, the authors propose a novel colour face recognition approach named colour‐feature dual discriminating correlation analysis, which incorporates correlation metric into the discriminant analysis technique, and realises colour‐feature discriminating correlation analysis not only within each colour component but also between different components. The public face recognition grand challenge version 2 database is employed as the test data. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed approach outperforms several representative colour face recognition methods