17 research outputs found

    Sistem Kendali Levitasi Magnetik Repulsif Menggunakan Metode Proportional-integral-derivative (Pid)

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    Sifat dasar kemagnetan membuat teknik levitasi menjadi dimungkinkan, namun terdapat perbedaan mendasar jika dibandingkan dengan sifat kelistrikan. Pada interaksi antar muatan listrik, diketahui bahwa muatan yang sama akan saling menolak, sementara muatan yang berlawanan akan saling menarik. Karena adanya muatan listrik bersih, maka levitasi elektris bisa dimungkinkan. Pada interaksi magnetis dimungkinkan melakukan levitasi dengan lebih mudah melalui modifikasi medan magnet. Modifikasi ini bisa dilakukan melalui sistem kendali dan perangkat elektromagnet, seperti induktor. Tanpa sistem kendali, levitasi magnetis hanya bisa dilakukan menggunakan bahan diamagnetis. Saat ini bahan diamagnetis yang memiliki efek paling besar adalah superkonduktor. Selain mahal, temperatur superkonduktor harus dibuat sangat rendah sehingga tidak praktis dipakai dalam teknik levitasi. Pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan sebuah teknik levitasi magnetis yang bersifat repulsif menggunakan sistem kendali proportional-integral-derivative (PID). Sistem yang dikendalikan berupa kekuatan efektif elektromagnet dalam menstabilkan objek yang ditolak oleh kutub magnet permanen sehingga tetap berada pada posisi dan orientasi yang sama. Hasil yang telah didapatkan adalah proses levitasi magnetik repulsif berhasil secara optimum mempertahankan objek magnet neodimium dengan ketinggian 4 mm selama 5 detik menggunakan nilai Kp sebesar 1 dan nilai Kd sebesar 1,5


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    -Macro economic development of most countries in the world is highly dependent on the contributions of their private enterprises: small, medium, large sized or conglomerated companies. Research findings in developed count..ries revealed a fact that private enterprises contribute from 70 up to 80 percent of Gross National Products. Consequently, private sectors play important roles in professional employment, as part of the macro economics equilibrium. The knowledge era drives tbe need to establish knowledge enterprises. Professional employment is therefore highly relevant to the availability of their embedded tacit as well as contextual knowledge. lligher education institutions, supposed to be the explicit knowledge providers, with responsibilities to design the most compatible program contents, enabling the explicit knowledge to become a functional knowledge, and later to become a tacit knowledge, while develop contextual knowledge, of their institutions' outputs. This study utilized. part of 877 research data collected in 2002, from 31 Indonesian Businesses enterprises in Java, Bali, and Sulawesi islands in Indonesia. Important indications of needs emerge for higher education to ameliorate its program content, to enable a compatibility of knowledge acquired in higher education, with the positions obtained in the employments. Results of this study are expected to trigger further systematic and in depth research, OIl how higher education can best serve the needs of business enterprises, and providing a better employment rate to the graduates. This will maximize macro economics' advantage, from the society's expenditure in higher education, in preparing their off-springs, be employed as business professionals.

    Intreating Technology Into Education

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    The accelerating progress of ICT that has changed the education demands of individuals and nations needs a good understanding of the nature, role and implications of ICT in education, how to design specific measures of its supply, the constraints and conditions to be faced and structural changes implied by the use of technology at micro and macro level. While the use of technology in education is apparently promising in boosting the quality of education, its financing will probably require a deeper consideration since for a country such as Indonesia with its only $ 2000 GDP/Capita, competing demands in providing education infrastructure such as building, books, teaching aids, training as well as personnel wage and salaries etc are still not yet completely answered. In this context, it is interesting to assess the likely financial impact of the accelerating progress and the use of ICT in higher education on the development opportunity of the majority of private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Indonesia.Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Educatio


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    Kelanggengan perusahaan milik perseorangan araupun keluarga berperan pen ring bagi perekonomian negara. Hasil penelilian di berbagai negara menunjukkan bahwa hal ini lerjadi pada lebih dari 70% dari negara-negara di dunia. Oleh karena ilu, maka perlu dilakukan upaya unluk menjaga kelanggengan konlribusi perusahaan agar lerjaga pula kelanggengan perkembangan perekonomian negara secara makro. Pada era informasi ini, kemampuan inreleklual sudah dipahami secQI-a umllm sebagaifakror Ufama dari keberhasilan sualu perusahaan, di samping kererampilan telmikal dari anggola perusahaan yang melaksanakan lugas operasional di perusahaan keluarga. Namun perlu dilakukan penelifian empirik mengenai seberapa penting sebenarnya kedua faktor ini berpengaruh pada kelanggengan perusahaan keluarga, serta bagaimana mengelola kedua faktor ini agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan perusahaan keluarga untuk menjaga kelanggengan usahanya. Penelilian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa data hasil survei pada 731 responden dari 32 perusahaan di Pulau Jawa, Bali dan Sulawesi yang memperlihatkan hasil empirik mengenai besarnya pengaruh "Keserasian Kemampuan Intelektllal " dari anggota perusahaan serta "Iklim Transformasional" dalam perllsahaan dalam upaya yang mendukllng kelanggengan perusahaan keluarga


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    Raising the issue of higher education program contents into a discussion, the immediate phenomena debated would mostly be on the subjects of the compatibility of the program with the practice at the work place. Secondly, it would be on its influence in the employment. The more compatible the program with the work place, it is perceived as the easier it will be for the graduates to be employed. This employment will “process” the graduates into professionals. In this context, it will not be exaggerating to conclude that compatibility of higher education program contents will be influential to professional employment. Consequently, the easier the graduate of the higher educational institutions be employed, the more effective the funding.Universitas Widyatam

    IHART nternational Handbook of Academic Research and Teaching : Proceedings of Intellectbase International Consortium

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    The product portfolio concept, firstly introduced by Bruce D. Henderson (1970), the founder of Boston Consulting Group, has been widely known as a milestone in Business Strategy literature. This analytical tool was so appealing and has been attracting a wide discussion since almost 40 years ago for its simplicity in assessing competitive position of company products and formulating strategic programs for future growth and development. Surprisingly, despite of its popularity, there were only a few reports on its application in practice. A widespread confusion and misunderstanding on how to put this analytical tool at work was seemingly the main root hampering any implementation attempt. Literature stuck only at introductory level of the concept, losing words of how to describe further the details for application. This report shares the experience of Widyatama University in using the said Product Portfolio for assessing its competitive posture and shows the advantage of this simple powerful technique. Market share and growth are among industry factors linked directly to profitability, a basic structural model, long time studied and revealed by the discipline of industrial economics, triggering many empirical studies. While quality of educational services remain undoubtedly an ultimate competitive advantage, the recent pressure and growing opinion treating higher education more as private services, places this sector under market competition law and market share becomes a determinant factor affecting sustainability of any higher education institutio

    Conference Proceeding SMART CONFERENCE 2009 Syedney Convention & Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour Sydney Australia

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    The aid goods distribution for natural disaster relief involves activities for delivering aid goods from supply nodes to demand nodes. In this case, the supply nodes are the places whith surplus of commodity or aid goods and the demand nodes are the places where the disaster occurred. A well-planned integration of allocation-distribution system of aid goods is essential to support a prompt supply of aid goods for minimizing the casualties and restoring the productive activities in the disaster area. This paper discusses a research on development of allocation and distribution model of aid goods for natural disaster relief. The objective function of the model is to minimize total unsatisfied demands for all necessary aid goods in all demand nodes throughout the planning horizon. The model considered multi commodities, multi transportation modes, multi vehicles, and multi periods. The model is decomposed into two sub models. Sub model 1 deals with the allocation problem of aid goods, and sub model 2 concerns with the assignment problem of vehicle distributing aid goods where their compositions and amounts are to be specified by Sub model 1. Allocation of aid goods in Sub model 1 considered weighted of commodities, so the solution of the developed model in sub model 1 obtained with Integer Linear Programming (ILP).The sub model 2 developed in this research also adopts maximum weight and volume of consignment to define load capacities of vehicles used in delivering the aid goods. The pattern of distribution is direct shipment; one supply node will supply multi commodities for many demand nodes. The purpose of this paper is to determine allocation model for both type and amount of aid goods which will be distributed from supply node to demand node