11 research outputs found

    Mineralogical characteristics of copper flotation products from Cayeli mine, Turkey and their influence to mineral processing

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    peer reviewedThe paper presents mineralogical characteristics and pecularities of minerals distribution in products from Cu cycle of clastic ore mineral processing in Cayeli concentrator, Turkey. Special attention has been drawn to the mineralogical pecularities of sphalerite. The study has covered 16 samples from Cu flotation feed, Cu rougher concentrate, Cu final concentrate and tailing, each sieved in 4 granulometric classes. Significant quantity of sphalerite charactarized by higher amount of Cu and Fe as isomorphic impurities or extemely fine crystals of chalcopyrite are present in the Cu concentrate. Based on the performed studies, an improvement in the processing circuit has been suggested - especially in the grinding and hydrocycloning circuits

    U-Pb dating, Hf isotope characteristics and trace-REE-patterns of zircons from Medet porphyry copper deposit, Bulgaria: Implications for timing, duration and sources of ore-bearing magmatism

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    Precise U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotope compositions and trace element distributions in zircons are combined in the present study to define the timing and sources of the magmatism forming the Medet porphyry copper deposit, Bulgaria. ID-TIMS U–Pb-zircon dating demonstrates that ore-bearing magmatism extended for less than 1.12 Ma. As inferred from the field relationships, it started with the intrusion of a quartz-monzodiorite at 90.59 ± 0.29 Ma followed by granodiorite porphyries at 90.47 ± 0.30 and 90.27 ± 0.60 Ma and by crosscutting aplite dykes at 90.12 ± 0.36 Ma. These units were overprinted by potassic alteration and host economic copper-(Mo–Au) mineralization. The main magmatic–hydrothermal activity ceased after that, and a later quartz-granodiorite porphyry dyke, dated at 89.26 ± 0.32 Ma, only contains an uneconomic quartz–pyrite mineralization. Assimilation of Lower Paleozoic rocks with a mantle to mantle–crust signature is characteristic of the fertile magma in the Medet deposit, as defined by positive ɛ-Hf values of the inherited zircons. The positive Ce-anomalies and the higher Eu/Eu* ratios of the zircons in the mineralized Cretaceous rocks of Medet deposit argue for crystallization from a generally more oxidized magma compared to the later quartz-granodiorite porphyry dyke. A change in paleostress conditions occurred during the intrusion of the Medet pluton and its dykes. The initial stage reveals E–W extension associated with N–S compression, whereas the younger granodiorite dyke was emplaced during subsequent N–S extension. The large-scale switch of the extensional stress regime during the mineralization was favourable for ore deposition by channelling the fluids and increasing the effective permeability

    Novelty-induced emotional arousal modulates cannabinoid effects on recognition memory and adrenocortical activity

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    Item does not contain fulltextAlthough it is well established that cannabinoid drugs can influence cognitive performance, the findings-describing both enhancing and impairing effects-have been ambiguous. Here, we investigated the effects of posttraining systemic administration of the synthetic cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2 (0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg) on short- and long-term retention of object recognition memory under two conditions that differed in their training-associated arousal level. In male Sprague-Dawley rats that were not previously habituated to the experimental context, WIN55,212-2 administered immediately after a 3-min training trial, biphasically impaired retention performance at a 1-h interval. In contrast, WIN55,212-2 enhanced 1-h retention of rats that had received extensive prior habituation to the experimental context. Interestingly, immediate posttraining administration of WIN55,212-2 to non-habituated rats, in doses that impaired 1-h retention, enhanced object recognition performance at a 24-h interval. Posttraining WIN55,212-2 administration to habituated rats did not significantly affect 24-h retention. In light of intimate interactions between cannabinoids and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, we further investigated whether cannabinoid administration might differently influence training-induced glucocorticoid activity in rats in these two habituation conditions. WIN55,212-2 administered after object recognition training elevated plasma corticosterone levels in non-habituated rats whereas it decreased corticosterone levels in habituated rats. Most importantly, following pretreatment with the corticosterone-synthesis inhibitor metyrapone, WIN55,212-2 effects on 1- and 24-h retention of non-habituated rats became similar to those seen in the low-aroused habituated animals, indicating that cannabinoid-induced regulation of adrenocortical activity contributes to the environmentally sensitive effects of systemically administered cannabinoids on short- and long-term retention of object recognition memory