224 research outputs found

    Reaktualisasi Peran Wakaf dalam Membangkitkan Ekonomi Rakyat

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    Wakaf sebagai suatu instrumen lembaga ekonomi dan sosial, merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari ekonomi islam yang integral dan merupakan inovasi tunggal milik konsep islam. Kehidupan masyarakat yang cendrung memiliki gaya hidup yang sekuler yang melahirkan para borjuis, sudah barang tentu kita tidak akan menemukan sebuah konsep ekonomi yang murni sosial dalam tatanam ideologi manapun selain islam. Namun realita wakaf di Indonesia kurang mendapat perhatian dan pengelolaan yang serius, akibat konsep pemahaman yang terbelenggu oleh hanya satu mazhab. Hal ini, mengakibatkan wakaf kurang memberikan konstribusi kesejahteraan ekonomi

    Kualitas Penduduk Di Pesisir Pantai Teluk Palu

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    A house is a basic need for each family to reach a prosperity and familiy future. Physical of house is one of determining factor to get a healthy house. This paper, describe physical of a house of Palu Town inhibitant near Palu bay in 2003 in terms of city development and architectural rule. . The physical of a house which is observed such as : area of the house and yard, type of building material and house wall condition, type of slab and roof material, the existence of ventilation, lighting condition inside the house, and condition of drainage. The report is conducted through descriptive and analytical approach

    Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung terhadap Kualitas Sarana Hiburan dalam Pencitraan Trans Studio Theme Park Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Physical Evidence, tothe level of visitor satisfaction Trans Studio Theme Park Makassar. Effect of simultaneous and variable partial effectof Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Physical Evidence of the level visitor satisfaction Trans StudioTheme Park Makassar. The study was conducted of randomly selected visitors with a convenience samplingtechnique. Data collection methods are surveys and questionnaires. The results and discussion show the free variableReliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangible had significant impact on the variable bound by thesatisfaction of visitors Trans Studio Theme Park as evidenced by the value of R Square (R 2) of 0.082 and adjustedSquare of 0.058, this shows the contribution of independent variable (X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5) to the bound variableY (customer satisfaction) of 8.2%. From the simultaneous and variable partial-known independent variablereliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible has a significant influence on the dependent variable ie,the satisfaction of visitors with a t value of 4.676 and the value of f calculated at 3.491

    Telematika Dakwah Di Dunia Broadcasting

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    Peran teknologi informasi dan teledakwah dalam aktifitas dakwah menjadi tren baru pada era teknologi informasi untuk memvisualisasikan dakwah dalam bentuk media cetak dan elektronik. Teknologi informasi dan teledakwah merupakan sarana penunjang dakwah yang mutakhir jika kita ingin menyebarkan dakwah keseluruh pelosok desa di Indonesia, yang dapat dijangkau oleh infrastruktur media Televisi lain sebagainya. Seorang Da'i perlu memahami penggunaaan serta pemilihan media teknologi informasi dan teledakwah sesuai dengan kekuatan daya jangkau dalam perencanaan serta pencapaian dakwah yang telah ditentukan. Karakteristik dakwah jarak jauh bahwa keterpisahan kegiatan dakwah dari kegiatan dakwah adalah ciri yang khas dari dakwah jarak jauh. Jarak sebagai pemisah seperti di ataslah yang hendak diatasi melalui dakwah jarak jauh dengan memanfaatan rancangan instruksional dan rancangan interaksi supaya kegiatan dakwah yang dirancang dengan sugguh-sungguh dapat tercapai. dakwah dengan komputer dalam jaringan, interaktivitas mad'u ajar menjadi lebih banyak alternatifnya. Pada dakwah dengan komputer dalam jaringan dikenal dua jenis fungsi komputer, yaitu komputer server dan komputer klien. Interaksi antara mad'u ajar dengan Da'i (penceramah) dilakukan melalui ke dua jenis komputer tersebut. Media Broadcasting dapat digunakan sebagai media telematika dakwah yang efektif karena mempunyai kelebihan visual, audio, dan para Da'i dan Mad'u bisa berkomunikasi secara interaktif dengan fasiltas telekomferens. Fasilitas telematika mempunyai daya jangkau yang luas. Jika memenuhi kriteria teknologi visualiser dalam arti harus di kemas oleh ahli pertelevisian berkerjasama dengan Da'i mengenai target pesan yang akan didesain untuk sampai pada mad'u . Kata Kunci: Telematika, Dakwah, Broadcasting The role of technology information and teledakwah in Dakwah activities becomes a new trend in the era of technology information to visualize Dakwah in the form of print and electronic media. Technology information and teledakwah are means of supporting the latest Dakwah if we want to spread Dakwah throughout the remote villages in Indonesia, which can be reached by television media. A Da'i (Preacher) needs to understand the use and selection of media technology information and teledakwah in accordance with the coverage powers of the planning and achievement of Dakwah predetermined. The characteristic of distance Dakwah is that the separation of Dakwah is a typical characteristic of remote Dakwah. The distance as a separator as mentioned above is to be addressed throughout remote Dakwah by the utilization of instructional design and interaction design in order to make Dakwah designs can be achieved. Dakwah by computers has two functions that are known as server computer and client computer. The interaction between mad'u and Da'i are done throughout those computers. teaching becomes more alternatives. In propaganda by computers on the network are two types of computer functions, namely computer servers and client computers. The interaction between the teaching mad'u Preachers (speaker) carried through to the two types of computers. Media broadcasting can be used as Dakwah telematics media which is so effective as it has more visual and audio that make Da'i and Mad'u can communicate interactively with teleconference facility. Telematics facility has a wide range of reach and if meets the criteria of the technology visualiser that means hams is packaged by television experts in collaboration with Da'i about the target message that will be designed to get on mad'u. Keywords: Telematics, Da'wa, Broadcastin

    Komunikasi Pemerintah Dan Masyarakat Berbasis Dialek Budaya Lokal (Studi Kasus Proses Komunikasi Penunjang Pembangunan Berbasis Dialek Konjo Pada Masyarakat Di Tana Toa Kajang Kabupaten Bulukumba)

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    This study deals with the phenomenon of communication process between the Government and the community using Konjo dialect (local dialect). Research also wants to get an overview about othat communication process through that language. By using qualitative research approach and methods of case study introduced by Yin, this reseacch shows that Konjo dialect is a form of verbal communication process without media in interpersonal and small group-communication settings. The participants who use Konjo dialect are local peoples, communities in Tana Toa Kajang Bulukumba. The communication process is bound with communication message called Pasang ri Kajang which mean "Message, mandate; advice, mandate ; forecast ; and Warning/recall". The development agenct's success in the communication process with Konjo dialect because they refer to the Development Support Communication principle. The agent has the support from the Liaison. Effects is still cognition. Conative effect is achieved because of life principle of Pasang ri Kajang that is "kamase-masea" which mean humbleness in life. In order to achieve the conative effect, it requires the spread of need for achieviement virus by liaison in Kajang tribal communities
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