28 research outputs found

    Solitons in a parametrically driven damped discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We consider a parametrically driven damped discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger (PDDNLS) equation. Analytical and numerical calculations are performed to determine the existence and stability of fundamental discrete bright solitons. We show that there are two types of onsite discrete soliton, namely onsite type I and II. We also show that there are four types of intersite discrete soliton, called intersite type I, II, III, and IV, where the last two types are essentially the same, due to symmetry. Onsite and intersite type I solitons, which can be unstable in the case of no dissipation, are found to be stabilized by the damping, whereas the other types are always unstable. Our further analysis demonstrates that saddle-node and pitchfork (symmetry-breaking) bifurcations can occur. More interestingly, the onsite type I, intersite type I, and intersite type III-IV admit Hopf bifurcations from which emerge periodic solitons (limit cycles). The continuation of the limit cycles as well as the stability of the periodic solitons are computed through the numerical continuation software Matcont. We observe subcritical Hopf bifurcations along the existence curve of the onsite type I and intersite type III-IV. Along the existence curve of the intersite type I we observe both supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations.Comment: to appear in "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems", B.A. Malomed, ed. (Springer, Berlin, 2012

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tutor Sebaya Untuk Siswa Kelas VII-A SMP Negeri 2 Poso Pesisir

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe tutor sebaya yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VII-A SMP Negeri 2 Poso Pesisir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 2 Poso Pesisir pada bulan Oktober sampai dengan November 2013 dalam 2 tahap, yaitu pratindakan dan tahap tindakan. Tahap tindakan dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dan masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 3 pertemuan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa langkah-langkah pembelajaran matematika yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIIA SMP Negeri 2 Poso Pesisir adalah diawali adanya presentasi kelas oleh guru, pembentukan kelompok secara heterogen, setiap kelompok dipimpin oleh tutor sebaya, guru mengontrol saat diskusi berlangsung, memberi waktu kepada siswa untuk presentasi kelas, dan diakhiri dengan membimbing siswa untuk menyimpulkan materi yang dipelajari. Sedangkan peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa dari hasil tes siklus I dan hasil tes siklus II sebesar 14,28%. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa masuk dalam kategori “Baik” dan hasil observasi aktivitas guru masuk dalam kategori “Sangat Baik” pada siklus I dan II

    Kebertahanan Rumah Gadang dan Perubahan Sosial di Wilayah Budaya Alam Surambi Sungai Pagu, Kabupaten Solok Selatan

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    THE VIABILITY OF MINANGKABAU TRADITIONAL HOUSE AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE CULTURAL NATURE SURAMBI SUNGAI PAGU, SOUTH SOLOK REGENCY This article is the extract of research conducted in a region that was ever proposed to UNESCO to be one of world heritage cultures about the survival of rumah gadang in culture region Alam Surambi Sungai Pagu, Solok Selatan regency, West Sumatera. This phenomenon is unique, because it is “in contradiction to” common phenomenon in others region in Minangkabau, in which rumah gadang tends to be more and more extinct as the impact of socio-cultural changes to Minangkabau society. This research is qualitative with naturalistic approach. Result of the research found six (6) factors that cause phenomenon of rumah gadang survival in that region, namely 1) factor of maintaining value, prestige and respectability of community and status of “kepenghuluan” to the community, 2) factor of “merantau”, 3) factor of the principle “patah tumbuh hilang berganti”, 4) factor of local genius “mangguntiang sibak baju”, 5) factor of local genius; “balah pinang” and 6) factor of tourists destination

    Influence of Environmental Temperature on Thyroid Hormone Production in Sheep

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    The effect of high (28oC) and low (14oC) temperature on thyroid hormone production were studied in five male sheep since the activity of thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) cell in the hypothalamus that influence the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) production and release can be affected through the temperature regulatory center. The aim of this study were to measure the iodine (the core of thyroid hormone) needed in the different temperatures, T4 (thyroxine) production, T4 and T3 (triiodotironine) concentration. Two experiments were performed in both condition to investigate the thyroidal 125 I uptake and to measure T4 production. The sheep were shorn at the beginning of each adaptation period (22o C). The first treatment was high temperature and the second treatment was low temperature. The experiments were done at least five weeks of each temperature. The mean of rectal temperatures during the warm period were significantly higher than that in the cold period. The feed intake during the warm period tend to decrease significantly, but there was no increase during the cold period. The absolute iodine uptake (AIU) over 24 hours was markedly increased during the second period (7.94±1.37 -g/24 hr) compare to the first period (1.65±0.13 -g/24 hr). It means that cold exposure has a potential to stimulate the thyroid gland in order to uptake more iodide. The mean of T4 concentration was 51.6±2.1 ng/ml during the warm and 61.2±5.5 ng/ml four weeks after shift to the cold period and did not differ, but four weeks later the concentration was significantly increased (77.4±1.47)(33%). The same pattern occurred to the T3 concentration that the four weeks after shifting the level of T3 was not significantly increased from value of 0.39 ng/ml to value of 0.51 ng/ml, eight weeks after shifting the T3 value (0.65 ng/ml) was significantly rose. Thi

    Local Wisdom and Natural Disaster in West Sumatra

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    Community-based disaster management is an attempt to optimize the potential of social and local values in communities to facilitate the handling of natural disasters. West Sumatra as one of the disaster-prone areas in Indonesia has a number of local wisdom values—a value combining religion and local culture—rooted in traditional philosophy; “Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah”. The examples of those local wisdoms are customary ideas or proverbs in the form of legend and expressions, architectural design of the traditional house—“Rumah Gadang”—and the structure of the environment as well as the social systems of kinship and traditional administration in the form of Nagari. This research employed qualitative method by using ethnography approach. The data were collected through observations, participation in social events, and in-depth interviews. Those techniques were applied to obtain the valid information and the meaning of events and behaviors comprehensively. The local values applied by the indigenous communities as the victims of natural disasters in some regions of West Sumatra include “Badoncek” tradition in Nagari Tandikat Padang Pariaman, the architecture of “Rumah Gadang” in Nagari Sungayang, Tanah Datar and disaster mitigation based on district in Nagari Kubang Putiah Agam.Managemen bencana berbasis masyarakat merupakan upaya untuk mengoptimalkan potensi sosial dan nilai-nilai lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk memudahkan proses penanganan bencana alam. Sumatera Barat sebagai salah satu daerah rawan bencana di Indonesia, memiliki sejumlah nilai kearifan lokal, sebuah nilai yang memadukan antara agama dan budaya lokal yang termaktub dalam filosofi adat; Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah. Di antara kearifan lokal itu adalah ide atau pepatah adat dalam bentuk tambo dan ungkapan-ungkapan, tata ruang rumah adat dari segi arsitektur rumah gadang dan penataan lingkungannya serta sistem sosial kekerabatan dan pemerintahan adat dalam bentuk nagari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, keterlibatan dalam kegiatan masyarakat dan wawancara mendalam. Teknik-teknik ini dilakukan untuk mendapat informasi yang valid dan mendalam serta menghayati makna atau arti peristiwa dan tingkah laku secara komprehensif. Adapun nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang diterapkan komunitas adat di Sumatera Barat meliputi tradisi badoncek di Nagari Tandikat Padang Pariaman, arsitektur dan tata kelola rumah gadang di Nagari Sungayang Tanah Datar serta mitigasi bencana berbasis nagari di Nagari Kubang Putiah Kabupaten Agam

    Discrete solitons in electromechanical resonators

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    We consider a parametrically driven Klein--Gordon system describing micro- and nano-devices, with integrated electrical and mechanical functionality. Using a multiscale expansion method we reduce the system to a discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Analytical and numerical calculations are performed to determine the existence and stability of fundamental bright and dark discrete solitons admitted by the Klein--Gordon system through the discrete Schrodinger equation. We show that a parametric driving can not only destabilize onsite bright solitons, but also stabilize intersite bright discrete solitons and onsite and intersite dark solitons. Most importantly, we show that there is a range of values of the driving coefficient for which dark solitons are stable, for any value of the coupling constant, i.e. oscillatory instabilities are totally suppressed. Stability windows of all the fundamental solitons are presented and approximations to the onset of instability are derived using perturbation theory, with accompanying numerical results. Numerical integrations of the Klein--Gordon equation are performed, confirming the relevance of our analysis

    Dosis Inokulum Dan Lama Fermentasi Jamur Pleurotus Ostreatus Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Azolla Microphylla

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    This research aims analyze the effect of inoculum dosage of Pleurotus ostreatus and the length of fermentation on the nutritious content of Azolla. The experimental design used completely randomized design in factorial (3 x 3). The first factor is the inoculum dosage, namely : (D1). 3%, (D2).6% and (D3).9% of substrate weight. The second factor is the length of fermentation, namely : (L7). 7 days, (L14). 14 days and (L21). 21 days. Every treatment is repeated for three time. The data found is scrutinized by mode print and it is followed by distance test of multiple Duncan (Steel and Torrie, 1989). The variables observed in research are dry materials, crude fiber, crude protein, cellulose and lignin. The research on the influence of inoculum dosage and the length of fermentation on dry materials content, crude protein and cellulose had not significant effect (P>0.05). On the other hand, crude fiber,and lignin had significant effect (P<0.01). The inoculum dosage of 9% and the fermentation length of 14 days is the best combination treatment and it can reduce the crude fiber amounting to 48.80%, an increase of crude protein amounting to 39.31% and a decrease of cellulose and lignin amounting to 49.86% and 27.66% respectively


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    The court is an institution where the community seeks justice, by filing a lawsuit. Lawsuit is a claim for rights filed by the plaintiff against the defendant through the court, because the plaintiff feels his rights have been harmed by the defendant. There are at least 2 (two) or more parties defending their rights in the lawsuit civil procedural law, namely the plaintiff and the defendant. In filing a lawsuit there are 2 (two) types of lawsuits, namely voluntary and contentious. Voluntary lawsuits or so-called requests are made on the basis of the interests of only one party without any element of dispute. Contributory lawsuit is a lawsuit for a problem submitted where the parties are at least 2 (two) people and have an element of dispute . In everyday life in the community, there are many legal problems, especially in the civil field that can be filed for lawsuits or requests to court. However, the community does not yet know and understand how the process of examining civil lawsuits in district courts, as well as community members who live in villages Baja Kuning, Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency. Some civil issues that occurred in Baja Kuning Village such as divorce, determination of heirs, assets gono like this, land disputes, household issues and others. The people in Baja Kuning Village wish to take legal action in courts in solving their problems, but they do not understand how the process is. Based on this fact, it encourages extension officers to carry out Legal Counseling with the Community Service model entitled The Civil Lawsuit Examination Process in the District Court