191 research outputs found

    Some New Congruences for l-Regular Partitions Modulo 13, 17, and 23

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    A partition of n is l-regular if none of its parts is divisible by l. Let b l (n) denote the number of l-regular partitions of n. In this paper, using theta function identities due to Ramanujan, we establish some new infinite families of congruences for b l (n) modulo l, where l = 17, 23, and for b 65 (n) modulo 13


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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/1Science is the intellectual process for using complete mental and physical resources available in order to understand, explain, quantitate and predict normal as well as unusual natural phenomena. Rasoushadhis (metallic and mineral preparations) are unique preparations in Ayurveda along with herbal preparations that includes Bhasmas, herbo-mineral preparations, and Kupipakwa Rasayanas. Tal Sindoor, a Kupipakwa Rasayana, is Sagandha (presence of Sulphur), Sagni (processing with heat), Kantastha (near the neck of the bottle) Murchita Parada Yoga. Tal Sindoor has mercury (Parad), sulphur (Gandhak) and arsenic tri sulphide (Haratal) as ingredients. It is indicated in all types of skin disorders (Sarva Kushtahara), skin problems associated with itching (Kandu), vitiated Rakta Dhatu (Rakta dosha hara) and other diseases of infectious origin like Abscess (Vidradhi), Gonorrhoea (Upadamsha), fever (Jwara, Sannipataja Jwara) at 125-250 mg (1-2 Ratti) dose. Anti–microbial activity of Tal Sindoor was conducted to evaluate drug efficacy against bacilli of gram positive, gram negative and fungus as broad spectrum antibiotic. Drug Tal Sindoor was tested in 2 methods i.e. Gradient plate technique and Kirby-bauer method for its anti-microbial activity against 7 micro-organisms. Tal Sindoor is an effective anti-microbial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. But K. pneumoniae and A. Baumannii were resistant to Tal Sindoor like they are with other anti-biotics

    Adenosine deaminase from Plasmodium falciparum as a Potential Drug Target in Anti- Malarial Drug Designing: A Bioinformatic Approach

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    Parasites are responsible for a wide variety of infectious diseases causing an enormous health and economical blight. Malaria is one such prominent disease that causes widespread infections in humans and results in innumerable deaths annually. The development of resistance of the malarial parasites to the conventional drugs has signaled for an urgent need to design new drugs in an effective way and also to identify and study new drug targets to combat this disease. The rational design of a drug is usually based on the biochemical and physiological differences between the pathogen and the host. So in this current study we focus on the striking differences in the purine metabolism of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum and that of the host. Based on this, we submit a hypothesis on targeting a protein Adenosine deaminase that plays an important role in the purine metabolism of the parasite. In this study a synthetic and a natural drug were used and their efficacy was compared and analyzed

    The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA regulates root growth by controlling the size of the root meristem

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    Abstract Background The Arabidopsis thaliana gene SPATULA (SPT), encoding a bHLH transcription factor, was originally identified for its role in pistil development. SPT is necessary for the growth and development of all carpel margin tissues including the style, stigma, septum and transmitting tract. Since then, it has been shown to have pleiotropic roles during development, including restricting the meristematic region of the leaf primordia and cotyledon expansion. Although SPT is expressed in roots, its role in this organ has not been investigated. Results An analysis of embryo and root development showed that loss of SPT function causes an increase in quiescent center size in both the embryonic and postembryonic stem cell niches. In addition, root meristem size is larger due to increased division, which leads to a longer primary root. spt mutants exhibit other pleiotropic developmental phenotypes, including more flowers, shorter internodes and an extended flowering period. Genetic and molecular analysis suggests that SPT regulates cell proliferation in parallel to gibberellic acid as well as affecting auxin accumulation or transport. Conclusions Our data suggest that SPT functions in growth control throughout sporophytic growth of Arabidopsis, but is not necessary for cell fate decisions except during carpel development. SPT functions independently of gibberellic acid during root development, but may play a role in regulating auxin transport or accumulation. Our data suggests that SPT plays a role in control of root growth, similar to its roles in above ground tissues.</p

    Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of the Plant Extracts of Mimosa pudica L. Against Selected Microbes

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    Mimosa pudica L. is a creeping annual or perennial herb. It has been identified as Lajjalu in Ayurveda and has been found to have antiasthmatic, aphrodisiac, analgesic and antidepressant. In the present study the active phytocomponents of Mimosa pudica were revealed using phytochemical analysis. The antimicrobial activity of Mimosa was studied using well diffusion method. The activity was tested against Aspergillus fumigatus, Citrobacter divergens and Klebsiella pneumonia at different concentrations of 50, 100 and 200ÎĽg/disc and the results have been illustrated

    Pox proteomics: mass spectrometry analysis and identification of Vaccinia virion proteins

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    BACKGROUND: Although many vaccinia virus proteins have been identified and studied in detail, only a few studies have attempted a comprehensive survey of the protein composition of the vaccinia virion. These projects have identified the major proteins of the vaccinia virion, but little has been accomplished to identify the unknown or less abundant proteins. Obtaining a detailed knowledge of the viral proteome of vaccinia virus will be important for advancing our understanding of orthopoxvirus biology, and should facilitate the development of effective antiviral drugs and formulation of vaccines. RESULTS: In order to accomplish this task, purified vaccinia virions were fractionated into a soluble protein enriched fraction (membrane proteins and lateral bodies) and an insoluble protein enriched fraction (virion cores). Each of these fractions was subjected to further fractionation by either sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electophoresis, or by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The soluble and insoluble fractions were also analyzed directly with no further separation. The samples were prepared for mass spectrometry analysis by digestion with trypsin. Tryptic digests were analyzed by using either a matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight tandem mass spectrometer, a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer, or a quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometer (the latter two instruments were equipped with electrospray ionization sources). Proteins were identified by searching uninterpreted tandem mass spectra against a vaccinia virus protein database created by our lab and a non-redundant protein database. CONCLUSION: Sixty three vaccinia proteins were identified in the virion particle. The total number of peptides found for each protein ranged from 1 to 62, and the sequence coverage of the proteins ranged from 8.2% to 94.9%. Interestingly, two vaccinia open reading frames were confirmed as being expressed as novel proteins: E6R and L3L

    Student engagement in online learning during COVID-19

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    Online teaching and learning have become the novel norm amidst COVID-19 pandemic crisis across the world. The educational institutions across the world have switched to online mode of instruction to continue to provide education. Thus, research on effectiveness of online teaching and factors affecting the student’s engagement in a virtual classroom has gained importance. Students during pandemic are learning at home and lack motivation and confidence in their academic life. The present study aimed to analyse the student engagement and the factors that affect the student engagement in online learning environment. The study employed a quantitative research design to collect data from 600 students attending online classes in schools and colleges of Bangalore, India. The study found that there is a positive correlation between students’ intrinsic motivation and student engagement. Student engagement increases as the academic pressure or tension decreases. The core findings of the study showed that interest towards learning, perceived competence, and perceived choice of students determines student engagement in online classroom. Almost 33.7 % variance in student engagement is because of students’ intrinsic motivation. Future researchers may explore external factors affecting student engagement. Student engagement is significant for meaningful learning in online learning environment
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