42 research outputs found

    Metacognitive Awareness : sebuah Upaya Optimalisasi Kualitas Pembelajaran Akuntansi

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    Pemahaman dan pembiasaan strategi metakognisi sangat dibutuhkan bagi seseorang yang sedang melakukan proses pembelajaran. Strategi ini memfasilitasi seseorang untuk mampu mengontrol pembelajarannya dalam hal ini merencanakan, memonitoring dan mengevaluasi proses belajarnya agar dapat berjalan efektif dan efisien. Individu yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan strategi ini akan menemukan cara yang tepat dalam memahami sesuatu, mengembangkan cara memecahkan masalah serta kemampuan melakukan self asesmen. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menawarkan suatu strategi yang mampu membantu pebelajar dalam mengoptimalkan kualitas proses belajarnya. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil review literature yang relevan. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi metakognitif dapat dikembangkan melalui pengalaman belajar secara berkelanjutan sejak mahasiswa baru masuk perguruan tinggi sampai mereka lulus

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Mata Kuliah Dasar-dasar Akuntansi Melalui Penerapan Model Jigsaw

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    The purpose of this research is: (1) to get abiliti\u27s learning model is cooperativelearning jigsaw, (2) to get abiliti\u27s lecture to fixed strategy and variaty learning model,(3) to get abiliti\u27s student to reserve and to understanding subject Principle of Accounting.The result of the research shows that: (1) the using method of cooperative jigsaw inprocess to learn and teaching in accounting, spesifically in subject accounting of tradingfirm can reach activity fisically and mental of student via more activities in processlearning; (2) the using method of cooperative jigsaw in process to learn and teaching inaccounting, to reach succes in study and students can learn to finally, this is can be see inaverage of class fromQuiz I was 65,00 and Quiz II was 77,24

    Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Iso 9001:2008 Di SMA Batik 1 Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) To know what are the things that must be met by SMA Batik 1 Surakarta as the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, 2) To determine the implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta and 3) To know the factors supporting the implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta and efforts to optimize the supporting factors; 4) To identify factors inhibiting the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta as well as efforts to address the factors such inhibitors. This study is a qualitative study that uses data sources informants, where research, and documents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data was collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of the triangulation of data sources, methods, and reviews.Data analysis with interactive models. The results showed that: 1) The requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System that has been filled by SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, namely: Scope of Application and Process Activities School, the Reference Set, term or definition, Quality Management System, Management Responsibility, Management Resources, Education Services Realisation, Measurement, Analysis and Improvement; 2) ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System implemented in their respective lines of work based on quality objectives have been previously formulated by management based on 8 principles; 3) Factors supporting the success of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, namely: commitment and awareness of all citizens of the school, the quality of human resources, adequate infrastructure, and availability of funds. Efforts to optimize the supporting factors through understanding the importance of quality management, training / workshops, scholarships for teachers, as well as repair and procurement of school infrastructure; 4) Factors inhibiting the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, namely: ignorance about the personnel ISO, the difficulty of changing the culture/customs of human resources, the lack of documentation and recording activities. Efforts to overcome these disincentives through an understanding of ISO quality management system to all citizens by both the school and the team of internal consultants ISO, and create a standardized system of recording control

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Media Pembelajaran terhadap Minat Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi media pembelajaran (Microsoft PowerPoint dan Ulead Video Studio) terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa pada perkuliahan Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester IV Pendidikan Ekonomi BKK Pendidikan Akuntansi yang sedang mengikuti mata kuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik pengambilan sampel yang dipilih adalah Nonprobability Sampling dengan Teknik Sampling Jenuh. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang berasal dari angket yang disebarkan oleh peneliti kepada mahasiswa sebagai responden pada akhir perkuliahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen, metode uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji-T dengan melakukan uji persyaratan analisis terlebih dahulu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan kombinasi media pembelajaran terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui perhitungan Uji-T yang menghasilkan nilai t hitung sebesar 2,040 yang melebihi nilai t tabel sebesar 1,998 dan P-Value sebesar 0,045 lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi yang telah ditentukan yaitu sebesar 0,05.Kata Kunci: Kombinasi Media Pembelajaran, Minat Belajar ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to know the effect of learning media combination (Microsoft PowerPoint and Ulead Video Studio) toward students interest in learning on Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi course. The population that is used in this research is the 4th semester students of Economic Accounting Education who are joining Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi course. In this research, sampling technique which choosen was Nonprobability Sampling withJenuh Sampling Technique. The determination of the group will be treated experimental and control is conducted randomly. The data that used is primary data which come from distributed questionnaries by researcher to students as respondents when the course ends. This research is quantitative research using experimental methods, statistical methods which used is T-Test with the test requirements prior analysis.The research result shows that learning media combination has effect to students interest in learning. It is shown by t0 = 2,040 which exceed the value of its critical value for 1,998 and P-Value for 0,045 smaller than a predetermined significance level for 0,05. Keyword: Learning Media Combination, Students Interest in LearningABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi media pembelajaran (Microsoft PowerPoint dan Ulead Video Studio) terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa pada perkuliahan Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester IV Pendidikan Ekonomi BKK Pendidikan Akuntansi yang sedang mengikuti mata kuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik pengambilan sampel yang dipilih adalah Nonprobability Sampling dengan Teknik Sampling Jenuh. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang berasal dari angket yang disebarkan oleh peneliti kepada mahasiswa sebagai responden pada akhir perkuliahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen, metode uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji-T dengan melakukan uji persyaratan analisis terlebih dahulu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan kombinasi media pembelajaran terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui perhitungan Uji-T yang menghasilkan nilai t hitung sebesar 2,040 yang melebihi nilai t tabel sebesar 1,998 dan P-Value sebesar 0,045 lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi yang telah ditentukan yaitu sebesar 0,05.Kata Kunci: Kombinasi Media Pembelajaran, Minat Belajar ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to know the effect of learning media combination (Microsoft PowerPoint and Ulead Video Studio) toward students interest in learning on Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi course. The population that is used in this research is the 4th semester students of Economic Accounting Education who are joining Teknologi Pembelajaran Akuntansi course. In this research, sampling technique which choosen was Nonprobability Sampling withJenuh Sampling Technique. The determination of the group will be treated experimental and control is conducted randomly. The data that used is primary data which come from distributed questionnaries by researcher to students as respondents when the course ends. This research is quantitative research using experimental methods, statistical methods which used is T-Test with the test requirements prior analysis.The research result shows that learning media combination has effect to students interest in learning. It is shown by t0 = 2,040 which exceed the value of its critical value for 1,998 and P-Value for 0,045 smaller than a predetermined significance level for 0,05

    Penerapan Mind Mapping dengan Media Prezi untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Partisipasi Belajar Akuntansi

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    The purpose of this research is to increase participation and achievement of students in class X accounting at SMK Murni 2 Surakarta by implementing Mind Mapping and accompanied by a media Prezi presentation. The research is Class Action Research (CAR). The experiment was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, acting, observation, dan reflection. The source data came from the teacher, students and collaborator. Data collecting methods are collected through observation, interview, test, and documentation. The validity of data using is member check, tringulasi, expert opinion, and key respondent review. The results showend that the approach through the application Mind Mapping and accompanied by a media Prezi presentation could increase the participation and achieveement of students, seen in (1) Cycel 1 although there were still some shortcomungs, the results are the percentage of the student participation on learning activities rose by 69% and with average scores 63 (2) Cycle 2 which has implemented the use of Prezi presentation and Mind Mapping optimally in order to get the percentage of student participation by 75% and with average scores 75. The conclusions of this study is the application of, Mind Mapping and accompanied by a media Prezi presentation through the use of can increse participation and learning achievement. Keywords. Mind Mapping, Prezi presentation, participation, achievement, accounting

    Hubungan antara Minat Menjadi Guru dan Lingkungan Keluarga dengan Prestasi Belajar

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the correlation between the interest in becoming a teacher and the learning achievement;(2) the correlation between the family environment and the learning achievement; and (3) the correlation of the interest in becoming a teacher and the family environment to the learning achievement. This research used the descriptive quantitative correlational research method. The samples of the research consisted of 59 students. The samples were taken by using the proportionate random sampling technique. The data on the interest in becoming a teacher, the family environment, and the learning achievement were gathered through questionnaire. The data of the research were then analyzed by using the simple correlation analysis and the multiple correlation analysis. Prior to the data analysis, the prerequisite tests were done, which included the normality test, the linearity test, and the multicolinearity test. The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between the interest in becoming a teacher and the learning achievement; (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between the family environment and the learning achievement; and (3) there is a positive and significant correlation of the interest in becoming a teacher and the family environment to the learning achievemen