135 research outputs found

    Treatment of intermetatarsal Morton's neuroma with alcohol injection under US guide: 10-month follow-up

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    Mortons neuroma (MN) is a frequent cause of metatarsalgia. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of neuroma alcohol-sclerosing therapy (NAST) under US guide in MN after a 10-month follow-up. Forty intermetatarsal neuromas underwent alcohol-sclerosing therapy after sonographic evaluation of their dimensions and echotexture. After subcutaneous anesthesia, a sclerosing solution composed of anesthetic (carbocaine-adrenaline 70%) and ethylic alcohol (30%) was injected inside the mass under US guidance. The procedure was repeated at intervals of 15 days until the resolution of the symptoms. A total or partial symptomatic relief was obtained in 36 cases (90%). No procedure-related complications were observed. Transitory plantar pain, due to the flogistic reaction induced by the sclerosing solution, occurred in 6 cases (15%). The 10-month follow-up revealed a 20-30% mass volume reduction and an adiposus-like change in echotexture. In the 4 cases (10%) of therapeutic failure, the preliminary sonography demonstrated a hypoechoic echotexture with a strong US beam attenuation corresponding to a highly fibrous neuroma after surgical resection. The NAST is a feasible and cost-efficient procedure with high rates of therapeutic success

    Diffusion-weighted MRI in the evaluation of renal lesions:preliminary results

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capability and the reliability of diffusion-weighted MRI in the evaluation of normal kidney and different renal lesions. 39 patients (10 normal volunteers and 29 patients with known renal lesions) underwent MRI of the kidneys by using a 1.5 T superconducting magnet. Axial fat suppressed turbo spin echo (TSE) T2 and coronal fast field echo (FFE) T1 or TSE T1 weighted images were acquired for each patient. Diffusion-weighted (DW) images were obtained in the axial plane during breath-hold (17 s) with a spin-echo echo planar imaging (SE EPI) single shot sequence (repetition time (TR)52883 ms, echo time (TE)561 ms, flip angle590°), with b value of 500 s mm22. 16 slices were produced with slice thickness of 7 mm and interslice gap of 1 mm. An apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map was obtained at each slice position. The ADC was measured in an approximately 1 cm region of interest (ROI) within the normal renal parenchyma, the detected renal lesions and the collecting system if dilated. ADC values in normal renal parenchyma ranged from 1.7261023 mm2 s21 to 2.6561023 mm2 s21, while ADC values in simple cysts (n513) were higher (2.8761023 mm2 s21 to 4.0061023 mm2 s21). In hydronephrotic kidneys (n56) the ADC values of renal pelvis ranged from 3.3961023 mm2 s21 to 4.0061023 mm2 s21. In cases of pyonephrosis (n53) ADC values of the renal pelvis were found to be lower than those of renal pelvis of hydronephrotic kidneys (0.7761023 mm2 s21 to 1.0761023 mm2 s21). Solid benign and malignant renal tumours (n57) showed ADC values ranging between 1.2861023 mm2 s21 and 1.8361023 mm2 s21. In conclusion diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the kidney seems to be a reliable way to differentiate normal renal parenchyma and different renal diseases. Clinical experience with this method is still preliminary and further studies are required

    Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging of prostate cancer

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    Purpose: To explore the feasibility of 3 T magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and fiber tracking (FT) in patients with prostate cancer. Materials and methods: Thirty consecutive patients (mean age, 62.5 years) with biopsy proven prostate cancer underwent 3 T-MR imaging (MRI) and DTI using a 6-channel external phased-array coil before radical prostatectomy. Regions of interest of 14 pixels were defined in tumors and nonaffected areas in the peripheral zone (PZ) and central gland (CG), according to histopatology after radical prostatectomy. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) values were determined. Differences in mean ADC and FA values among prostate cancer, normal PZ and CG were compared by 2-sided Student t test. The predominant diffusion direction of the prostate anisotropy was color coded on a directionally encoded color (DEC) map. A 3D reconstruction of fiber tract orientations of the whole prostate was determined using the continuous tracking method. The overall image quality for tumor localization and local staging was assessed in retrospective matching with whole-mount section histopathology images. Nodules detected at MRI were classified as matched lesions if tumor presence and extension were evidenced at histopathology. Results: For all the patients, the DTI sequence images were suitable for the evaluation of the zonal anatomy of the prostate gland and the tumor localization. Quantitative evaluation of the regions of interest (ROIs) showed a mean ADC value significantly lower in the peripheral neoplastic area (1.06 0.37 10 3 mm2/s) than in the normal peripheral portion (1.95 0.38 10 3 mm2/s) (P 0.05). The mean FA values calculated in the normal peripheral (0.47 0.04) and central area (0.41 0.08) were very similar (P 0.05). The mean FA values in the neoplastic lesion (0.27 0.05) were significantly lower (P 0.05) than in the normal peripheral area and in the normal central and adenomyomatous area. DEC showed a top-bottom type preferential direction in the peripheral but not in the central area, with the tumor lesions reducing the diffusion coding direction represented as color zones tending toward gray. Tractographic analysis permitted good delineation of the prostate anatomy (capsule outline, peripheral and central area borders) and neoplastic lesion extension and capsule infiltration compared with histopathology. Conclusions: Three tesla DTI of the prostate gland is feasible and has the potential for providing improved diagnostic information

    Study of the susceptibility to benznidazole in a Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from a patient of Mendoza

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    La enfermedad de Chagas es una patología endémica en 21 países de América, transportada a través de migraciones a países no endémicos como Estados Uni-dos y algunos países de Europa, Oceanía y Asia. En Argen-tina, la enfermedad de Chagas afecta de 6 a 8 millones de personas y provoca, en promedio, 12.000 muertes al año. Mendoza es una de las 6 provincias que aún figura con alto riesgo de trasmisión vectorial. Hasta el momento, Benznida-zol (BNZ) y Nifurtimox son las únicas drogas aprobadas para el tratamiento del Chagas. Si bien son muy eficaces para el tratamiento de la infección aguda, existen pocos anteceden-tes del efecto de las mismas en la etapa crónica. Objetivos: estudiar la susceptibilidad de un aislado de T. cruzi de Mendoza (TcM) frente a la droga BNZ comparando con la susceptibilidad de la cepa TcY mantenida en labora-torio, la cual es considerada me-dianamente resistente a la droga BNZ. Nos propusimos estudiar nuevas alternativas para mejorar el trata-miento de la enfermedad mediante el uso combinado de BNZ y otra droga utilizada para el trata-miento del parásito T. brucei, agente etiológico de la tripano-somiasis africana conocida como Eflornitina (DFMO)

    Differences between Proximal versus Distal Intraorbital Optic Nerve Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging Properties in Glaucoma Patients

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    Purpose. To analyze in vivo the diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) properties of the intraorbital optic nerve at two different levels: Proximal to the optic nerve head (ONH) and distal to the ONH at the level of the orbital apex in glaucoma patients. Methods. Twenty-four patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were examined. The categorization into early and severe glaucoma was performed by Hodapp's classification. Fifteen healthy individuals served as controls. DT-MRI was performed with a 3T-MR unit. Results. At early stage mean diffusivity (MD) values were higher at the proximal site with respect to the distal site. On the contrary, a decrease in fractional anisotropy (FA) was observed only relative to patient stage, independent of optic nerve site. Moreover, at early disease stage an increase in overall diffusivities, was evident at the proximal site, whereas at the distal site a decrease of the largest diffusivity and an increase in both the intermediate and smallest diffusivities were observed. FA and MD measured at the proximal site, had, respectively, the highest sensitivity and specificity in discriminating between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. Conclusions. Our study represents the first attempt to evaluate in vivo fiber integrity changes along the optic nerve with DT-MRI. Optic nerve degeneration appears to be a process that affects differently the proximal and the distal segments of the optic nerve. The complementary high sensitivity of FA with the high specificity of MD at the proximal site may provide reliable indexes for the identification of glaucomatous patients at early stages

    Ultrafast Delamination of Graphite into High-Quality Graphene Using Alternating Currents

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    To bridge the gap between laboratory‐scale studies and commercial applications, mass production of high quality graphene is essential. A scalable exfoliation strategy towards the production of graphene sheets is presented that has excellent yield (ca. 75 %, 1–3 layers), low defect density (a C/O ratio of 21.2), great solution‐processability, and outstanding electronic properties (a hole mobility of 430 cm2 V−1 s−1). By applying alternating currents, dual exfoliation at both graphite electrodes enables a high production rate exceeding 20 g h−1 in laboratory tests. As a cathode material for lithium storage, graphene‐wrapped LiFePO4 particles deliver a high capacity of 167 mAh g−1 at 1 C rate after 500 cycles

    Primary post-radiation angiosarcoma of the small bowel. Report of a case and review of the literature

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    Angiosarcomas developing in unusual sites such as the small bowel are rare, and fewer than 65 cases have been reported in the literature. They are not uncommonly associated with a known eliciting factor. Thus, among hitherto described cases of angiosarcoma of the small bowel, 16 were radiation-induced. One additional example of ileal post-irradiation angiosarcoma (PRA) in a 72-year-old female patient with a past history of uterine leiomyosarcoma is herein reported as a reminder of this causal association. The morphologic and immunohistochemical clues leading to the correct diagnosis of PRA of the small bowel and the differential diagnostic problems are discussed; a comprehensive review of the literature has also been performed with a focus on survival

    Interaction of Pelargonium sidoides Compounds with Lactoferrin and SARS-CoV-2: Insights from Molecular Simulations

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    (1) Background: Pelargonium sidoides extracts and lactoferrin are two important natural, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral agents, which can interfere with the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation approaches have been applied to check for the occurrence of interactions of the Pelargonium sidoides compounds with lactoferrin and with SARS-CoV-2 components. (2) Methods: Computational methods have been applied to confirm the hypothesis of a direct interaction between PEL compounds and the lactoferrin protein and between Pelargonium sidoides compounds and SARS-CoV-2 Spike, 3CLPro, RdRp proteins, and membrane. Selected high-score complexes were structurally investigated through classical molecular dynamics simulation, while the interaction energies were evaluated using the molecular mechanics energies combined with generalized Born and surface area continuum solvation method. (3) Results: Computational analyses suggested that Pelargonium sidoides extracts can interact with lactoferrin without altering its structural and dynamical properties. Furthermore, Pelargonium sidoides compounds should have the ability to interfere with the Spike glycoprotein, the 3CLPro, and the lipid membrane, probably affecting the functional properties of the proteins inserted in the double layer. (4) Conclusion: Our findings suggest that Pelargonium sidoides may interfere with the mechanism of infection of SARS-CoV-2, especially in the early stages

    A rare combination of an endocrine tumour of the common bile duct and a follicular lymphoma of the ampulla of Vater: a case report and review of the literature

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    Carcinoid tumours of the common bile duct represent an extremely rare entity. Similarly, primary follicular lymphomas of the ampulla of Vater constitute an infrequent neoplasia. Herein, we report the first case of a synchronous development of a carcinoid tumour of the common bile duct and an ampullary follicular lymphoma that was treated surgically with a Whipple's procedure, due to inability to establish definitive preoperative diagnosis despite the extensive diagnostic investigation